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The Blackstaff's Book of 1000 Spells


The Blackstaff’s Book of 1,000 Spells is the largest compilation of 5E spells ever released, over 300 pages, from the creators behind such titles as Elminster's Guide to Magic, the Player's Companion, Faiths of the Forgotten Realms (I and II), Eberron Archetypes, and the Ravenloft Archetypes series (which Critical Role creator Matt Mercer praised as "Really grand content! Well thought out, well presented, and a fantastic supplement to any campaign... Highly recommended!")

NOTE: This product has also been converted for the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop! Click here to check it out!

The Blackstaff. A legendary archmage, a title passed on as a powerful legacy, and an artifact gifted to the greatest magic-users in the Forgotten Realms. Wizards who have claimed the title of Blackstaff have been able to manipulate time, crush their enemies with a thought, and shatter reality on a whim. Now the secrets of this arcane might can finally be yours with The Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells.

This ancient book of magical secrets and the wisdom of the greatest spellcasters from all the D&D worlds lives up to its name, with over 1,000 spells for every character class, every occasion, and every level of power. In addition, notes from some of D&D greatest spellcasters-- including Mordenkainen, Elminster, Laeral Silverhand, and Acererak-- reveal secrets for making the best use of these new spells, and uncover their connections to the ancient lore of Eberron, Ravenloft, the Forgotten Realms, and other settings. 

Want to terrify your players? Flummox your Dungeon Master? Rediscover spells from every prior edition of Dungeons & Dragons, from the 1970s to 2020? This massive spellbook, years in the making, can help you achieve all this and more. Wanna check it out before you buy? Click the full preview above to get a free excerpt of over 60 pages.

Master spells beyond your wildest imaginings, decipher the true nature of magic, learn from some of the multiverse's greatest wizards, and take your game to the next level with The Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells!


Date Version
6/11/2021 v2.0 Per customer feedback, text has been made fully searchable, copyable, and pasteable. Numerous errors (especially typos listing spells at a different level from their actual description) have been fixed.
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Reviews (17)
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Customer avatar
James V. F June 18, 2024 1:28 am UTC
I had access to the 1.0 version PDF in the past (it seems it is everywhere) and I definitely like the amount of work that you have done to correct most of the errors in that file (mainly the jumbling of columns and all spell name/level-school entries and tables are images). I finally bought my own copy and found the listed issues remaining. I am using Adobe Reader and PDF XChange to read/copy text from the file.

If you attempt to copy some of the class lists (as a whole page), the columns collapse into a mess. There are at least 4 pages where this happens.

Spell names in spell blocks are copyable but do not show up in searches. The class list is fully searchable.

Several spells have spelling disagreements between the spell blocks and those in the class lists:
"Articus's Devolutionary Warrior" (spell block) or "Articus' Devolutionary Warrior" (class list)?
"Breath of the Elements" (spell block) or "Breath of Elements" (class...See more
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James V. F June 19, 2024 5:05 am UTC
Further web research has revealed this on the listed un-classed spells:

Dragon's Breath: Sorcerer, Wizard per XGtE
Summons of Khirad: Warlock
Zeal: Paladin and possibly Cleric

Decelerating Slash is based on a 4e Psionic power of the same name. I can find no spell using this name anywhere but I would guess Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard.
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Atlas W June 08, 2024 2:55 pm UTC
Is there any chance for this getting converted into roll20 ?
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Stevie W September 10, 2023 5:40 pm UTC
What level is Azuth's Spell Shield. It's listed as lv 7 but description says lv 6.
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Heath H November 22, 2024 3:47 am UTC
Hello! Thanks for catching that. It's level 7.

I'm currently working on getting all the errata together and updating the .pdf.
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Stevie W September 07, 2023 5:25 pm UTC
Looking for some clarification on the 7th level Wizard spell Wing Gifting.
Casting time is 1 hour, which is fine.
But duration, instant?
Well, how long does the spell actually last for? To me, instant means "this very moment" which means that the effect is over as soon as it has been cast. Doesn't really make sense.
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Daniel R June 13, 2024 2:02 am UTC
Poking over some items I was considering purchasing, I saw this comment.

If the duration is instant, but the effect isn't a one and done thing, then I assume the effect lasts permanently. For example, the spell Create Magen is an instantaneous duration, but creates a permanent minion.

I'm guessing this spell, going by the name, gives something wings? With an instantaneous duration, I assume that to last permanently. So a 3rd level spell, a racial trait for aarakocra or owlin, or a 14th level subclass ability for dragon sorcerers, depending on how it is written.

Going to assume it has an expensive component that is consumed if this is the case.
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James V. F June 18, 2024 2:02 am UTC
According to RAW, Instantaneous spells are essentially permanent, can't be dispelled shy of a Wish or Miracle to turn back time and interrupt the casting time (casting and saying "Wings be gone", or cutting them off would be simpler). You grow/gain a permanent set of angel-like wings; remember to remove your upper coverings before the wings sprout (riiiiiip). It is unknown if the changes are genetic and can be passed on, but considering the amount of changes that has to be done to a body use them (bone, muscle, neural, tissue interconnections, etc.), it is not outside the range of possibly (can the target be cloned and still have the wings?, it is up to the DM on that issue).
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Sean R July 20, 2023 2:13 pm UTC
The spell "Blast Rod" says to expend charges to make a ranged attack but gives no range for them.
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James V. F June 18, 2024 3:22 am UTC
For Range, 60ft. This spell is based on the third level 3.5 Eberron Artificer Infusion of the same name. And as such when the charges are used up, the rod does not turn to dust - I believe this should apply to the spell's rod component (it is reusable).

There is also another issue.
According to the text, the Duration should be changed to 1 hour since the charges fade after that hour. This is more inline with the original infusion which lasted 10 minutes per caster level (minimum of 50 minutes).
If it remains Instantaneous, the charges should remain until used up.
Up-casting may increase the time (1 hour per slot above 3) and should also be updated to 2 charged per slot above 3rd - reflecting the maximum charges of 10 from the original infusion.

It should be an Artificer only spell.
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Patrick N June 28, 2023 1:47 pm UTC
Helo, looking at your preview, spell doesnt look clickable/Ctrl+f-able, is this truly this way ?
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Peter G November 28, 2022 8:38 pm UTC
I just bought the fantasy grounds version, but it seems to have the errors others have mentioned with some spells. Is it using the old version and not version 2.0?
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marissa W June 23, 2022 4:49 am UTC
is this title ever going to have the corrections in the comments fixed? (and whatever else needs correcting)
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Andrew M June 18, 2022 8:45 pm UTC
I'd like to have a hard copy of this for my players to use during games - am I permitted to print this, or have this printed, for personal use?
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Rob S April 23, 2022 1:28 am UTC
Would really love a hardback copy of this … possible option at some point ?
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Heath H July 07, 2022 2:22 am UTC
POD may be an option at some point. None of us know InDesign, so getting it converted is an expensive option. I'm hoping to learn InDesign soon but haven't had the opportunity yet.

If/When we do launch the book as POD we will definitely let everyone know!!
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Phillip G February 20, 2022 2:58 pm UTC
Bestow Wound - "You use your reaction make a melee spell attack against the creature that made the triggering attack. On a hit, the triggering attack inflicts its damage normally, but you also inflict necrotic damage equal to half the amount of damage the triggering attack inflicted on you."

Should the first sentence be changed to read "You use your reaction to make a melee attack against the creature that made the triggering attack."?

Reason is that you're casting this spell, but the text says to cast another spell ("melee spell attack"). RAW it looks like you're casting 2 spells on one reaction. Changing it to just a melee attack just means this spell adds damage to the physical attack, which is in line with the text of the second sentence.
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Scott B March 24, 2022 6:37 pm UTC
The way I read it, is that you are using a reaction to cast Bestow Wound as a melee attack spell, and if you hit, the triggering attack deals its normal damage, and Bestow Wound inflicts half the damage from that attack as necrotic damage to the triggering attacker. Regardless of whether the Bestow Wound reaction attack hits or misses, the triggering attack deals its normal damage.
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Phillip G February 20, 2022 2:45 pm UTC
Berserker Curse is misspelled on the Bard, Warlock, and Wizard spell lists. It is spelled correctly on the Cleric list.
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Valera G February 01, 2022 9:07 pm UTC
Okay so i found this for any further revision, Sword of Sigils is stated as abjuration under class spells, but as enchantment under its own description
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Scott B March 24, 2022 6:41 pm UTC
Thank you for the feedback, Valera. We'll add that erratum to the list when the next review for revisions comes up. :)
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Chris B December 11, 2021 11:20 pm UTC
I would love for a POD version of this.
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Phillip G December 12, 2021 3:04 pm UTC
They'd need to fix more of the errors, but I'd be curious about this too.
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Scott B March 24, 2022 6:43 pm UTC
Unfortunately, as far as I know, there is a very expensive gateway into the POD arena on this platform; like, prohibitively expensive.
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Phillip G September 19, 2021 12:25 pm UTC
Decelerating Slash isn't on any class's spell list.
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Phillip G December 11, 2021 10:23 pm UTC
Same for Eruption of Earth's Fury
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Phillip G December 12, 2021 3:02 pm UTC
Feat of Magnificence - Should "it treats a roll of 19 or lower on the d20 as a 20." read "it treats a roll of 19 or higher on the d20 as a 20."

Because RAW you treat any roll as a 20 and add 10.
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Phillip G July 24, 2021 12:29 pm UTC
Current 2.0 version has Cobra Strike listed as Cleric 1 and Druid 1 but listed as a 3rd level spell.
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Phillip G July 25, 2021 2:34 pm UTC
Command Minor Beast is in the Bard, Cleric, Druid, and Ranger spell lists as Command Another's Pet.
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