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Adaptable NPCs: CalamityClick to magnify
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Adaptable NPCs: Calamity


Dungeon Masters, immerse players in your post-apocalyptic worlds by bringing your non-player characters to life!

The next product in the Adaptable NPCs line, Adaptable NPCs: Calamity contains 41 NPCs with unique statblocks, custom art, and amazingly written lore! They have been crafted with the intention of populating your post-apocalyptic setting, but many would feel right at home in your magitech, technomancy, high-fantasy, or similar worlds. 

Additionally, 5 short adventures have been included. These adventures have been created for Dungeon Masters to introduce their players to some of the Adaptable NPCs with minimal preparation. Each adventure has high-resolution printable battle maps created by Justin Andrew Mason (DM & Player versions are included), an adventure background, a recommend party level, and room descriptions with encounters (both combat and roleplaying) utilizing NPCs from this supplement and the 5e monster manual. Note: The maps have been included as an additional download in a separate .zip file.





The Greasemonkey's Handbook Variant Rules

Many of the non-player characters you will find in Adaptable NPCs: Calamity have also been given variant rules, allowing them to easily be used with the Greasemonkey Handbook! Feel free to populate your steampunk worlds with easy-to-use additions!

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Samuel K January 11, 2020 2:29 am UTC
Would it be possible to include an index of NPCs included by CR on the store listing? It's hard for me to assess how useful this is to a campaign that's in a specific level range if I don't know how many of the 41 NPCs are CR5+, CR 10+, CR14+, etc.

I guess this sort of goes generally for the Adaptable NPCs lineup.
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Trevor A January 11, 2020 3:13 am UTC
Hi Samuel,
Apparently the previews have been acting up on the DMsGuild site-wide. I've refreshed the preview in the hopes of fixing it. In the meantime, I've taken a screenshot of the CR for the NPCs contained within, which you can view by copying this URL and pasting it into your browser:
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Trevor A October 01, 2019 8:58 pm UTC
Adaptable NPCs: Calamity has been updated to v1.1!

Also included are pog tokens for each NPC as an additional download - enjoy!
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File Last Updated:
October 01, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on September 23, 2019.