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Book of Vile Vices


Book of Vile Vices

Every big city worthy of its name has a dark underbelly. A parallel society, where the rules are different, the morals are muddled, the laughter is louder and the desperation is deeper. Where one can indulge in the sort of things, the other society likes to pretend doesn't exist. Where those who are ready to put everything on the line can find pleasure, wealth and power – if they don't lose themselves in the pursuit

This document contains:

  • 7 Illegal Substances – Complete rules and descriptions for Dawnflower, Faerzress Fungi, Illithid's Kiss, Mistleaf, Rot, Sight and Spelldust – unique illegal substances, that'll entice – but also challenge – your player characters*.
  • 5 Betting Games – Detailed rules for Dragonchess, Loremaster, Kobold's Knuckles, Sava and Three-Dragon Ante – exciting betting games that'll ensure a fun evening for risk-willing characters!

Sample Pages

IndexPage 2Page 45

*Disclaimer: As someone who's experienced first-hand the harm to both people and families substance abuse can cause, it's important for me to emphasize that this document is not meant to glorify or trivialize addiction or drug use. I feel strongly that there's a way to explore hard topics through roleplay – just as we might deal with violence, death, romance, etc. – in a safe way, without causing harm to anyone. That being said, these rules are not for everyone or for every table. Be mindful that while introducing drugs and gambling to a D&D-game might seem like innocent fun to you, it could possibly make other people uncomfortable. Please make sure that everyone at your table is comfortable exploring these sensitive topics before using this product.

Eventyr Games

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Robert B January 20, 2020 12:40 am UTC
Any chance you could adapt this to FG (Fantasy Grounds)?
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Tigon - May 25, 2019 6:17 pm UTC
Still loving your content.

Just picked up Vile Vices, Book of Shadows, Book of the Dead, Chromatic Dragons and the Injury Manual.

Saw your Saltmarsh archtypes module. Really hoping you'll continue to work on Waterdeep Faction missions. My players are still in Chapter 2 because they are loving the depth of the city and as of yet, still weaving one hell of a web of allies (and enemies, though they dont yet know it) that will continue to create problems and adventure hooks for them LONG after they've retrieved Neverember's embezzlement.

Cant say enough how much i love your content, and if we wind up running Storm King's Thunder I'll be snatching up your guide on that. Question on that, do you elaborate much on the locations contained in SKT?
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Eventyr G May 26, 2019 6:01 am UTC
Hi Scott!

I don't think we'll get more work done of the Waterdeep Factions unfortunately. However, besides the Zhentarim and Grey Hands supplements we have, there's some (far as I've seen) good work out there from creators like Paul Metzger ( I hope that's useful to you! :)

That sounds great, I really think SKT was one of the strongest campaigns so far. We elaborate on the main locations – Goldenfields, Triboar, Bryn Shander, Eye of the All-Father – as well as Grudd Haug (the hill giants' lair), Amphail (a minor city), Yartar (a pivotal location), and the main villain's lair at the end. Not half as much as we would have liked to cover, but it's a deceptively big campaign!

I hope that helps and a thousand thanks for your support, it truly means a lot :)

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Tigon - June 11, 2019 12:01 am UTC
Thats terribly unfortunate. Ive got everything Paul has published in waterdeep as well. Good stuff indeed. His workup of Scrying into his Handkerchief currently has been the highlight of my campaign.

Between the work you guys and he have done, with my own weaving of everything and The Alexandrian's remix of Dragon Heist, my players have been so enthralled with the faction missions and how ive been able to bring waterdeep truly to life with the help of your supplements that 10 sessions in and they have not even had the Fireball launched yet, they're having so much fun with Chapter 2.

Looking forward to your future works, though im not very interested in much SaltMarsh content. Maybe i'll get lucky and someone in your camp will feel like continuing to invest in Waterdeep. Otherwise... i look forward to seeing you in Baldur's Gate!!!
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File Last Updated:
April 09, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on April 09, 2019.