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Eat the Rich | Volume 1Click to magnify
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Eat the Rich | Volume 1


Eat the Rich Anthology

Join the Revolution!

Eat the Rich is a collection of anti-tyranny adventures for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Each original adventure dives into classic D&D tropes, and puts a new spin on them. Tackling issues of workers’ rights, health care, the prison industrial complex, the environment, animal rights, agriculture and more, these adventures will make you passionate to join the revolution. 

Eat the Rich features 17 original adventures for tiers 1-4, in a 213 page colour PDF. Set in the Forgotten Realms, Ravnica, Eberron, or ready to be dropped into your own setting, the anthology features work by a global team of new and established designers and artists. 

Content Warning

While most of these adventures don't come with specific content warnings, it's safe to assume that they will deal with exploitation of workers, marginalized communities, or other people. Many are violent, as is common in fantasy TTRPGs. As always, talk to your group and use appropriate safety tools.


If you are experiencing financial hardship, we have made discounted copies available for you. Please contact us at

An accessible, screen reader friendly, copy will be made available soon. If you’ve already bought a copy, you’ll receive an email when this is available so you can download the accessible version for free. 

Cover art by Gwen Bassett

Featuring Adventures by:

  • Alison Huang
  • Allison Reilly
  • Ashley “Shadowheart” King
  • Ashton Duncan
  • Ben Heisler
  • Brittney Hay
  • Carlos Cisco
  • Christian Eichhorn
  • Gaia Sicolo
  • Joe Sullivan
  • Kale Brown
  • Lena Meier
  • Meghan Kinnett
  • N.K Kratsas
  • Timothy McCown Reynolds
  • Vall Syrene
  • William Allen

Original Interior Art by:

  • Liz Gist
  • Alison Huang
  • Alldrya Blue
  • Amelia Ng
  • Apollo Spiva
  • Arcadius Argyris
  • Cecily Cunningham
  • Corin Kumamoto
  • Ignacio Santander-Alfonso
  • John Latta
  • Joseph C. Weide
  • Julia Jeghers-Elam
  • Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett
  • Missy Weir
  • Phil Jacobson
  • Rowan Lee
  • Timothy McCown Reynolds
Project Management by Cat Evans and Alicia Furness

For questions/media enquiries, contact

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Chris J April 18, 2021 1:49 pm UTC
The irony that the "Eat The Rich" compendium of adventures is among the more expensive paid homebrew adventure compendiums.

Which, is fine. I wouldn't be here except to report that the typography, in trying to emulate punk/phreaker zines from the 80s, is fugly as can be and not very readable. Honestly, you didn't have to format the entire book with that font to invoke the style.
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Manta R July 24, 2020 5:52 am UTC
Hello! I came across this and absolutely love the concept behind about it! After checking out the adventures and everything after purchase, I noticed that the bookmarks aren't really labeled. They all say "Eat The Rich Vol 1 UPDATE March 2020". This can really make it hard to use the bookmark features to navigate things and some of them seem to go into the middle of an adventure. Is there any plans on fixing this?
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Lore E August 16, 2020 12:11 pm UTC
This is fixed!
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Jedd C June 18, 2020 7:57 pm UTC
So excited to run these adventures! Is there an expectation about when we could expect volume 2??? ^___^
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Lore E August 16, 2020 12:13 pm UTC
Hi! Due to the DMs Guild reversing its decision to not allow 'overtly political' content, we shifted to a monthly zine-based format which is released on DriveThru RPG. The first volume came out last month, and issue 2 will be released later this month!
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Christopher B March 15, 2020 2:23 am UTC
This anthology looked very interesting to me when it first came out, but I felt I had already spent a very hefty sum of money making purchases over the past couple of years on DMsGuild, and I made the decision that I should scale back my spending on entertainment. Then, I read some of the hysterical and hostile comments criticizing the product. In addition, I learned the DMsGuild forced the creators to change the product cover and remove the word "anti-capitalist." (And, I understand their policy against overt political messaging, though I think it needs to be adjusted). In truth, I am more conservative on economic issues than the creators and I do not identify as a Socialist, but I also believe it is important to hear views and opinions that differ from your own. Also, I understand the global history of social, political and economic oppression, and I understand why many people are rightfully hostile to unchecked capitalism. So, I am quite happy to purchase this product to support the creators....See more
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Alicia F March 15, 2020 12:07 pm UTC
Thank you for your support! We appreciate it, and we hope you like the book!
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Tyler B March 13, 2020 4:14 pm UTC
Is there a way to get a copy with the original cover?
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Alicia F March 13, 2020 8:39 pm UTC
This product has been updated to comply with DMsGuild policies. We cannot provide Copies of the previous version.
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Edward R March 11, 2020 1:05 am UTC
These comments are ridiculous. Buying this book to support the creators doing something they believe in.
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Andrew W February 24, 2020 9:44 pm UTC
Hi, political scientist here. TL;DR Selling something about socialism, as opposed to giving it away for free, isn't hypocritical. It's fine.

Capitalism and socialism exist on a spectrum. You can have a society that includes both free market economics with social protections and some amount of redistributive policies and programs, such as most OECD countries. The United States, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Japan, and many other countries have some combination of these, albeit with different ratios and different social contexts (e.g. the US is much more racially diverse than most other developed countries). It is not necessarily "capitalist" or "exploitative" to sell a good to members of the public on any given platform. It may be, but isn't necessarily. Depending on the country you and/or the author lives in, there may be taxes, laws, programs, social movements, charities, and organizations involved with your purchase/sale that protect vulnerable populations who may be at risk because...See more
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Vetle B January 08, 2020 2:34 pm UTC
I liked this one quite a lot i look forward to putting some of these encounters into my own campaign.
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Visvesvaran S December 30, 2019 1:35 am UTC
This seems promising. Added to my wishlist. I would love to find a group to play through this with (as a player, not a DM).
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Etana G December 21, 2019 4:54 pm UTC
Ignore the trolls lol. Great book, I look forward to running ALL of these adventures :)
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Chant E December 25, 2019 4:12 pm UTC
Thank you!
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File Last Updated:
August 06, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on November 28, 2019.