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ANC1 The Anchôromé Campaign Guide


In 1992, TSR released FMQ1 City of Gold, by John Nephew and Jonathan Tweet.  This combination supplement and adventure brought players north of the fabled lands of Maztica to meet the Azuposi and find the aforementioned City of Gold.  The Azuposi themselves were based on the varied Pueblo Native Americans, mixed with a bit of high fantasy. 

This 100 page product is meant to be the spiritual successor of FMQ1.

What has happened to the Azuposi since it was last visited? How did they handle the Spellplague?  What has happened to all of the loose ends City of Gold left open?

Those questions are answered here, but that is by far not all. 

ANC1 The Anchôromé Campaign Guide is also meant to do for this “new” continent what the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide has done for Faerûn.  This is a complete campaign guide, with new classes, subclasses, backgrounds, magic,  magic items and monsters. There is even a short location based adventure that brings back one of the villains from FMQ1 who never got her due. Everything you need to run an entire campaign is here, along with plenty of room for growth. 

Anchôromé is a full continent. While there is no way one book can cover an entire continent in detail, ANC1 sure does try.  The main focus is on the Azuposi and a new race of playable beings known as the Minnenewah.  The Minnenewah blend Indigenous American legends (altered greatly, of course) with high fantasy, creating endless new opportunities for characters and adventure. 

Beyond these two races are the Metahel, a Norse-like culture who are grateful for what their Azuposi allies have taught them of the land. Then there are the inhabitants of Fort Flame who are pretty much the only influence mainland Faerûn has left on this distant land. Bolstered by their new tanarvraki dragonborn allies, the humans of Fort Flame can now hold their own against threats like the creatures of Adusgi Forest and the Poscadari elves. 

There are many others, from the herb obsessed Short Folk halflings to the aarakocra of the west, who may or may not guard the last home of what remains of the aeree.  Could the Creator Race still exist in the northern mountains?  And what of the Ancient Ones and the ruins of Esh Alakar? 

There are of course the Great and Mighty Spirits here too, described in detail. Though not exactly gods, they do grant those who show them respect and beseech them spells on top of invaluable advice, often in person. 

The Thunderbird, White Bison and Red Wolf Unole are three examples of these spirits whom the Minnenewah mostly revere, while the Azuposi sing prayers to the Sun itself along with Masauwu the Skeleton Man and a ton of others. 

Hopefully, the picture painted in this 100 page volume gives a complete representation that can rival much of what exists for players in Faerun proper. Whether Anchorome is a full campaign for you, or a brief stay, everything you need both in lore and crunch can be found here.  Enjoy!

Please Visit the Maztica Alive website for updates, news and everything you need to know about the True World Campaign!

This product is produced by “Maztica Alive!” - a collection of authors, artists, cartographers and others who have come together to expand and recreate the western continent of the Forgotten Realms world of Toril, keeping it in line with canon from all editions.  This continent consists of Anchôromé in the north, Lopango in the south and the well known region of Maztica in between. Many of its inhabitants have come to calling their home the True World.

The Maztica Alive! crew now has over fifty supplements and articles broken down by region or author. The products all complement and remain consistent with one another and in some cases even reach into the planes or the stars.  Each Maztica Alive! product is linked below.

The third letter of each tag determines the type of product available from "C"ampaign guides to "S"upplements, "M"ini supplements and articles or even "A"dventures.

Additional authors will have tagging systems as determined by the author.  If you are interested in becoming part of the Maztica Alive! team, please email Jon Hild at seethe75 on gmail.!


Bundle Cover Bundle Cover Bundle Cover
The Maztica Bundle The Anchôromé Bundle The Lopango Bundle

The Maztica Campaign 




The Anchôromé Campaign

ANC1 The AnchôroméCampaign Guide ANS1 The Land of the Insect Men ANS2 Monsters of Anchorome ANS3 ANS4 ANA1 ANA2 ANA3 ANM1 The Bee Tribe of Anchôromé ANM2 Kci Athussos, The Great Snail Dragon ANM3 ANM4 ANM5 ANM6 ANM6

The Lopango Campaign

ANC1 The AnchôroméCampaign Guide LPS1 LPS2 LPS3 LPM1 LPA2 LPM1 LPM2 LPM2 LPA2 LPM5 LPM6

The Planes and Stars Campaign

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Michael B July 21, 2022 6:21 am UTC
Very interesting sourcebook!

I remember reading in The Grand History of The Realms that the Illuskans who settled Ruathym came from a land to the west. Have you thought adding an Illuskan state or two in North-East Anchorome to explain this? They could perhaps be the survivors of slaves from a ruined Netheril city or something. Also, what lead to the idea to have the Metahel be Nordic-inspired? I thought it would have been more likely they could have been wayward settlers from Kara-Tur.
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Jon H July 21, 2022 10:01 pm UTC
I had always thought they might be of the same stock as the Metahel. I’m still very curious where Nephew and Tweet had in mind (authors of City of Gold) for the Metahel origin, and if there were Illuskan connections.
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Michael B July 22, 2022 6:57 am UTC
Having the Metahel and Illuskans from the same culture would definitely work. There are two large landmasses north of Anchorome that could be the home of the original group. One portion could have sailed south-east, and another south.
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Jon H July 22, 2022 1:26 pm UTC
Yes, I believe it’s called “Aurune” or something similar. Completely worth an investigation or eventual homebrew.
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Michael B July 23, 2022 12:00 pm UTC
Hmm, that could be worth doing! An exploration of how people first got there and what caused a diaspora!

Are you planning on exploring more of the Metahel in general?
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Daniel H February 09, 2022 6:51 pm UTC
This book is great! It's even helped inspire me to create a world of my own based on Pre-Columbian Native American cultures. I just want to know, where do you do your research? I'd like to know so I can help further the development of my own world. If you don't want to tell me that's fine, I just thought I'd ask.
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Jon H February 09, 2022 7:55 pm UTC
Of course I'd share. I'd also love to hear how your world turns out (seethe75 at gmail)! I used a number of sources going down the rabbit hole, including the stories of a friend's elderly father and radnom books I checked out at a local library. However, my main online source was this...

It's not all about languages (though that part is great too). If you start delving into some of the links you can find monsters, myths, etc.
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Daniel H February 09, 2022 8:54 pm UTC
Thank you. I'll let you know how it develops.
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Tony F April 01, 2021 2:03 am UTC
Not bad at all, but I was a little confused by your map. I'm thinking that you need to re-examine your scale: As it stands, that 200-mile max on your scale means that the whole of Anchorome, a continent that's supposed to be analogous to North America, is only the size of Alaska. Problem is, any world maps that show Toril indicate that Anchorome is roughly the same size as Faerun (even if the vast majority of them are fan-made) especially when you include those two huge (albeit disconnected) landmasses to the north and southwest of the primary continent. When you consider that the Sword Coast alone is roughly fifteen hundred miles in length then I'm thinking Anchorome might have been short-changed a little bit. Speaking of those disconnected landmasses, do you have any plans for them? Maybe something Inuit-inspired for the northern one, and Hawaiian (with a dash of Easter Island) for the southwest? Perhaps something altogether different, like a secretly hyper-advanced culture nobody knows about?
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Jon H April 01, 2021 4:14 am UTC
It looks like it’s high time Anchorome gets a bit of an update. I’m wondering if a simple change in scale will fix this or if an entire new map is in order. Either way, I greatly appreciate this catch.

As far as the other land masses are concerned, I definitely have thoughts about them, and as you say it would certainly be “something different.” Thoughts include the final home of the remaining aearee or even the predecessors of the Metahel. Currently, I’ve switched focus to the far southern continent of Lopango, but will be back up in Anchorome soon (particularly with an update).

Again, thank you for catching this.
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Mark B March 27, 2021 9:46 pm UTC
one thing i don't understand, why is the barbarian tortoise totem useless? it gives a barbarian resistance to piecing and slashing while raging, but barbarians already gain that feature by default. is there a particular reason for this?
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Jon H March 28, 2021 1:42 pm UTC
Good catch, thank you. Will have to work in an alternative in an update. There are a couple of alternatives I can think of already but will need to do some playtesting.
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Jonathon C July 16, 2020 10:55 am UTC
This book and its follow ups really impressed me - any thoughts on where you'll be taking your efforts next? More supplements for Anchorome? Maybe fleshing out some more of the never-touched non-European-inspired regions of the Forgotten Realms?
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Jon H July 16, 2020 12:54 pm UTC
Hi there! First off I really want to thank you again for your reviews. They were lovely and heartfelt. I appreciate them beyond compare.

But to answer your question, I have a half dozen or so projects in the works all in a variety of states of completion. For Anchorome, I have envisioned the northwest untouched region the last refuge of the aearee (progenitors of the aarakocra) and have looked to expanding there. There is a Minnenewah tribal supplement (a small one) I’m thinking of continuing too considering it’s only in note form at the moment. I’m also delving into the planes and giving the Spirit Realm some additional form. Esh Alakar has always been a “mega dungeon” eventual goal but I’ve been waiting for an official spellweaver update before I tackle that concept since they feature so prominently.

That is just my Anchorome plans. I desperately need to redo the Inca-inspired Lopango and have some other Maztican products in the works. In my quest to hit places no one...See more
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Stephanie S January 31, 2020 5:44 pm UTC
This book looks fantastic! Before buying it, I was just wondering if there are any plans for a POD version? I always prefer physical copies when possible.
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Jon H January 31, 2020 10:09 pm UTC
I actually do to and I was dying to get this one POD. Alas, I emailed DMsGuild to look into the process and was flatly rejected. I’m currently in the process of getting my own copy made for personal use using lulu, but I don’t believe I’ll be able to get it done through DMsGuild unless they change their minds. Hope they’re listening!
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Josh S October 21, 2021 6:12 pm UTC
Hi Jon, have you tried to ask them again recently? I've heard that they'll do POD now for high selling products only? Perhaps yours might fit the bill now?
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Thomas W June 19, 2019 2:04 am UTC
How much of the setting information is "timeline neutral"? I tend to run FR campaign without the spellplague, the sundering, or other major setting changes. Does a significant part of the lore and plot hooks assume the spellplague and other major 4e/5e setting changes?
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Jon H June 19, 2019 10:02 am UTC
That's a very good question. The guide is set post Sundering and intended to be set in the current year, however, other than to the inhabitants of Fort Flame - who are truly a minor player in the book, life has not been changed all that greatly. There are also occasional references to dragon attacks that occurred while Anchorome was part of Abeir, but they are minimal. I have left as much of the 4e era vague with the possible intention of adding an additional supplement to fill in the small gaps in the future. In short, the vast majority of this book (other than using 5e rules exclusively) is era neutral. I hope that answers your question properly.
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