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Faiths of the Forgotten Realms 2Click to magnify
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Soar into the Heavens! 

Faiths of the Forgotten Realms is back with volume 2!

50 gods have been selected from the various peoples of the realms, including the pantheons of the dragons, drow, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings and orcs. Each has a Deeper Faiths section detailing the religion and character motivations for devoting themselves faithfully to their chosen divine patron. 

Within you will find 100 archetypes spread across all the classes, 105 spells for the faithful, 13 Holy Texts and 22 Magic Items.

So grab your holy symbol and say your prayers... 

The Gods covered in the book include;

Dragon Pantheon: Bahamut & Tiamat

Drow Pantheon: Eilistraee, Ghaunadaur, Kiaransalee, Lolth, Malyk, Selvetarm, Vhaeraun & Zinzerena

Dwarven Pantheon: Abbathor, Berronar Truesilver, Clangeddin, Deep Duerra, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Gorm Gulthyn, Haela Brightaxe, Laduger, arthammor Duin, Moradin, Sharindlar, Thard Harr & Vergadain.

Elven Pantheon: Aerdrie Faenya, Angharradh, Correllon Larethian, Deep Salsheas, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Hanali Celanil, Labelas Enoreth, Rillifane Rallathil, Sehanine Moonbow, Shevarash, Solonor Thelandira & Zandilar

Gnomish Pantheon: Baervan Wildwanderer, Baravar Cloakshadow, Callarduran Smoothhands, Flandal Steelskin & Garl Glittergold.

Halfling Pantheon: Avoreen, Brandobaris, Urogalan & Yondalla

Orcish Pantheon: Bahgtru, Gruumsh, Ilneval & Shargaas  

Dont have Faiths of the Forgotten Realms Volume 1? Find it HERE

Want the FANTASY GROUNDS version? Find it HERE


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Victor G December 07, 2021 11:17 pm UTC
Do you have a bundle with volumes 1 and 2?
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Tyler W October 20, 2021 11:51 pm UTC
So me and my DM were looking for clarification on the Path of Ashes 3rd Lvl Feature

Radiant Soul
At 3rd level, when you use the Attack action while
you are raging, your first strike deals an additional
1d6 radiant damage. If your target is an undead, you
may expend a Hit Die to deal an additional 2d6 radiant
damage. Any undead creature that is reduced to 0 hit
points by this ability, and does not have legendary
resistance, is reduced to ashes and destroyed.

Specifically we were wondering if the last sentence that turns Undead to Ash applied to the attack hit dice or not, or if it only applied to expending the hit dice for extra damage.
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Micah W October 21, 2021 5:11 am UTC
Hi Tyler. The undead turning to ash ability works whether you expend hit dice or not, as long as the creature hits 0 hit points on the attack that deals the radiant damage. The hit dice expenditure is just more likely to make that happen.
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Braxton S September 19, 2020 7:14 pm UTC
Hello, will you add Urdlen to the gnomish pantheon in the future? I have always found Urdlen to be a fascinating deity.
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Micah W September 20, 2020 12:45 am UTC
Hi Braxton. It's certainly a possibility. Its difficult to put everything into one book, so its unlikely to appear in this volume, but we have been discussing further volumes with additional or 'missing' content. For example There was a comment that Bahamut in this book wasn't given a paladin subclass despite being known for the paladin-like ptarian code. This was rectified in Volume 3. I'll add your suggestion to our 'to do' pile, and see if we can add it to a later volume.
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David L May 04, 2021 10:07 pm UTC
Hi Micah. Your 2nd-to-last sentence says, "This was rectified in Volume 3."
I can't find a Volume 3 anywhere. Am I missing something?
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Micah W May 04, 2021 11:02 pm UTC
Hi David. Faiths of the Forgotten Realms 3 is on DMsGuild -
It's a smaller, themed installment (arctic/travel) compared to the other 2
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David L May 05, 2021 1:33 am UTC
I tell you, I searched for "Faiths of the Forgotten Realms" and only volume 1 and 2 showed up. NOW volume 3 (as well as a bunch of other titles) shows up in the results list. I have no idea if something changed, or if I was doing something wrong. Sorry for the (apparently) unnecessary comment! And thanks for the rapid reply!
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Micah W May 05, 2021 2:04 am UTC
All good - I blame the computer gremlins. I swear IT is more magic than science anyway :)
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Daniel H May 17, 2020 12:43 am UTC
Hi great content as always. I had a question regarding Bahamut's Ptarian Conclave. Is the 7th-Level feature supposed to require a reaction? To me it kind of reads like it should, but it doesn't mention it, implying it can be used as frequently as needed. I wanted to know how it was intended to work?
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Micah W May 17, 2020 11:32 am UTC
Hi Daniel. It is intended to require a reaction, but this must have been accidentally omitted from the text. For balance purposes it should be restricted to a reaction, otherwise it opens the ability to abuse when combined with AoE spells, multiple spell casters etc.
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Daniel H May 17, 2020 11:37 am UTC
That makes sense. Thanks for such a fast response!
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Joshua B April 08, 2020 8:18 pm UTC
Does this book include commandments for each of the gods?
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Micah W April 08, 2020 10:11 pm UTC
Hi Joshua. It doesn't include commandments per se. Each god has a short entry on its areas of influence and some information about the clergy, holy days, rites etc. Each is slightly different. The sections give enough so that you have the basis of what the god and faith represent.
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Joshua B April 09, 2020 1:32 am UTC
Ok cool thanks for the info greatly appreciated
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Miles M March 28, 2020 7:32 am UTC
Can you give me a rundown of the difference between the standard hardcover and the premium hardcover?
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Micah W March 28, 2020 7:48 am UTC
Hi Miles. The difference between premium and standard quality (in either hardcover or softcover) is a slight quality upgrade in paper, and a crispness to the print resolution. The standard is perfectly fine, but some of the art may have a slight fuzziness to it which is a quality of the ink/paper combination. The premium is very high quality for a PoD, the images are crisp, and if you place the two side by side you'll really notice the difference. If you wwant a physical play copy standard is fine. If you want to shelve it next to the official books and be comparable, premium is the way to go.
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Charles S March 09, 2020 5:53 pm UTC
Hello, is the Raven Queen in this book?
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Micah W March 09, 2020 9:51 pm UTC
Hi Charles. The Raven Queen doesn't appear in this book. She was not originally a Forgotten Realms god, having been retroactively imported over from the 4th edition Nentir Vale setting. We are considering a third volume for demi-gods and regional gods. If so, she may be considered.
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Nicholas J February 18, 2020 10:09 pm UTC
I love this, but only had one minor disappointment. Bahamut doesn't have a paladin subclass, despite having several references to paladins of Bahamut. If you all ever do an expansion, I'd love to see that subclass added!
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Micah W February 18, 2020 10:46 pm UTC
Hi Nicholas. Thanks for the feedback. Its an interesting point you make. Originally there was a paladin of Bahamut considered, but it didn't make the final book. Most of the deities had between 2-4 archetypes associated with them in conception, which were then pared down to two and developed from there. The two authors for Bahamut - Ryan and Steve - has very strong concepts for the Cleric and Ranger respectively, so those were the ones ultimately developed.
We might one day revisit some of the cut concepts and missed opportunities.
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Kyle H February 17, 2020 7:48 am UTC
Is Ubtao included in this?
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Micah W February 17, 2020 9:06 am UTC
Hi Kyle. Ubtao isn’t represented in this book. The pantheons covered are the Demi-human races. Elves, Drow, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Orcs and Dragons (dragonborn).

We are considering the regional gods and demi-gods as a possible volume 3.
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jakkidi R February 16, 2020 6:48 am UTC
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Callum R January 31, 2020 1:27 am UTC
Heya, does this have many members of the dark seldarine? Just asking because I need some stuff to lorebuild their clergy and stuff but I don’t want to buy this then find out it only has Lolth or something.
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Micah W January 31, 2020 7:13 am UTC
Hi Callum. The Drow Pantheon section includes Eilistraee, Ghaunadaur, Kiaransalee, Lolth, Malyk, Selvetarm, Vhauraun and Zinzerena.
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Callum R February 07, 2020 2:18 am UTC
I am extremely pleased with what I've found, not just in the Dark Seldarine section but also in the Morndinsamman and the others!
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Micah W February 07, 2020 3:17 am UTC
Glad to hear it! Although we simply couldn't include all the non-human gods we tried to give each cultural group a reasonable range of options.
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George K January 20, 2020 2:34 am UTC
What does the "Holy Texts" section comprise of?
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Micah W January 20, 2020 3:59 am UTC
Hi George. The holy texts section includes tailored holy 'books' for a number of faiths that represent the nature of the faith. There are no mechanics, purely background and roleplay flavor for bringing depth to a religion, or using as an adventure hook etc.

An example would be;

Eilistraee: The Veil
The Veil is a weightless, translucent garment similar to a kimono. A close examination indicates musical
notes sewn into the fabric in silver thread – a hidden song. When worn by a creature that dances under a full moon, accompanied by this melody (sung, played, or otherwise) the Veil's trailing edges leave words and images in the air, recounting the history of Eilistraee, her break from the Dark Seldarine and journey to the surface, and her joyous discovery of the moon that became intrinsically woven into her faith. As the dance continues, the Veil displays descriptions and illustrations of the holy rites of the faith, all intricate dances for various ceremonies and purposes....See more
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Callum S January 15, 2020 8:31 pm UTC
Are these 100 archetypes balanced/ play tested?
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Micah W January 15, 2020 9:19 pm UTC
This project took 18 months to complete and every effort was made to balance/playtest the archetypes. Of course this process is by no means perfect, and it's likely that there are some rules/spell/multiclass combinations out there that may be broken. We think the balance falls between PHB and Xanathar's for the archetypes, but even those vary greatly in raw power and situational utility.
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Aaron M January 14, 2020 11:40 pm UTC
I really enjoyed the first one, any plans to port over into FG format?
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Micah W January 14, 2020 11:42 pm UTC
Yes, that is being worked on as we speak
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Micah W January 19, 2020 12:00 pm UTC
The Fantasy Grounds version can be found here -
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Justin M. C January 14, 2020 11:19 pm UTC
With all the respect that I can muster, "It's About Time!" Lol. And I just bought (in hardback) the first one for friends of mine for Xmas. I guess I know what to get them next year!
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Justin M. C January 14, 2020 11:30 pm UTC
The only comment I have (so far, just got into looking at it) is since there are many different types of subclasses in this one and since hte first one only had Cleric, Paladin for each and only 2 Druid circles; maybe you could break the contents down into each God name and which subclasses it has.
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Micah W January 14, 2020 11:42 pm UTC
That's a good suggestion. The contents listing was kept brief, trusting in the bookmarking for navigation on the PDF, but you are correct in that we didn't really address the varying classes issue. We might consider adding a hyperlinked table listed by class as well as deity if we update the PDF.
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Justin M. C January 14, 2020 11:45 pm UTC
That would be amazing and appreciated!
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Justin M. C January 15, 2020 2:46 am UTC
One little nitpick: Did you realize the page numbering is in the center instead of the outer edge?
Really, it is tiny.
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Micah W January 15, 2020 3:53 am UTC
Hi Justin. This might be the settings on your reader program or app.

It should show as the page spreads above indicate. It appears to be on the outer edge for myself and most others I've discussed it with. We'll monitor it. I'd certainly be interested to see if others have this issue.
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Jesse R January 13, 2020 7:05 pm UTC
I had a question regarding the Blessing of Tiamat Paladin ability. It says that you gain the brief ability to fly, but it is for level 15 characters. Why not just allow flight? The level 14 ability for Draconic Sorcerers allows them to summon and remove wings and keep them permanently. I guess this is more of a suggestion for a change, but I was also concerned with the reasoning behind it. Thanks!
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Jesse R January 13, 2020 7:18 pm UTC
Also, I noticed there is an 8th level spell for Tiamat followers, but with only Fighter and Paladin selected for their classes, I could not see a way to ever get the spell. How would one do this?
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Micah W January 13, 2020 9:19 pm UTC
Hi Jesse. The mechanics of the tiamat paladin archetype are centered around temporarily summoning draconic abilities, and it was important to consider these in light of racial variants as none of the archetypes are race locked. Temporary flight was considered less abusable and more in line with balance of a paladin class, which has powerful melee capabilities. As you pointed out, the sorceror ability is 14th level, so the 10th level paladin ability slot - which was where it was decided the ability best fit - would be overpowered if the ability was a permanent one.
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Micah W January 13, 2020 9:21 pm UTC
As for the spells - these are offered to followers of the god, not just the archetypes presented in the book. Full spell casters that follow Tiamat can have access to the spells under her entry - assuming the DM approves ofcourse.
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Jesse R January 13, 2020 9:28 pm UTC
The ability was not put into a 10th level slot, it was a 15th level slot, one level above the sorcerer. At that point, many spellcasters are at the point where they can cast the Wish spell, and sorcerers can still permanently continue to fly. I can understand balance, but by the ability of the Paladin where one would fall before the end of their turn, seems far underpowered for that level. It is much more similar to a jump which would be useless for that level. Even though they are not race locked, some races grant flight even before class is selected. I still hope the flight ability of the Paladin at end game level is at least amended, but thank you for your prompt and courteous response.
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Micah W January 13, 2020 10:19 pm UTC
You are quite correct about the level, apologies. For some reason despite you clearly stating paladin, I instead began to examine the fighter archetype and its selections. The paladin 15th level ability was built with a grouping of powers, and it was determined for balance reasons that none should be made particularly powerful since 3 minor powers would be equivalent to a more advanced one. The designer wanted to address making the paladin more dragon like overall rather than focus on single aspects. Granted its not as powerful as full flight, but it offers tactical advantages such as ignoring difficult terrain or avoiding attacks of opportunity on movement. Its also paired with a very handy tactical knockdown.

That being said, we always appreciate feedback and we'll discuss this and any other suggestions given.
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Jesse R January 13, 2020 11:27 pm UTC
Thank you for your consideration! I was just concerned with that section due to that, and the abilities, although more numerous, are very lower powered, but I can understand more of the design choice than the mechanical. Thanks again!
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