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Brawler A Path for BarbariansClick to magnify

Brawler A Path for Barbarians




To enter the rush of combat is a love that almost all barbarians thirst for. Whether they’re crushing a goblin’s skull with a maul, splitting a kobold in twain with a greataxe, or piercing a mighty lion with a spear, they all have the drive and certainly the means to conquer their foe.

However, here are many barbarian cultures who believe the best way to sate their thirst is to engage their foe with their bare hands. The feeling of a crushing skull under their knuckles or a broken rib under their feet nearly brings them to ecstasy.

This path was designed with a more support style of play than we traditionally see from the barbarians. Using your action to grapple and knock enemies prone, allows the brawler to help gain their allies the upper hand, and help prevent those enemies from attacking weaker allies...all the while pummeling their foes with a boot stomps to gut and headbutts to the face.


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Reviews (3)
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April 13th, 2019
This is a fun subclass that provides some extra usefulness to a barbarian who wants to focus on crowd control or impeding enemies. Most of the class centers around grappling, turning the mechanic into a useful tool that can lock down opponents. [...]
April 13th, 2019
Really fun build. Made a Goliath brawler for a 1 shot and had way too much fun jumping on guys and locking them down on the ground. Grapple, prone, punch, and repeat. I want to try a Simic Brawler with grapple arms next for some really crazy 3-4 ene [...]
April 13th, 2019
Loved this product. The Cover art is amazing and the features are slick and simplistic and fits the theme perfect. Being able to grapple enemies and still get a quick blow in is fantastic. As I have only read the features and not put it into play yet. [...]
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File Last Updated:
April 11, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on April 12, 2019.