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Root & Twig: A Timber-Themed Class BookletClick to magnify
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Root & Twig: A Timber-Themed Class Booklet

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Strap on your spiked boots, pick up your ration tins and heft your ax on your shoulder as we head deep into the woods with Root & Twig: A Timber Themed Class Booklet. Inspired by Celtic tree divination, as well as the American timber industry of the mid-1800s to early-1900s, Root & Twig is fit to bursting with content. 

11 new subclasses, 1 new class, 3 new eldritch evocations, 1 new warlock pact, and 2 new stat blocks - and with all original art by Pat Maxton and Dante Ezio Cifaldi. In Root & Twig, you will find five-month's hard work to keep this as historically accurate and inspired as possible. You want some flannelpunk gameplay at your table? We got you covered. 

NEW: now with your purchase you also get the Root & Twig Art Book featuring all the original art from the supplement, uncropped and in their full glory! 


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Jacob C December 30, 2023 3:37 am UTC
I really love this supplement! The forester and logger are now two of my favorite 3rd party creations. All of the subclasses have such great flavor and really hits on a specific fantasy that was missing. The only subclass I have any confusion about is the River Driver. It gets features that want good strength, intelligence, charisma, plus dexterity for rogue. What was the main idea driving the mechanics of this subclass and how it would operate in a party?

Also what drove the decision to not give the Dryad Sorcerer it's own additional spells list? I love so much about the subclass in general but just found it odd that it was given access to a couple spells through other features but not a full list.
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Cameron D December 30, 2023 12:14 pm UTC
Thank you for the kind words, Jacob! Root & Twig was one of our very early books, and definitely one of the ones I'm most proud of. It has been a few years since I looked back at it, but the goal behind River Driver was to kind of provide a nice utility niche, someone that could potentially work a little bit at everything. With the Dryad, this was very early in our 5e publishing days, so the prospect of constructing a ton of new original spells was quite daunting and so I focused instead in making sure the flavor was there for everyone.

If you really liked Root & Twig, I recommend checking out our original class the Expeditionary, that I would say is probably in my top 5 of our best designs.

I am curious to hear what you thought of the Garradrugh, as that was our first tike tackling a whole new class build.

Thanks again for the kind words!
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christopher D November 18, 2019 7:10 pm UTC
FYI, the full size preview is returning an error.
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Cameron D November 18, 2019 8:25 pm UTC
Christopher, we just fixed the issue - you should be able to view it now in the full size preview.
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Timon C December 11, 2019 11:05 pm UTC
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March 23, 2020
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