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Daerdan's Class Feats


One Hundred and One Feats to Further Distinguish Your PC!

Now on Fantasy Grounds!

"A wonderful little gem of a supplement that expands on character development even further with a ton of new creative feats. If you're looking to give your players more individuality and options, both in and out of combat, this is a must have. Brilliant work! - Vall Syrene

Daerdan's Class Feats introduces 101 class-specific feats that provide new playstyles, shore up defenses, expand existing resources!

Average. Each class is represented with at least six feats, with an average of eight per class. Some require a character to be of a specific subclass, whereas others can be taken by any PC of that class.

Design Philosophy. Class Feats is designed around these three principles, tempered with one overlying philosophy: nothing is free. A feat is a hefty cost to an adventurer, but paying that price promises great reward. These principles are:

  • Expansion of class fantasy and fulfillment of niche playstyles: ever hunger to wreak havoc with your fists as a barbarian without a multiclass into monk? Ever want to wield a glaive as a monk, mastering the art of the naginata? For the price of a feat, you can explore playstyles previously impossible to achieve!
  • Patch up preexisting flaws: Too often has someone embraced the Way of the Four Elements monk just to wallow under its high ki costs; too often have Shadow monks gotten lost in magical darkness they themselves created! Meanwhile, berserker barbarians collapse under the draconian rules of their Frenzy and Pact of the Blade warlocks should have gotten that which was so generously given to Hexblades! Many feats in this supplement seek to provide necessary relief to beleaguered and flawed classes and subclasses!
  • Provide additional resources: the ranger cries out for prepared casting! The battle master yearns for additional maneuvers and superiority dice! Bards, sorcerers, warlocks—they all chafe under such a limited spell selection that's already taxed with necessary spells! For the cost of a feat, all these adventurers can add additional resources to their arsenal! 

Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Class Feats references or grants spells found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, thus requiring that supplement to make the most of this product!

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Reviews (7)
Discussions (12)
Customer avatar
Aaron J July 23, 2023 8:19 pm UTC
me and my players absolutely love both of these books and if you could ever so kindly continue making more class feats as we absolutely wish to support you and your creativity. already bought volume two.
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Kyser O January 14, 2021 11:56 pm UTC
These feats are amazing & my players Love them!, I have done some edits to some them, but one I strongly suggest you fix asap, it is a wizard Feat "TAILORED FLESH" it is the ONLY feat that does NOT have an immediate use at level 4, it will function until level 7 of wizard, I think this was a design flaw, I changed mine to give the wizard access to a flameskull familiar with a new list of spells of course...Ironic.

You learned the Dark secret ritual to create a Flameskull as your Servant!
During a long rest you engage in an 8-hour ritual to create a Flameskull, you must expend 100 gp worth of materials.

The Flameskull functions similar to a familiar except it can't be dismissed (it is to proud for such a thing) , you can on each of your turns use a bonus action to mentally command to use an action available to it.

The Flameskull has the below spells available to it and loses Fire ray attack.
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, acid Splash( Fire dmg)...See more
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Zane B June 09, 2020 10:02 am UTC
The DC for the Unhinged Frenzy seems odd. Theoretically if you took the feat after multiclassing into Barbarian it could have meaning, but as the DC is based on the character's own Constitution and Proficiency Bonus then for most characters the DC will just require an 8 on the die no matter what level they are. As such it feels like this one should require just a flat DC so that as characters progress it can make it easier for them to meet the DC or a different calculation that does not rely on them beating their own attributes.
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Matthew R January 23, 2020 6:21 pm UTC
Absolutely in love with this book, and its now a staple of all the campaigns I run. Just a simple question, is there more on the way? Because I honestly can't get enough of this kind of well balanced, well thought out content.
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Wyatt T January 24, 2020 5:06 pm UTC
Thanks for the kind words! Volume II released in December and I'm working on Volume III as we speak. See this link for more!
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Paweł J August 16, 2019 6:52 pm UTC
Very nice feats. Thanks for yor works.

What I do not understand is fighting styles and Dervish.
We all knows that dual welding need fix. Even on first page you wrote that two weapon fighting need fix. But i cannot see how only releasing the bonus action help i.e. fighter with dual welding?
All other fighting styles upgrades look super cool and solid. Like fencer which give +3 dmg per each attack now, and give you a nice opportunity to attack more as reaction now..again with +3 dmg. And you can have shield.... and bonus action still. How you even consider to go dual welding when you can have better offense and defense? Each extra attack fighter have, will only make the difference bigger.
Maybe it would be nice to try adding something to dual welding to show it's the most adaptive style, like second reaction per round with offhand weapon (to use twice per round OA, or Battle Master parry, riposte etc.) like more option with parring, or attacking?
Just seeing other styles...See more
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Joseph P August 08, 2019 6:26 am UTC
Cool feats I’m still kinda new to 5e but i have one question regarding Dervish. Can you use bonus action to make a another attack even the extra attack is part of the same attack. For example if I was a Lvl 4 character with two weapon fighting could i make 3 attacks on my turn or just two attacks with a free bonus action
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Wyatt T August 08, 2019 10:56 pm UTC
No, it saves your bonus action for other purposes. You would take the Attack action and just fold that additional attack from two-weapon fighting into the Attack action without consuming your bonus action.
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Joseph P August 10, 2019 5:35 am UTC
Cool Thank you for the clarification
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Johan F July 29, 2019 1:11 pm UTC
Fantastic book. Well balanced, original and allows players to feel even more heroic!

Just one question though. In warlock feats, you made one for Undying One subclass, but not Raven Queen, even if it s in Xanathar Guide. Is that intended ? One of my players is crying because his class doesn't get a specific feat.

Again, wonderful work, would recommended and will get next one for sure!
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Wyatt T August 04, 2019 12:57 pm UTC
Technically, the Raven Queen counts as a possible Hexblade patron, so the Welcoming Shadows feat is the most appropriate for him. I hope to include more specific patron pacts in Volume 2, such as a Beholder for Great Old One, Juiblex for Fiend, etc. My ideas for Hexblade include Raven Queen and Skull Lords (from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes). Ideally, each Patron-type has at least two sub-Patron types.
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Wyatt T July 25, 2019 6:54 am UTC
1.1 Update
Thank you everyone for the feedback. The following changes have been made in version 1.1. This is a living document that I intend to update as more feedback comes in, so please leave any further comments here.

Advanced Fighting Style (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger). Removed "or a shield" from the feat.

Rage Mage, added that the spells you gain can be concentrated on while raging.

Dirge of Mortality, added duration of "1 hour"
Stolen Esotertica, updated prerequisite as College of Lore bardic college

Catechist, updated additional hit points restored to "half your proficiency bonus, rounded up" to smooth out impact while retaining the same end-math.

Spirit Companion, clarified on the companion's action economy.

Way of the Wasted Monkey, added upcasting the fire breath
Shadow on the Moon, added expeditious retreat to spells....See more
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Wheelercub L July 25, 2019 3:22 pm UTC
Fantastic! Thank you.
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Wheelercub L July 09, 2019 9:48 pm UTC
I really love these feats, and bought the PDF just based on the first section presented. I think they'll fit perfectly into any campaign. So I presented these to my table and the gang had a handful of notes to help balance some of the options or make them more enticing then what they previously were. Let me know what you think.

Everyone was really impressed by these:

• DISCIPLE OF THE HUNT - Yes Yes Yes! I love this so much!
• FISTS OF UNHINGED FURY - I absolutely love this idea. Very cool indeed!
• DANCING STEEL - When reading this, my immediate reaction was to create a College of Swords bard. Really wonderful.
• SWORD AND SORCERY - fantastic!
• WHO NEEDS LAWS? - genius! Would love to see more Battlemaster, Arcane Archer, College of Swords, and other additions via special feats like this.

Tweaks to the existing feats:

• THE DIRGE OF MORTALITY - missing a duration of 1 minute (I...See more
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Wyatt T July 09, 2019 10:58 pm UTC
I wish I had hired you as a playtester.

Thanks for the massive feedback, I will be taking it into consideration for the next round of updates for Class Feats. My initial team consisted myself, and about five or so playtesters (DMs, who then loosed these to their power gamers). Now with community feedback, that pool has grown to a potential of five hundred playtesters.

I'll be back after work to address many of your points one by one.

Also, thank you the suggested feats. Volume 2 will have class-specific weapon feats that interact with particular class abilities. Quarterstaff rogue is one of 'em.
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Wheelercub L July 10, 2019 2:05 pm UTC
Excellent! Let me know if you need help with anything. We're happy to lend a hand.
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Wyatt T July 25, 2019 6:49 am UTC
Thank you for your feedback; I've incorporated several of your suggestions in the 1.1 Update. If you're interested in playtesting Volume 2 of Class Feats as it becomes available, please email me at for a free copy as it comes out!
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Wheelercub L July 25, 2019 3:12 pm UTC
I tried to email you at that address, but it kept coming back as an incorrect gmail account.
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Wyatt T July 26, 2019 12:18 am UTC
Ha, a typo. It's
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Jacob W July 09, 2019 6:17 pm UTC
This is awesome! Is there some sort of Fantasy Grounds extension that adds them to the feats section that I can buy instead?
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Danielle M July 09, 2019 2:44 pm UTC
Wanted to ask if for the Anointed Vessel feat if it was meant to cut the paladin's Channel Divinity to refresh only after long rests or if that's a typo? In Player's Handbook, it says it refreshes on a long or short rest.

Also Holy Touch feels a bit too powerful with how much extra points you get (since at level 4 you may come close to doubling your pool) combined with the bonus action heal; one suggestion my DM and I came up with was maybe scaling the extra healing points to proficiency bonus x4, but keeping the feat the same otherwise.

Really loving these feats otherwise though, they look fun and I hope to use one or two when I play.
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Wyatt T July 09, 2019 10:55 pm UTC
Yes, that's a typo, I must go flagellate my editor now—and then myself.

Thanks for the feedback. I will address Holy Touch again in the second round of updates.
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Benjamin P July 08, 2019 12:19 pm UTC
Liking it all so far. The free Bard spells feell quite powerful, but not overly so.

'Divine Eminence' doesn't have Divine Soul as a prereq.
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Wyatt T July 08, 2019 12:36 pm UTC
Thank you, I've corrected that.
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Wheelercub L July 08, 2019 5:55 pm UTC
I thought so at first too. But when you realize that they still have to spend spell slots or spell points to use them, it feels more balanced.
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