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Hidden Cove


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Get Ready for an Adventure!

This 4 hour module takes the characters from a hidden cove near the Moonsea to hidden tunnels leading under the Glacier of the White Worm.  What starts as a recovery mission leads to the uncovering of a much more sinister plot.

Optimized for a group of level 7's (APL 7), this adventure can be adjusted for any Tier 2 party.

Inside you'll find:

  • Three battlemaps
  • Introducing the ice encrusted skeleton, a hardier version of the standard skeleton for colder climates.

Created during the Summer 2019 RPG Writer Workshop.

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Tendrils of Saltmarsh

Tendrils of Saltmarsh is a trilogy of adventures design to help fill in the level gaps left in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh book. They can be run individually or together.  You need not utilize the entire trilogy for the adventure's premises to unfold.

Part 1: Sigurd's Island. This first adventure is APL 6 designed to be run before chapter 6. Part 2: The Serpentine Path. The second adventure is APL 8 designed to run before chapter 7. Part 3: Pinnacle of Power. This final adventure of the trilogy is APL 10 and designed to be run before chapter 8.
Sigurd's Island The Serpentine Path  Coming Soon

About the Author

Chris Valentine lives in the Sonoran Desert, in Phoenix, Arizona. He has been involved with the hobby for over thirty years.  In 2019, he decided to start writing content for his favorite game, and ended up with several bestsellers. He is also a graduate of the RPG Writer Workshop course.

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RatGrrrl G July 31, 2019 8:34 pm UTC
Hi there. I can't seem to download the file. Excited to get to read and play this. Congrats on the adventure and RPG Writer Workshop. All the best :)
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Chris V July 31, 2019 8:42 pm UTC
I'm sorry. I'm unsure why it disappeared but I have re-uploaded it.
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RatGrrrl G July 31, 2019 11:41 pm UTC
No worries. These things happen. Much appreciateed. Hope you have a lovely day :)
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File Last Updated:
August 02, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on July 31, 2019.