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DDAL09-09 Ruined Prospects


Elturel isn’t the only city to have been claimed by Avernus; scores of towns and villages, long forgotten, litter the eternal battlefields. In one such place, a fallen Hellrider remains in stasis,
waiting for the right time to rise and battle evil once more. Has that time come at long last?

A Four to Six-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

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Michael C April 01, 2024 6:06 pm UTC
Purchased by my FLGS for me to run. Was a good time, the group really liked the puzzles, and really had to work during the last combat encounter.
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Matthew H January 29, 2021 3:35 am UTC
Can someone tell me what I'm missing here? The final combat is deadly about 5 times over for the average party the adventure is rated for and that's not even accounting for the added enemies if the party doesn't sneak in. Ultimately the party arrives in a room with no cover, with incoming waves of devils, and no way to run away if they get overwhelmed. The only way to succeed is to kill about 2 levels worth of enemies in one encounter. Unless I'm missing something, I found this extremely disappointing and am shocked that it got approved for AL play.
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Luke B August 14, 2021 9:16 am UTC
I’m wondering if the first two waves of 2 bearded devils (CR3) and 4 barbed devils (CR5) is a misprint, and the barbed devils are supposed to be spined devils (CR2) instead. It would fit the ordering of the later waves (list the fewer, stronger monsters first and the weaker monsters second), and lower the absurd difficulty of the first two waves that result in the encounter snowballing out of control. As-is, a single one of the first two waves is 6700 adjusted XP beyond the deadly encounter threshold of 10500 adjusted XP for an APL 8 group of 5.

As written, you should never run this for a party of less than 5 people. They will get destroyed by the action economy.
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CHRISTOPHER B June 11, 2020 4:49 pm UTC
Ended up running this for my DM as he was not able to make the session.

Using v1.1 version of mod.

on page 9, Property Damage, other than the +$ to hit, it states "If Glanring is reduced to zero hit points, do not roll death
saves: he stabilizes in three turns." What is his HP? I looked over everything and I don't see what his stats are supposed to be.
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Anthony W February 27, 2020 9:14 am UTC
as a player its a nice mutiwave fight easily adaptable by the DM if its going too easy/hard
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Kim S February 14, 2020 9:21 am UTC
Page 6. The description for W4 Armory states that “This small room is accessible from area W2 or area W3” however the map only shows a door accessing the room from W2. I added a secret door to the bottom left of room W3.

Damaged Painting. Characters with a passive Perception of 11 or higher notice the following. This secret door leads to area W4.

You notice a damaged painting, of what you can only assume was one of the previous Lords of Weatherstone Keep, the bottom part of the painting has been shredded by devilish claws but the top third of the picture is somehow still miraculously hanging on the wall. Behind the picture frame is a shallow 2-foot-wide, 5-foot-high indentation.
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Emily H January 29, 2020 2:34 am UTC
Reading over the adventure, and noting some errors, questions, and requested clarifications:
• Page(P).2 This adventure is 4hr + two 2hr bonus objectives, but the text in the Overview (p.2) contradicts this: The adventure is spread over three parts and takes approximately two hours to play. The adventure begins with a Call to Action. It also contains two optional bonus objectives—each taking one additional hour to play.
• P.3 “If they linger too long, a squad of devils (ten merregons and six white abishai) led by Zeliathe (an erinyes) arrives to use the ruined village as a barracks, making it imperative to get inside the keep before they are seen.” Where do these creatures go- is there a specific room? How long is “too long”?
• P.5 “creatueres.” typo
• P.5 Boxed text mentions Lord Vryn and other details, but it is not clear to the DM who this is or what the devils know (should be added to the following What Do They Know? Section)
• P.5 “Missing Hand”: If...See more
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Roger M February 12, 2020 7:09 pm UTC
I assuming the +$ is 4 because that is below the $ sign.
Here is some box text I created so far.
Box text Opening
Yesterday Zhalruban (or her ghost) mention the ruins of Weatherstone Keep and the Hellrider Glanring Ironbelly (a dwarf) being imprisoned at the keep. After talking with the Infernal Information Imp Goo Gal you learned the following. The keep was owned by lawful evil lord name Drysdale the Eighth who made a pact with a powerful pit fiend name Clamp It. The lord sold the souls of his peasants in exchange for wealth and marrying the most beautiful women of the lands. He got his wealth but the marriages did not work out. He was barren and had no heir to inherit his lands or goods. With his dying breath, he cursed Clamp It and the castle. “If I or my heirs cannot have this, no one can.” The keep and part of town was taken to the first level of hell.
W3 page 5 You hear the sounds of various devils partying. The Hall is dimly lit. Smells of rotting food, undead, devil farts,...See more
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January 12, 2020
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