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Mike's free Encounters #1-10Click to magnify

Mike's free Encounters #1-10

Suggested Price $0.99

This combines the first ten encounters of an ongoing series aimed to provide the overworked DM with ready-to run encounters. The PCs have opportunities to face off with worg riders, gnark horses, ghosts, bog witches and more.

The encounters include:

  • History/Background
  • Encounter guide.
  • New Monsters
  • New Spells
  • New Magic Items
  • New Items
  • Color Maps.

The companion ZIP file contains

  • JPEG and Campaign Cartographer versions of maps (with and without grid).
  • Hero Lab files for encounters.
  • Word files of encounters.
  • PDFs of character sheets for the monsters.

The ten collected encounters are:

Mike's Free Encounter #1: Necromancer's Stash

Mike’s Free Encounters #2: Worg Riders

Mike’s Free Encounter #3: Haunted Stones

Mike’s Free Encounter #4: Kobold Emissary

Mike’s Free Encounter #5: Gnark Horse

Mike’s Free Encounter #6: Ghost of Kella Thar

Mike’s Free Encounter #7: Capraemortu

Mike’s Free Encounter #8: Bonewalkers

Mike’s Free Encounter #9: Alena Trel the Eye Piercer

Mike’s Free Encounter #10: The Bog Witch

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Daryl S October 16, 2024 11:31 pm UTC
Hello Michael! First I want to thank you for taking the time to put out all of these awesome products. I am getting ready to start a campaign for my group with the new 2024 PHB and was wondering if you have any details of your homebrew world posted here. You mention in your free adventure packs that they are written for your world setting, but can be placed into any other. I am a long time DM and have created worlds before way back in 1e and 2e but I no longer have the time. One of my players is also a long time DM and I wanted to use a space that is brand new to him so it doesn't feel like the same old thing. I would love any details about your world (world map, prominent locations, gods and followers, factions, etc.) so I can use your 'free adventures' in the setting they were intended for. Is there anything like that posted for use?
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Michael L October 17, 2024 3:03 pm UTC
Thanks for the kind words!
The good news is that there is an abundance of world details, such as the gods, factions and history. The bad news is that the details are scattered about in the free encounters, adventures and sourcebooks. My website does provide some organized links to all this content on DMs Guild:
The Rel (R1-R16) series is a complete campaign and also the setting for Free Encounters 92-115.
I also have two boxes of typed and handwritten content from the 1980s and early 1990s and megabytes of material that was used to run games from 1990-2023 but was never worked into products. I really should do something with all this stuff before time runs out of me. :)
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Jared P December 05, 2020 2:02 am UTC
Do you have Encounter 2?
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Michael L December 07, 2020 5:54 pm UTC
Yes; Free Encounter #2: Worg Riders is in this collection. I also have collections (in groups of 10) for encounters 21-60 here on the Guild. You can also get 1-65 individually here on the Guild.
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Michael L December 27, 2019 7:47 pm UTC
Great! I'll keep making more. :)
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Bettina Z December 25, 2019 2:38 pm UTC
I'm downloading so much for ideas.
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File Last Updated:
September 06, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on September 06, 2019.