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Solo Adventurer's Guide - D&D Solo Engine


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Have you ever imagined being able to play in a unique D&D world that is capable of changing or expanding on its own? Let this guide expand the boundaries of your imagination and discover that it's possible to play "the most popular roleplaying game in the world" without a Dungeon Master. Open your mind and be a "masterplayer". Are you brave enough to face the fate that the dice have in store for you?

by Guilherme Bento

Have you been kicked out of your weekly D&D group because your barbarian with Intelligence = 6 accidentally hit a member of the group? Did your DM cancel the session due to connection problems? Or are you under the influence of the "Lack of Time" spell from the "School of Reality" cast using a spell slot of 4th Level?

And you're still itching to create a character, go into a dungeon, and kick some monster ass? Then Solo D&D might be for you.

It's not fake. You should be thinking, "Man, there's no such thing. A tabletop roleplaying game is a party game..." But ... why not? "Because you need a DM - duh." But what if you didn't need that...?

At the core of the RPG, the Dungeon Master is a player like the others, but with some other duties like controlling and creating the world and everything beyond the players' characters. The DM is the one who defines and describes the scene, then waits for the players' actions, and then reacts to them (or lack of them). But what if this could be simulated, as in single-player electronic RPGs?

This guide introduces a dungeon master emulator that simulates the reactions a DM would give players in a traditional tabletop game and sparks your creativity as if it were a springboard for your imagination, allowing you to create stories, scenarios, and non-player characters (NPCs) in fun, random, and unpredictable ways.

The Solo Adventurer's Guide is everything a player needs to play epic D&D adventures without the presence of a Dungeon Master.

Tags: Solo D&D; Solo Dnd; GMless; DMless; Solo RPG; D&D5e; Dungeons and Dragons; Fifth edition; Solo system; Solo roleplaying; D&D Solo Engine.

Thanks for reading!

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Customer avatar
November 10, 2024 9:49 pm UTC
Still reading through your guide and it's really interesting. But I think there's an error on page 8 at the bottom right. "Example: d20 + 5 = 8 + 3 = 11 (Weak Yes)"

Or at least the formula is displayed in confusing manner. The reader has to guess that the d20 roll is 3+5= 8 and that 8+3 part is adding in the Chaos roll modifier of 3
But, "d20+5=8+3" is confusing because I would expect to read d20+5=8+5 to maintain typical steps in solving math equations. Then, a reader should expect the chaos modifier be added in a next step. Maybe I don't jump to typical D&D math as your written example might expect, but it was hard for me to figure out what you were doing for a bit. I expect all the example roll formulas might be similarly confusing to me.

Also confused on page 9 in 4th paragraph. I could not figure out where you where getting the guidelines on the 7 and 13 rolls, where they indicate a negative or neutral/positive aspect. This rule is not on any...See more
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November 10, 2024 10:02 pm UTC
never mind on the 7 or 13 comment. I see where I was mistaken.
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Guilherme B November 14, 2024 12:29 pm UTC
Hello! Thank you for being so interested and commented!
There is an error, you are right about the example "Example: d20 + 5 = 8 + 3 = 11 (Weak Yes)"
The correct is: "Example: d20 + 3 = 8 + 3 = 11 (Weak Yes)" because the odds are Likely, CL=5 which modifier is +3.
If you have any further questions, feel free to comment!
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Nick F April 28, 2024 10:51 am UTC
Does this help with making dungeons, encounters, and their rewards? I've been on the hunt for an all-in-one and it's been hard to find something perfect for me.
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Guilherme B April 28, 2024 8:22 pm UTC
Hello Nick F, thank you for your comment! You can find all of this in the DMG core book.
Dungeons - DMG pp 99-102 and Appendix A for a random dungeon generator.
Encounters - DMG pp 81-87
Rewards - You can read all the Chapter 7 of DMG.

For additional content you can take a look at XGtE (Xanathar's Guide to Everything):
Encounter Building pp 88-91
Random encounter tables pp 92-110
Magic items - pp 135-144
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elska G April 27, 2024 10:46 pm UTC
I can’t say I don’t regret buying it, full of ai art
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Guilherme B April 28, 2024 8:11 pm UTC
Hello elska G. Thankyou for your comment! Actually this guide does not use any AI art. The arts used are all available for free here at DMsGuild (look for DMs Guild Creator Resource).
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Elena S February 29, 2024 11:04 am UTC
would this book work for solo adventures with a party?

I use DnD as writing tool, and I love writing about characters interactions. So instead of playing a single character, I always come up with 3-4 adventurers. I've tried playing pre-written adventures like Lost Cave of Phandelver with a party of 4, reading the adventure as I go, but I find myself struggling to go on and follow the story, so I was wondering if more of a freeform type of adventure is maybe better for me.

Your book seems exactly like what I need (a way to push an adventure in the direction I want, but keeping the fun of unexpected turns given from tables and random things happening), but most solo tools I've seen are focused on a single character and not parties. And I'm not very good at balancing encounters and levels.

[EDIT] Also, would I need other solo tools to use this? Like for rolling monsters or things like that?
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Guilherme B March 01, 2024 2:38 am UTC
Hello Elena, thank you for your interest!
You are completely correct, this guide has exactly this function of helping a solo player organize the adventure into scenes and then mix things up, adding (or subtracting) elements and random events, making the game both cohesive and unpredictable.
This material can be used both for those who want to play with just one character and for those who want to play with more than one character.
In my experience, playing ready-made adventures solo is a big challenge, as you tend to end up following a predetermined flow and when you get off track it seems like you're lost. Now, with a spontaneous adventure creation, scene by scene, using elements of randomness, you will always have surprises and you will be actively writing your characters' story, without scripting it.
Regarding the requirements to play, you will need the basic D&D books. If you want more practicality, you can use encounter generators, NPC generators, tavern generators, dungeon generators,...See more
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Patrick O September 04, 2022 1:17 pm UTC
How well does this work for adventures based more on intrigue and npcs? I kinda wanna play out a game as like an assassin trying to overthrow a government or something like that.
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Guilherme B September 06, 2022 7:20 pm UTC
Hello, Patrick O. Thank you for your interest!
I'm totally frank when I tell you that I'm not an expert in this genre, but I believe you can use most of the tips contained in the book for your solo RPG sessions with a few small modifications that I suggest below:
1) Neutral and ambiguous events should be more frequent, so whenever you roll 7 or 13 on Oracle Check there is a 4-in-6 chance (or 70% if you prefer to roll 1d100) that a neutral/positive event will occur. (the opposite result means negative event).
2) The distribution of the "Neutral/Positive Event Focus" table would be as follows: 1-3; 4-6; 7-8; 9-12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17-20 keeping the same order of results, just changing their probabilities of occurring.
3) Whenever you roll the "Combat" result, replace it with "A secret is revealed". This is a way to shake up your story without necessarily involving a fight.

In addition to these modifications, I would also suggest that you check out...See more
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Guilherme B April 06, 2022 12:34 pm UTC
New update. Correction of some odd word choices and typos. Thanks to Sir(Meat/Sinew)
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Neil A March 21, 2022 4:27 pm UTC
Just started using this. 1st die roll and scene 1 had to be altered. 2nd die roll caused a negative event to happen - which came up as combat. Said combat lasted 3 A4 pages until it was completed. All of this and only 2 die rolls into my solo adventure, yes I'd say this is worth the money.
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Guilherme B March 21, 2022 5:34 pm UTC
That's great to know!
Thanks for the feedback and I hope your heroes have overcome the combat :)
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keigan W March 01, 2022 12:44 am UTC
Hey! Couldn't help noticing the Spanish version of this product is free, while the English one is 3 dollars. Any reason why that is?
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Guilherme B March 01, 2022 3:48 am UTC
Hello, keigan W, thank you for your interest!
Actually the other version of this material is avaliable under pay what you want and it's is in Portuguese, which is my native language. The difference in price is due to my difficulty with the English language, I had to spend several hours trying to translate the guide and this was a solo job too. ;)
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Jason W January 27, 2022 7:11 pm UTC
I’m looking to return to DnD after years away. Can these rules be adopted to the early 80’s AD&D?
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Guilherme B January 28, 2022 3:28 am UTC
Hello, Jason W. Thank you for your interest!
The Solo Adventurer's Guide was designed and written for D&D5e, but it is perfectly possible to use it with other versions. If you decide to try it, please tell us about your experience with it.
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Jason W January 28, 2022 10:13 am UTC
Thanks for the response and I will keep you posted.
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MAXIM B July 25, 2021 2:24 pm UTC
Hi! Im new to DnD and want to find a way to play it alone. I have a question. Can i apply this system to play official dnd adventures and play them solo? Or is it more suitable as some sort of guidlines for creating your own worlds and adventures?
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Guilherme B July 26, 2021 11:42 am UTC
Hi MAXIM B! Thanks for your interest!
First of all, I'm glad to hear that you are learning about DnD and also how to play alone and that you somehow arrived on this page. The Solo Adventurer's Guide does not propose to explain about the DnD rules, but how to use them to play alone, creating improvised adventures, scene by scene. On the official adventures, there are many ways to deal with this, but simply, I believe you will need to make a decision between two options:
1) read the entire adventure beforehand to know the whole story and all the secrets and plot twists
- pros: experience similar to a DM, improvising scenes in response to the characters' actions, which in most cases are beyond what is expected in the books.
-Cons: The riddles, mysteries and traps will become just rolls of dice to see whether or not the characters can overcome them.
2) read the book as you play the story.
-pros: similar to a player experience, dealing with each new description of the book as if...See more
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MAXIM B July 26, 2021 1:17 pm UTC
Thank you for your answer and for making this guide! I'm currently in the process of reading the essential 5e things - Player's Handbook, DM's Guide and Monster Manual, etc. Once I read them all and digest a bit, I will try to apply Solo Adventurer's Guide approach to playing the adventures solo. I understand that its not a standard way to play DnD, but in my current situation I am not able to play it with others, so I'm very grateful to you for making this Solo Engine. Once I am done with the research and try to play a bit I will get back at you here in the comments if I have any questions regarding the implementation of the system you provided or with my personal experience using it. Once again, thank you very much!
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Guilherme B June 18, 2021 11:32 am UTC
New update. Correction of some grammatical errors and typos.
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Nilton C P June 17, 2021 9:48 pm UTC
Hi, with this book i´ll be able to play the 5e adventures and campaigns books? in exemplo "Out of the Abyss".
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Guilherme B June 17, 2021 10:13 pm UTC
Hello, Nilton. Thank you for your interest!
Where are you from? I had the impression that you are Brazilian, like me, because you wrote "in exemplo".
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Nilton C P June 18, 2021 8:04 pm UTC
Rsrsrsrs...sim sou brasileiro....desculpe, ainda me pergunto pq escrevi em inglês, tendo a versão em português, e vi suas respostas a perguntas em português.
Moro em São Paulo.
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Guilherme B June 18, 2021 8:12 pm UTC
Kkk acontece. Eu ia sugerir para você ver a versão em PT-BR que está em sistema de "pague quanto quiser". Agora sobre a sua questão, sim esse guia deve te ajudar principalmente com algumas dicas. O oráXXX apresentado aqui também pode ser utilizado para improvisação, mas isso vai depender de quanto você pretende estar preso à trilha da aventura oficial. Há ainda um suplemento que escrevi para criação de um herói lendário, que você poderia utilizar para substituir uma party de 4 personagens, caso você não pretenda ter várias fichas para administrar.
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Nilton C P June 18, 2021 8:54 pm UTC
Obrigado Guilherme. Peguei o suplemento tbm, li este, já peguei tbm as regras básicas no site da Wizard, vou ler as regras e voltar a ler este, fiquei um pouco perdido lendo o seu primeiro, mais devido a não entender os modificadores, nunca joguei DnD.
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Jeffrey S October 14, 2020 1:39 pm UTC
Request: Add bookmarks for easy digital navigation.
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Guilherme B October 20, 2020 4:33 am UTC
Accepted request. Thank you for your interest.
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Jeffrey S May 29, 2021 3:34 am UTC
Thank you :)
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James G May 26, 2020 10:56 pm UTC
Is this the same guy who wrote the Mythic Game Master Emulator?
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Guilherme B May 27, 2020 9:43 am UTC
Hello James G. Thank you for your interest!
First of all, thank you very much, it is an honor to be confused with the author of Mythic. Second, it wasn't actually a guy who wrote Mythic, it was a girl. The Solo Adventurer's Guide was based entirely on Mythic, but has significant changes, the main one being the conversion from d100 to "d20 + modifier", as is common in DnD5e.
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Michael S May 20, 2020 6:26 pm UTC
I like the physical look of the guide but will there be a more printer-friendly version made available in the future?
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Guilherme B May 21, 2020 12:30 pm UTC
Hello, Michael S. Thank you for your comment!
Good idea! I will start working on it.
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Guilherme B October 20, 2020 4:33 am UTC
Accepted request. Thank you for your interest.
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Michael S October 21, 2020 6:17 pm UTC
Excellent. Already downloaded and printed it. Thanks.
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charles B May 13, 2020 6:48 am UTC

Can you use this with d&d basic?
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Guilherme B May 13, 2020 11:15 am UTC
Hello, charles B. Thank you for your interest!
The Solo Adventurer's Guide was designed and written for D&D5e, but it is perfectly possible to use it with other versions. If you decide to try it, please tell us about your experience with it.
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charles B May 20, 2020 1:44 am UTC
Will do.
Thank you
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