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Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Complete DM's Bundle (maps, guides, cheatsheets and more)Click to magnify
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Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Complete DM's Bundle (maps, guides, cheatsheets and more)


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Advice, maps, cheatsheets, and handouts — EVERYTHING you need to run Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Get all the critically acclaimed and best-selling PDFs, maps, and other resources in a bundle and save more than 33%! Shave time off your preparation and be inspired to create even more memorable game sessions with advice, guides, encounter maps, handouts, cheatsheets and much more!

This download contains the following resources for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

  • Running Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. A 44 page PDF containing guides, suggestions, and troubleshooting for all five chapters, which will help you prepare the most amazing Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus campaign for your players! Also includes 'Avernus as a Sandbox', a complete guide to turning Chapter 3 – Avernus into a sandbox!

  • Magic Items, Monsters, and Handouts. Outfit your players with an array of Infernal Weapons, pit them against a Hellwasp Queen, or let them read Thavius Kreeg's contract for themselves!

  • Monster Stat Blocks. Nearly a hundred pages of monster stat blocks covering chapters 1-4, neatly arranged together on pages, so you don't have to flip through several books at the table.

  • DM's Cheatsheets. Neatly condensed notes of everything in Chapters 2 and 4 for easy use at the table. Also includes an Avernus Cheatsheet, summing up the entire nine hells on a single page, and an Infernal War Machine Cheatsheet to make running infernal war machine combat that much easier!

  • 25+ Encounter Maps. More than two-dozen battlemaps in both DM's and player versions primed for virtual tabletops (including a guide to printing out battlemaps for physical play!). Features both colorized and detailed versions of the official maps, as well as entirely new maps showing locations in Avernus.

  • BONUS! Enhanced Fiends. Get enhanced versions of all the devils and demons in the Monster Manual that will make fiendish combat more exciting and dynamic!

  • A Cold Day in Hell. A 3-6 hour original adventure for a group of adventurers of 7th-level or higher, featuring frosty devils, infernal snow toys, and epic battles.

  • Bitter Rivals. A 3-6 hour original adventure for a group of adventurers of 7th-level or higher, featuring avernian warlords, infernal war machine combat, and an epic heist!

  • Infernal Bounty. A drop-in encounter for 7th-Level or higher parties which pits adventurers against a set of bounty hunters on the plains of Avernus.



A Tale of Two Cities Elturel Has Fallen Avernus Sword of Zariel Escape from Avernus A Cold Day in Hell Bitter Rivals) Infernal Bounty Enhanced Demons Enhanced Devils

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have already purchased one or more of the individual chapter supplements included in this release you can save money by purchasing the rest of the DM's Resources for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus by using this link.



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Dungeon of the Dead Three

Elturel Bridge

Wrecked Flying Fortress



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This monster compendium is part of a series of enhanced monster statblocks and is also included in the Eventyr Games resources for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus.

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Is there any content in here that I wouldn't get if I bought each product individually?

Nope – this bundle includes only the content in each of the published DM's Resources. If we update individual products, we'll also update this bundle.

What if I already purchased some of the items included in the bundle? Do I have to pay for them all over again to get the rest?

Also no! If you have already purchased one or more of the items included in this bundle you can complete your collection using this bundle link instead.

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Customer avatar
Todd W July 20, 2023 11:05 pm UTC
Hi. I'm looking to do chapter 3 as a sandbox. I started with looking at Knucklebone and then it says to run Infernal Bounty after that. The actual module lists doing the encounter with Raggadragga. I do not see that mentioned in the sandbox guide. Where do we fit in the "other" encounters when running as a sandbox?
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Rafael L June 02, 2023 11:17 am UTC
I purchased Descent into AvernusCompete DM Bundle and love it but there is no C3 DM cheatsheet? No cheat sheet for chapter 3 as there is with the other chapters?
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Christian C March 05, 2023 4:27 am UTC
I accidentally bought this twice so I hope it's twice as good as I expect D:
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Eventyr G May 16, 2023 6:29 am UTC
Hi Christian

I hope so too – if you want to get some of your money back or a discount on a similar product, just email at and we'll get you set up :)

Best regards,
J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Tyler G January 14, 2023 7:59 am UTC
Was working on extracting files from this, and files that I had previously been able to open (zipped files for chapter 205, Enhanced Fiends, Cold Day In Hell, Bitter Rivals) during the process suddenly went missing. Any attempts to delete and re-download the zipped file and then extract again showed that the files were all empty after extracting. Any advice on how to resolve this issue?
Customer avatar
Tyler G January 14, 2023 8:19 am UTC
Scratch that, tried it all again on my phone and was able to make it work so it must have been an issue on my end. Great work on all this material, will be a huge help!
Customer avatar
Eventyr G February 01, 2023 7:16 am UTC
Hi Tyler

Sorry for the late reply here, I'm happy you got it to work! :)

Best regards, J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Douglas José S December 21, 2022 1:52 pm UTC
I am about to buy this bundle to help me with the campaing. Does this maps fit in the Roll20 engine? With the scales and proportions?

Hope you guys are doing fine!

Customer avatar
Eventyr G May 16, 2023 6:31 am UTC
Hi Douglas

Very sorry that I'm extremely late with my reply here! It's made to fit pretty well with Roll20, albeit the citadel map in Chapter 2 has been known to have some issues (it's incredibly large), but beyond that, you shouldn't have any issues :)

Best regards,
J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Hunter S November 17, 2022 4:08 pm UTC
Are the infernal weapons meant to be sprinkled in at the DM's choice, or are they included within the other resources as to when the players will come across them?
Customer avatar
Eventyr G May 16, 2023 6:32 am UTC
Hi Hunter

I have no idea how I missed this question, I'm terribly sorry about that. The infernal weapons are referenced throughout the guide but it's always up to the DM when to use them and where to place them :)

Best regards,
J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Scott G October 31, 2022 6:34 pm UTC
So, I am trying to cut up the HUGE maps in Chapter 2 and I find the worst offenders, the High Chapel and the dungeon beneath, cannot be opened by Paint. They also can't be opened by Adobe, which is what the properties says the file was created by. All I can do id open it as a picture and I dont want to waste that much ink. What up?
Customer avatar
Eventyr G May 16, 2023 6:33 am UTC
Hi Scott

That is weird. It's an extremely huge map, so it is known to give some issues. If this question is at all still relevant, shoot me an email at and we'll figure out a solution :)

Best regards,
J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Mark B October 21, 2024 1:18 am UTC
I'm having this problem too. My solution seems to be to open the file in GIMP, select all, copy and paste into Paint, and save it as a new file from there.
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Scott G November 03, 2024 11:49 pm UTC
I wound up using paint to create sections of the chappel instead of trying to print it up. I fudged a few things so I could re use the pieces.
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James H June 23, 2022 1:45 am UTC
I have a question on the Arches of Ulloch. in 00.3.57 Arches of Ulloch it says "In our DM's resources for Chapter 3: Avernus we've written up an extensive encounter for the Arches of Ulloch,"

Except, there is NO write-up for this in the material. I did a search in the material for androsphinx which is what you said would be in the encounter and that does not appear in the material.
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Kaelin P April 24, 2022 6:05 pm UTC
Does this product contain the actual adventure?
Customer avatar
Eventyr G April 25, 2022 6:17 am UTC
Hi Kaelin

No, this is a compendium of resources, advice, and other cool stuff to enhance your BG:DiA experience. The actual adventure you'll have to buy from official sources :)

Best regards,

J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
March 18, 2022 3:24 am UTC
I've noticed several typos in the monster stats. Lulu's hit points and speed are wrong (I had her moving at 30' up until they met Mad Maggie), and the Dao is missing its 1/day spells and maul ability to knock prone. Pretty sure there were other typos too. Need to double-check all those stats.
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Cody K March 10, 2022 4:25 pm UTC
Just purchased to run my in person game and it's AMAZING! Quick clarification question, when following the print out instructions, some of these maps are huge! Any suggestions?
Customer avatar
Eventyr G March 11, 2022 6:51 am UTC
So happy to hear that, Cody!

Unfortunately, that's just the nature of the BG:DIA maps, which have very large dimensions. What we did when printing them out was to crop some of the maps to areas that we knew would actually feature combat (i.e. cropping out a room or a few rooms on a map and then only printing those). I hope that helps any :)

Best regards,
J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
jesus B May 30, 2021 4:08 pm UTC
Great source of material here. Can i do a suggestion? can you change the background of the Complete_DMs_Resources pdf? it's kinda difficult to read since the background is pretty dark and the font is black. Higher contrast would be better
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Bruno C January 24, 2021 4:07 am UTC
Quick question. Are all the maps battlemaps or does it also include area maps and the like, not necessarily bounded to a grid?
Customer avatar
Eventyr G January 24, 2021 11:38 am UTC
Hi Bruno

All included maps are battlemaps :)

Best regards,

J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Bruno C January 24, 2021 5:33 pm UTC
Thank you for the reply :)
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Jacob M November 21, 2020 6:47 pm UTC
I'm having trouble getting the 2nd Chapter files to align with the Roll20 lighting layer! Try as I might, I cannot get the two images to align! I've had some luck with the Vanthampur Villa but these Elturel files are vexing me. Help!
Customer avatar
Eventyr G November 24, 2020 8:59 pm UTC
Hi Jacob

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. It's not the first time I've heard this issue concerning the High Hall map for Roll20. There's some wonky measurements with that one, either on our end or roll20's. I'll take another crack at getting it fixed. Were there any other chapter 2 maps that gave you issues? :)

Best regards,
J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Jacob M December 01, 2020 1:44 am UTC
Hey! Thanks for the reply! It took some doing but I got them to align with some effort. A lot of chapter 2 seemed a little off, especially when it came to existing lighting layers.

Definitely worth the work as the maps and guides are wonderful and very helpful in running the module! Thank you so much for your hard work!
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Tanner P March 07, 2021 8:13 am UTC
How did you get the Vanthampur Villa to align with the Roll20 module? I'm having trouble with the second floor side. The lighting isn't matching up.
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James S November 18, 2020 12:10 am UTC
The bundle contains the wrong read me file.
Incredible bundle doe Holy hell :O
Customer avatar
Eventyr G November 18, 2020 7:51 am UTC
Hi James

I re-added the correct readme file a few days ago. If you downloaded before that, I think you can redownload just the readme file from your Account --> Updated titles. If you downloaded recently (i.e. in the last two days) let me know, then there may be some issue with the files and I'll see what I can do to resolve them! :/

Best regards,

J. A. Valeur
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zac W November 22, 2020 4:30 am UTC
Still has the wrong read me, Its got Rime of the frost maiden.
Customer avatar
Eventyr G November 22, 2020 12:29 pm UTC
Hi James & Zac

I don't know why, but for some reason it wouldn't update the file. I've tried to fix the issue now - the download should now contain readme_bg, which is specifically for Baldur's Gate. I hope it works now!

Best regards,

J. A. Valeur
Customer avatar
Age M November 14, 2020 2:20 pm UTC
The bundle contains the wrong readme file. It has the one for RotFM instead of DiA
Customer avatar
Eventyr G November 15, 2020 7:56 pm UTC
Hi Age

Thanks for letting me know. I've updated it with the correct readme now! :)

Best regards,

J. A. Valeur
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