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The Thrro


Playable Cloth Golems! Build-a-Battler!

Ever wanted to be a race of constructs that isn't made of metal? Have you ever wanted to be a comforting sight to your allies but a force of nature to your enemies? Do you want a race that can transform it's body to mix and match to your playstyle?

...Wanna play as Raggedy Ann or Andy?

Then the Thrro might just be what you're looking for!


Along with the base race, this PDF also includes:

-23 Thrro Assembly Traits to make your Thrro unique to your playstyle.

-4 Additional Racial Features

-3 New Weapons: Thrro Pillow, Dart Gun and Pop Gun

-3 New Racial Archetypes including one for Benjamin Huffman's Pugilist!: Toy Soldier, Training Dummy and Blood Doll

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Frost C August 11, 2024 12:09 am UTC
So a quick mechanical question, with Fluff n Stuff combined with Menacing Maw, does that technically make it so whenever you swallow a creature they're now trapped in a bag of holding?
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Cameron D October 25, 2021 10:41 pm UTC
Found a problem in the toy soldier class

Made of Stronger Stuff
After being apart of the Toy Guard for this long, your conduit
cloth has hardened from all the physical truama of the job's
hardships. Starting at 15th level you are no longer vulnerable
to Fire damage and you are immune to Bludgeoning damage.

The problem is the thrro is never mentioned to have any resistances or vulnerabilities before this.

Also there is a spelling mistake.
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Joshua P November 22, 2021 2:10 am UTC
I noticed that too, and while I personally run Thrro with the fire vulnerability to help balance the race out, I would've really have the PDF say so as well
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Jarrod H January 24, 2021 7:39 am UTC
I adore everything about this race, but I had one quick question; in the Try Again section of the Training Dummy class, it says "using them more than once per
combat grants the target an Attack of Opportunity with an on you after you use your ability". Is that meant to say Attack of Opportunity with Advantage?
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Joseph S November 30, 2020 10:30 pm UTC
This race is very cute. I love it.
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D. C April 11, 2020 5:49 am UTC
really love this race, you should make a magma-golen/lava-golem or ice-golem race I have not seen anything like that before.
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Christopher D March 20, 2020 2:51 am UTC
Hey first off I wanna say this is amazing and I love them, but I have a question, the wording on the ability of warm touch has me a little confused, is it a Dc to resist or a opposed roll?
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Christopher Z March 20, 2020 3:48 am UTC
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Christopher F February 19, 2020 7:12 am UTC
Love the product and plan to use it for a character of mine very soon. but two of the things don't seem to match. In one part it says if a Thrro is kept repaired and the conduit cloth maintains them properly and all, they'd be able to effectively live forever, but in the age thing it says they can live up to 500 years if kept in perfect condition. Is this a contradiction or is it just a property of the conduit cloth's magic?
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Renn A February 09, 2020 2:47 am UTC
Hi! I absolutely adore the Thrro you've created here! I'm new to DnD and was wandering how/when the "Additional Racial Features" section applies ? Can I pick them during creation or do they only come into play when using say; the Toy Soldier archetype to get additional Thrro Assembly?

Thankyou for making this and I hope my question makes sense :)
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Christopher Z February 09, 2020 3:26 am UTC
You can take an Addition Racial Features when you level up enough to gain an Ability Score Improvement. Instead of taking say a +2 or a +1 and another +1 in an ability score, you can opt to take one of the Additional Racial Features so long as you met the requirements to get one.
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Renn A February 09, 2020 6:08 am UTC
Ah! I get it now :) thank you so much for your reply!
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Blair R February 02, 2020 7:48 pm UTC
I really like everything the thrro is. its a really cool race that has interesting flavor. one thing i noticed is that the voodoo doll subclass gains a feature at level three when sorcerers normally wouldn't. im assuming it was supposed to be the level 6 ability?
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Christopher Z February 02, 2020 9:11 pm UTC
Nice catch, your right it SHOULD be 6th level, I'll patch that in asap.
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Busty D January 26, 2020 2:00 pm UTC
So cute! Thank you!
I can now fluff my dragon to death!
EDIT: Is there a way you also do some 2D paper minis for your races? i can never find any minis for it haha
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File Last Updated:
November 12, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on January 26, 2020.