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True Names and True Consequences


Laws of Chaos 04 - True Names and True Consequences

This work takes the existing rules (what little there are) around the use of True Names and fleshes them with new mechanics that can be as complicated as you want, but a simple version is included in this product!

Speak True Name  

If you know the True Name of a target that is capable of hearing you, regardless of language barriers, you can speak their True Name as an action.  The speaker and the target both have consequences.  As a result of speaking, the speaker gains advantage on all attacks or actions against the target until the end of this combat encounter.  The speaker also has resistance or advantage against any attacks or actions from the target during this combat encounter. This assumes that the speaker and target are equivalent in power level.  Speak True Name has a range of 300 feet.  If the target is within 30 feet of the speaker, then this action will work regardless of either speaker or target being silenced or deafened.  If the speaker and target are within 5 feet of each other, then this power can be used in an antimagic field or magic dead area.

If you read that a Demon or Devil could be tricked into giving their True Name to a mortal by a simple charm spell; and you thought that made no sense, then this product is for you!

If you want a stronger occult feel, or real consequences for real power, then this produce is for you!

If you want a ballanced way to introduce the power of True Names into your D&D campaign, then this product is for you.

If you ever looked for a specific mechanism to turn an NPC into a god, or how the ancients could move entire mountains in a day, then this product is for you.

Player:  Golgadinarett did ... what to Cuddles the Paladin?

DM:  It used to power of your paladin's True Name against her.

Player:  ... What does that even mean!?!


DM:  “Your character experiences all of their senses exploding in pure joy and agony simultaneously for the briefest of moments.  Your character feels as if their very soul was pulled taut, and then flicked like a lute string!”

Player:  Oh ... that sounds bad.


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Daniel C December 18, 2020 12:19 am UTC
Updated the product again after some comments about game balance (that were spot on I might add).
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Daniel C January 28, 2020 7:51 pm UTC
Updating this product next. It should be out by the 29th of JAN 2020
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File Last Updated:
December 18, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on September 25, 2019.