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First Adventure - Prima Avventura - Primera Aventura

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 ⭐️⭐️ This is the PDF version of First Adventure. For FANTASY GROUNDS MODULE please CLICK HERE!! ⭐️⭐️


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*Print on Demand available in English ONLY


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  • January 19th, 2020 - Spilled Ale Studios: "First Adventure is a labour of love, and has been crafted with an impressive incredible attention to detail." 15 out of 20! A great hit!
  • Febraury 6th, 2020 - Comics Clerics and Controllers: "I shall make this brief, since I don't want to hinder you from buying this adventure and playing it IMMEDIATLY. (...) Simply laid out, lovingly designed, and true to the core of what makes roleplaying games special..." Nat 20
  • Febraury 13th, 2020 - Nonzerosumgames: "This adventure works well for its intended audience: kids. Leo Benucci shows great promise as a creator and I believe he will wow us in forthcoming productions."
  • Febraury 15th, 2020 - Bob World Builder: "This is a one-of-a-kind module! First Adventure is straight-forward and cinematic, and it includes beautiful handouts, music, and descriptive text -- plus an innovative kid class! This adventure has everything a DM create a fantastic gaming experience for their players!"
  • 3 Aprile 2020 - I Cercatori di Atlantide "Per essere un prodotto homemade il manuale è davvero notevole. Le illustrazioni sono molto azzeccate e ben curate. I colori scelti sono accattivanti, le schede, disegnate apposta per l’occasione, sono molto funzionali."
  • 27 Aprile 2020 - Il Covo dell'Imp: "..un modulo dalla qualità produttiva elevatissima, più che consigliato se volete proporre ai vostri giocatori una one-shot oppure se cercate ispirazione per una prima avventura a partire dalla quale costruire una campagna più complessa e articolata

Six kids, one heartfelt promise, one incredible exploration!

First Adventure is a one-shot designed to be played as a long session of five hours or two shorter sessions of 2-3 hours each.

Keep the promise you made to your dying mother!
Journey to an old, abandoned mine to search for the gateway to the Faerie Realm!
Fail in your first attempt and regroup again 17 years later to keep the promise!

A well balanced mix of exploration, role-playing, riddles, combat and tons of fun suited for both DnD newbies and veterans, kids and adults!

Perfect as one-shot adventure or the beginning of your new, epic campaign.

Included inside:

  • 68 pages booklet

  • 12 full-glory illustrations of adventure locations to make your players dream.

  • 12 beautifully illustrated characters (6 kids plus their adult counterparts).

  • ⭐️NEW!⭐️ 3 FULL-COLOR area maps.

  • 2 mind-blowing post-credit scenes to amaze your players.

  • 1 new legendary magic item: The Flower of a Thousand Colours!

  • Guidelines for implementing kid characters as PCs.

  • Wandering monsters table to keep your PCs on their toes!

  • ⭐️NEW!⭐️ Available in ENGLISH, ITALIANO and SPANISH! *Print on Demand available in English ONLY

  • ⭐️NEW!⭐️ Fantasy Grounds and Fantasy Grounds Unity modules! (english language only, separate purchase HERE)

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Customer avatar
ta P December 07, 2023 9:02 pm UTC
Ciao, è disponibile una versione print friendly (cioè senza sfondo e senza immagini di modo che si possa stampare il testo a casa senza esaurire la stampante?). Grazie
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Leonardo B December 07, 2023 9:25 pm UTC
Ciao! Al momento una versione printer friendly non è disponibile, mi spiace tanto. In futuro forse lo sarà, ma non so dirti quando di preciso, scusami.
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Italo I July 25, 2022 6:15 am UTC
Ciao, fammi capire una cosa scusami, sono 68 pagine e in fase di acquisto scelgo la lingua, o sono 68 pagine divise tra le tre lingue (stile manuale di istruzioni di un elettrodomestico)?
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Leonardo B July 25, 2022 6:25 am UTC
Ciao Italo! Domanda super legittima. Non è un manuale di elettrodomestico ;)
Quando compri l'avventura ricevi tutte e tre le versioni, ita ing e spa, ognuno di circa 68 pagine. Tieni presente che molte delle pagine sono prese dalle illustrazioni che sono riportate a tutta pagina dopo l'avventura. Del resto erano talmente belle che mi sembrava un peccato non renderel godibili a tutti in tutta la loro gloria. Se hai altre domande chiedi pure, sono a disposizione.
Ciao e buona caldissima estate,
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Italo I September 27, 2022 9:27 am UTC
Ciao, grazie del chiarimento.
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Lissa P April 23, 2022 7:05 am UTC
I'm a newbie but my son is interested in D&D (8yo).
I wanted to buy this to play with him to introduce him to D&D. Can it be played with just 2 people or do you need 6?
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Leonardo B April 23, 2022 8:22 am UTC
Ciao Lissa and thank you for the question!
The smallest group I played it was 3 players and 1 DM.
You can sure play it in just two but you need to scale down the difficulty of the encounters and help the players a little bit to make them succeed. If you don't are too strict it should be fine!
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Lissa P April 23, 2022 9:01 am UTC
Great! Many thanks!
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Spencer W February 01, 2022 4:19 pm UTC
I'm SO excited to run this adventure for my brother's bachelor party.
Is there any way that I might get a "print friendly" version of this adventure?
Customer avatar
Leonardo B February 01, 2022 4:37 pm UTC
Ciao Spencer! Thank you for purchasing First Adventure!
I really hope your brother and his friends will enjoy it.
Talking about the printer friendly version, I am working on it right now and a "print to order version" will be ready hopefully in a matter of 2-3 weeks.
I hope this will somehow work for you.

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Andrea M June 23, 2022 7:24 am UTC
Hi there,
I see print version is available, nice! Is there a chance to choose italian version to be printed?

Customer avatar
Leonardo B June 23, 2022 10:59 am UTC
Ciao Andrea, pleased to meet you and thank you for the question.
For now, the printed version is available ONLY IN ENGLISH, I am sorry. To prepare the italian version I must go through a certified proof reader which cost me around 500 dollars... I am sure you can understand it is a big cost for a little market.
If you have any other questions please ask freely.

Have a nice day,

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Shalene C August 31, 2021 1:50 am UTC
Hi! I know this is a huge ask, but is there any chance anyone has made other characters for this set? I am running a group of about 8 kids (It's for an after school program, and we need at least 10 but they're letting it swing with 8) and I really want to use this. I am just unsure of how to invent 2 new characters from scratch. Any tips would be appreciated!
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Leonardo B September 01, 2021 10:24 am UTC
Ciao Shalene and sorry for the late reply!!
To create new kids, roll a normal PC and follow the guidelines on page 25 of the adventure!
If you need extra kid's talents, what about those two?
Alwaysundercover: you can pass unnoticed, as if you were not there. Your next stealth check has advantage.
Dirtytothebone: You did not take a bath in at least 3 months. If you raise your armpits anyone within 5 feet from you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (10 + your constitution modifier) or be incapacitated for one round.

If you have any extra questions just let me know!

Have a nice session,

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Krzysztof B August 09, 2021 2:31 pm UTC
Looks perfect for my kids ;). What's the minimum number of players for this scenario?
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Leonardo B August 09, 2021 2:37 pm UTC
Ciao Krzysztof!
Thank you for showing interest in my little creation!
I played it once with a group of 3 players, but I admit I had to help them a little bit. The best range is 4-6 players.

Remember this adventure works great as the begin of a new campaign and it is perfectly suitable for kids, sure, but also for adults and other goonies-lovers!

If you have any other question please feel free to ask!
Customer avatar
Leonardo B August 09, 2021 2:37 pm UTC
Ciao Krzysztof!
Thank you for showing interest in my little creation!
I played it once with a group of 3 players, but I admit I had to help them a little bit. The best range is 4-6 players.

Remember this adventure works great as the begin of a new campaign and it is perfectly suitable for kids, sure, but also for adults and other goonies-lovers!

If you have any other question please feel free to ask!
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CHRISTIAN G August 03, 2021 2:19 am UTC
I cant wait DM this adventure! I am almost done with all the prep work. Quick question however, would you happen to know if anyone made 3d models of the characters that I could print out of my 3d printer?
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Leonardo B August 03, 2021 4:41 am UTC
Ciao Christian! Holy shoot, this is a GREAT idea!!!! I don't know anyone who made 3d models of the kids, but it could be really great!!!!!
Hope you will enjoy First Adventure!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask anytime!
May the 20 be with you and your group!
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Beatrice N June 04, 2021 6:35 am UTC
Ciao sono nuova nel mondo di D&D e volevo sapere, anche se si potrebbe intuire dal nome, se questa avventura va bene proprio come prima avventura da giocare o se prima mi conviene giocare ad altre avventure.
grazie mille
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Leonardo B June 04, 2021 6:43 am UTC
Ciao Beatrice e grazie della domanda.
L'avventura funziona benissimo per quello scopo, ma non é banale ne noiosa! Di per se sarebbe una avventura singola autoconclusiva, ma tanta gente la utilizza come inizio campagna.
Nel mezzo all'avventura c'è un salto temporale dove i PG, da bambini diventano adulti e si incontrano di nuovo dopo molto tempo, diventando personaggi di livello 5.
Se vuoi usarla come inizio campagna, io consiglio di introdurre i PG di livello 1 dopo il salto temporale e abbassare un pó il mostro finale, togliendogli tutti gli incantesimi.
Se hai altre domande chiedi pure!
Spero ti piaccia!!!
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Leonardo B June 04, 2021 6:43 am UTC
Ciao Beatrice e grazie della domanda.
L'avventura funziona benissimo per quello scopo, ma non é banale ne noiosa! Di per se sarebbe una avventura singola autoconclusiva, ma tanta gente la utilizza come inizio campagna.
Nel mezzo all'avventura c'è un salto temporale dove i PG, da bambini diventano adulti e si incontrano di nuovo dopo molto tempo, diventando personaggi di livello 5.
Se vuoi usarla come inizio campagna, io consiglio di introdurre i PG di livello 1 dopo il salto temporale e abbassare un pó il mostro finale, togliendogli tutti gli incantesimi.
Se hai altre domande chiedi pure!
Spero ti piaccia!!!
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Beatrice N June 04, 2021 8:46 am UTC
grazie mille, non vedo l'ora di provarla!
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DANIEL Y March 13, 2021 3:16 pm UTC
Is there anywhere I can download an empty version of the Character Sheet? I love it, but we're in Brazil and my kids won't be able to play using their sheets in a foreign language, so I would like to make PT-BR versions of them. I'm aware I could use other 5e templates, but this one is so adorable.
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Leonardo B March 13, 2021 3:56 pm UTC
Ciao Daniel.
I will prepare it as soon as I go back home today!
Just give me a couple of hours. It will be completely EMPTY, ok?
Customer avatar
Leonardo B March 13, 2021 5:20 pm UTC
Ciao Daniel, here we go.

Take a look again into the downloadable files. You will fin a "Empty_sheet_Scheda_vuota_Hoja_vacia_1.0.pdf", which is a completely empty PC sheet.

Have a nice day and enjoy First Adventure,

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DANIEL Y March 13, 2021 5:37 pm UTC
Thank you very much.
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Darth S February 06, 2021 10:55 pm UTC
My 10-year-old twin sister DM'ed this as her first module. It was a lot of fun, and we really enjoyed it! The artwork, ideas, and story were awesome. The only problem with this was that the story was too linear. My sister was trying to get us to do the thing that HAD to be done while we were trying to do funny things and things that our characters would do. For example, in the other plane of existence, you need to trust the fairy and do what they say, and let them read your mind. WHY WOULD THE KIDS DO THAT? They meet some rando fairies who want to read their minds, and there is no reason to listen to them at all. If you refuse to let them read your minds(which we did), they just come back in d8 hours in an endless cycle which does not make any sense. If you let them read your mind they disappear and that made me think that they betrayed us, we were going to go to the city (but we were not supposed to) my sister had to improv (on her first module) multiple times to save the adventure such as when she made...See more
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Carlos David E January 30, 2021 7:05 pm UTC
I bough this but it doesnt include the fantasy grounds module that it says. I'm very sad about this.
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Leonardo B January 30, 2021 7:13 pm UTC
Ciao Carlos.
I am sorry you misunderstood the purchase. I will modify the product description entry to make it easier to understand.
Please send me an email to
I will send you a special code to purchase the Fantasy Ground version for free.
Hope this help with your issue.

Have a nice weekend and don't be sad: we will handle this.

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Carlos David E January 30, 2021 11:24 pm UTC
Thank you very much! I already have send you the email.
hace a great weekend!
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Carlos David E January 31, 2021 1:02 am UTC
Can you confirm the email with me please?
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Heather M December 06, 2020 8:04 am UTC
Hi, what level are the adult characters please? Level one?
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Leonardo B December 06, 2020 8:23 am UTC
The adult PGs are all level 5, but you can adjust them as you see fit!
For example, I heard that a lot of people using FA as introductory module to start a new campaign begin with the kids at level 0 and then switch the adults at level 1, adjusting the final encounter accordingly...for sure
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Didier P October 15, 2020 8:03 pm UTC
I would love to buy this for roll20. How should I proceed?
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Leonardo B October 15, 2020 9:05 pm UTC
Ciao Didier!
Unfortunately, there is no roll20 version of First Adventure. If you feel like, you can download the regular pdf version and implement it in roll20 by yourself!
If you need any help, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Have a great day and dnd session,
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Didier P October 16, 2020 3:38 pm UTC
I dont mind doing that work at all, but normally you need a good quality map to put on roll20. If you do make a roll20 version, let me know and I'll instant buy it. :)
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Leonardo B October 17, 2020 6:56 am UTC
Didier, ciao again.
The PDFs provided with First Adventure in the separate download file named "" have a 300dpi definition.
I think it should be enough for roll20, no?
Have a nice weekend,
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Robert N July 01, 2020 1:50 pm UTC
So I am absolutely LOVING this adventure so far. I am in the process of transferring it over to Fantasy Grounds and I am putting in the Flower of a Thousand Colors. It says it requires attunement but does not list what the prerequisite is. Am I missing something? Do I not understand the rules of attunement correctly? Thanks in advance.
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Leonardo B July 01, 2020 2:01 pm UTC
Oh ciao Robert! SO glad you love First Adventure! I love it so much, also! :D
Talking about the FG thing, there is already a FG module of it, do you know it?
Anyway, I think attunement does not require necessarily attunement, or am I missing something, also?
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Robert N July 01, 2020 2:28 pm UTC
Yeah, I missed the Fantasy Grounds version before I purchased the PDF, so now I am stuck transferring it all over lol.
As for attunement, looking more closely it says only certain items need a prerequisite so the flower should only require a short rest focusing on it. Thank you for getting back so quickly.
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Leonardo B July 01, 2020 2:30 pm UTC
Yes, exactly! Tu attune to the flower and get its many benefits, you just need a short rest.
And you know what? NOBODY does it!!!!!!
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Robert N July 01, 2020 2:38 pm UTC
Are you working on any more adventures? I really enjoyed your writing style and I hope to play more games by you.
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Leonardo B July 01, 2020 2:44 pm UTC
Thank you! Many people say my style is by far too detailed and long to read, but I am happy you like it!
I am writing another one-shot right now!
I am trying to write something a little bit darker that you can put everywhere in your campaign just for one session or two, PACKED with cool stuff!
It is going to be called "Aka'ayah's Feather" or "The Feather of Aka'ayah", I am still thinking about it. Stay tuned like the tuna!
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Robert N July 01, 2020 3:47 pm UTC
I LOVE the style. I enjoy all the extra details that I, as a GM/DM, do not have to fill in myself. All the flavor text really helps bring it to life for me.
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Daniel R March 25, 2020 1:06 am UTC
I wish I could copy the maps from the PDF to put into a VTT. Any chance you're planning on putting the maps up for download? :)
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Leonardo B March 25, 2020 7:44 am UTC
Ciao Daniel! THank you for reaching! The maps are currently under a complete overhaul! They will be back in full color and with ANIMATED backgrounds very soon, also available for separate download!!!!! If you are in hurry, just write me again so that I can send you at least the old ones. Have a nice day, Leo.
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Marek A April 02, 2020 3:01 pm UTC
Hi Leonardo,
Would it be possible to get a PDF of the old maps please? I plan on running a game this weekend and could really use them!
Thanks in advance. Marek
Customer avatar
Leonardo B April 02, 2020 3:04 pm UTC
Ciao Marek.
Understood. I will upload the pdf of the old maps right now. Please keep in mind they will be renewed and in full color soon!
Hope it helps.
Please, let me know how the adventure goes this week end!
Hope you will enjoy it!
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Leonardo B March 21, 2020 4:54 pm UTC
Grazie nipotino, è un bel regalo per questi giorni in particolare.
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Leonardo B March 21, 2020 5:19 pm UTC
Grande zio! Sono contento!! Fra le altre cose chiamandoci nella stessa maniera sembra che ci scriviamo e rispondiamo da soli qui dentro!
Un abbraccione e buona lettura!
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