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Bard College of Percussion: Drum Resource for Players and DMsClick to magnify
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Bard College of Percussion: Drum Resource for Players and DMs


"With multiple sub-classes, backgrounds, magic items, NPC's and even a mini-dungeon all working in 'concert' with the theme, the Bard College of Percussion should be the player-class supplement by which all others are judged!"

-RogueWatson, ranked Bard College of Percussion his #5 product of 2020 (SEE REVIEW BELOW!)

"Between the faction, adventure, NPCs, magic items, and video links for each included instrument, this supplement is a fantastic DM resource. All that combined with beautiful imagery and a professional layout, I highly recommend this supplement."  

-Bob World Builder

"The Bard College of Percussion is rated 5 stars and is Highly Recommended for anyone who wants more bardic options, either player or NPC, at their table. With well- designed archetypes, magic items, NPCs and more, there’s something here for everyone. 5/5 Stars"

- Table Top Level Up

"Chad has packed a lot into a relatively short product and at $3.95, it’s a steal. On a page-count basis, that price is about average. But the quality of the content is far above average."

- Nonzerosum Games

The Bard College of Percussion is a bard RESOURCE BOOK that includes the following:

  • 2 New Bard Colleges

  • 3 Unique Backgrounds 

  • 17 Percussion Instruments

  • A Unique Faction: Seekers of Kurtulmak

  • A Lair and Short Adventure

  • 3 NPC Percussionists

  • 12 Original Magical Percussion Instruments

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Reviews (7)
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Chad L January 18, 2020 5:08 pm UTC
This to date is my favorite product that I have made. I tried to add flexibility to both mechanics while keeping roleplaying in mind. As with my other products, I also give the DM some treats in there too: a small adventure, some NPC's that have some hooks for their imaginative goodness. I hope that you consider supporting this product! Thank you!
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Natalie N July 13, 2021 9:34 am UTC
Are you going to have Grim Press or Any Other Way to Convert Your Product on to Fantasy Grounds
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Chad L July 13, 2021 3:28 pm UTC
You know, since you asked I’ll look into that as soon as I get back from out of town. I love this product, and if I need to branch it out to reach more, I sure will!
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Chad L October 03, 2021 6:16 am UTC
By the way... it's live on Fantasy Grounds! Grim Press just completed it a couple weeks ago!
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File Last Updated:
October 14, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on October 14, 2019.