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Clonker's Guide to Being a Hero


Forgetful wizards and dangerous lasers. A young drow separated from her family, caught between worlds. An owlbear just trying to find mom. A wizarding student and her sabotaged experiment, and a dragon learning to cope with being born different. These stories await you and your young heroes in Clonker’s Guide to Being a Hero.

Extra Life

What Is This Book? This is a collection of five all-ages adventures for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition. Each adventure includes a hand-drawn map and artwork depicting some of its most important characters. Anne Gregersen has also generously donated an introductory chapter from Little Heroes dealing with including young players at your table.

Clonker’s Guide to Being a Hero is also a charitable product. 5% of your purchase is donated directly to Extra Life, a charitable organization that supports children’s hospitals.

Who is Clonker? Clonker is a friendly (if a bit hot-headed) ogre introduced in An Ogre and His Cake, another all-ages adventure. He offers his words of wisdom for young adventurers throughout the book.

Why Children’s Adventures? Dungeon & Dragons has shaped many lives, and we believe that can begin at a young age with stories that resonate with children. In a time when parents struggle to connect with their children over the noise of TV, social media, and other distractions, we hope to help bring you and your loved ones together at the gaming table.

If you don’t have young players at your table, we still encourage you to check out the Full Preview above. Even all-adult gaming groups can use a bit of levity and lighthearted adventure!

Why Is This $15? We feel this collection offers many hours of entertainment for folks of all ages. Additionally, this price ensures that the artists, cartographers, and writers are all paid a fair wage, while still supporting Extra Life.

Trapped in the Mushroom Glade


Owlbear Map

Magic Spoon

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Sean H September 27, 2023 8:16 pm UTC
Do the creators have thoughts on leveling up with any of these adventures? I see suggestions for starting level, but how about advancement within an adventure, or after an adventure?
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Christopher W September 28, 2023 4:36 pm UTC
Hi Sean! First off, thank you for picking up the book and supporting indie creators.

So, none of the adventures were designed specifically with advancement in mind. Getting them there will take a bit of work on your end, but shouldn't be too hard.

If I were running the whole book a loosely connected mini-campaign, I would likely have the PCs advance to level 2 after their first adventure, and again to 3 after their second adventure. This gets everyone (barring multiclasses) to their subclass and a cemented class identity. That leaves you 3 adventures to go—maybe they achieve level 4 by the start of their final adventure.

Once the party hits level 3, a lot of these adventures will feel quite easy from a game challenge point of view. I would recommend adding more enemies and/or increasing HP and damage by a bit. You know your players best and how much they like to interface with harder encounters.

Hope this helped!
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Adelaide A August 09, 2023 11:11 pm UTC
I wish there was a more printer-friendly version.
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Sidney S October 26, 2022 6:34 pm UTC
I play D&D with my daughters (ages 9 and 5) and they love Clonker but I spotted an editing problem in the text. The encounter areas on the maps are numbered (such as from A1 to A9), but the descriptions of the encounter areas in the text are not numbered for a couple of the adventures ("Trapped in the Mushroom Glade" and "Where the Owlbears Are") so it's difficult to figure out where the encounters are supposed to occur on the map.
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Tison H September 06, 2022 8:38 pm UTC
Any plans for this to receive a Print sale as well, like how "An Ogre and his Cake" had?
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Christopher W September 06, 2022 10:10 pm UTC
Hi Tison, and thanks for your interest in Clonker's Guide!

Unfortunately, print on demand options for Dungeon Masters Guild have become much harder over the years. The site administration selects which projects are available for POD, and to my knowledge older products are not eligible.
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Clairissa M June 14, 2022 5:45 pm UTC
Hi! Im thinking about buying this to start playing with my family, do i need to but character sheets and extra dice?
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Christopher W June 14, 2022 8:08 pm UTC
Hi there!

You don't necessarily need those things at all. Here is a free-to-download character sheet I recommend:

You can find all sorts of free dice roller apps online, on the major mobile app stores, etc.

If you aren't familiar with the D&D 5e ruleset you'll need at least the free Basic Rules to get playing:

Hope this helps!
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Mr E December 22, 2021 6:00 am UTC
Would this be ok for young kids (4 years old)?
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Christopher W December 22, 2021 2:49 pm UTC
Hi there!

I mentioned this on your comment for An Ogre and His Cake, but in general I feel it is difficult to give exact age range recommendations: every child and every family is different.

There are a lot of different adventures in this collection, but none of them feature things like graphic violence or horror, sexual themes, or promote "evil" acts like theft, assault, etc.

Hope this helps!
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Michael F April 03, 2021 8:42 pm UTC
Thanks for this great set of adventures! Is there a stat block for Slugnose? (My play group didn't end up fighting them, but I was going to use this as a substitute:
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Christopher W December 28, 2020 5:40 am UTC
Hey everyone!

There was a strange issue where all of my products were pointing to a 'Maps' zip folder from one specific adventure I published and not necessarily the correct one. This has now been fixed.

You should be able to download the new file, '' and find all the maps for this adventure.
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Louis J July 23, 2023 10:57 pm UTC
Hi Christopher, Can you help with the map for Trapped in the Mushroom Glade? I want to try it with my 7 year old boys tomorrow but the map and the adventure don't appear to add up and I can't find any other content anywhere! What do I do?
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Christopher W July 23, 2023 11:20 pm UTC
There should be a separate .jpg available for download that shows he corrected map. Thanks!
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Louis J July 24, 2023 9:31 am UTC
Just found it, amazing thank you so much!
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File Last Updated:
July 23, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on September 16, 2019.