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5th Edition Solo Rules 'Solo Adventures'


Right from the beginning, there have been rules for solo playing D&D. These rules are intentionally faster and lighter than others available in the DMs Guild.

These are not the first solo rules for Dungeons and Dragons. There have been solo play rules build into the game right from the first edition.

For a genuine DM free role-playing experience though you need some additional assistance, more than just random rooms and corridors.

These are not the only solo rules available. The granddaddy of them all is the Mythic Game Master Emulator (GME). All solo role playing games owe some small debt to Mythic’s GME. An alternative is 5E Solo Gamebooks The Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox. That gives you nearly 170 pages of rules and tables of D&D specific solo role play tools.

These rules are different but if you have the Adventurers Toolbox and you like it then you do not need this book.

The thing that makes this set of solo rules different is that I find too many tables and too many dice rolls break the suspension of disbelief. For me, the story is more important the scrolling through hundreds of pages for the right table.





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Guilherme B March 04, 2022 5:24 pm UTC
Hello Peter, you need to update this page. Props to you, now you are Best Gold Seller! =]
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Peter R March 04, 2022 6:38 pm UTC
Cool, thanks! I hadn't noticed. I need to update my cover :)
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May 03, 2020 11:01 pm UTC
Hello Peter, I am a fellow solo roleplayer and I bought some of your rules. This product and the one for SWN. One thing is not stated anywhere and that is the type of die you roll for closed questions when you consult the oracle. I am assuming a d20 but it is not specifically mentioned. Thanks for a quick reply and happy gaming.
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Peter R May 04, 2020 9:46 am UTC
The Simple Questions tool uses 3d6, NPCs are 1d6, Inspiration is 1d12 followed by 1d100, or 2d100.
Scenes give you the choice of either 2d100 for Game Icons or 1d12 plus 1d100 for words.
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Peter R May 04, 2020 9:58 am UTC
I have just updated the file to answer your question explicitly in the booklet.

Thank you for asking it. Without feedback, it is harder to continuously improve the book.
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File Last Updated:
May 04, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on May 10, 2019.