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DotMM Companion 9: DweomercoreClick to magnify
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DotMM Companion 9: Dweomercore


The DotMM Companion marches on! This chapter tackles Dweomercore, stuffing this wizard's academy of prima donnas with even more adventure! Inspired heavily by Harry Potter, this supplement includes:

  • DM Notes. Notes including but not limited to spicing up the dungeon crawl with valuable roleplay with select NPCs.
  • Relationship Map. A map depicting the motives and goals of the various characters of Dweomercore.
  • The Academy Revamped. Dweomercore has been expanded from a mere 8 students to over a hundred—without adding any more notekeeping for you. The original eight students are the star pupils and upperclassmen of the academy. The remaining student body has been fleshed out with various houses named after the Seven, Halaster's original apprentices. Should the adventurers enroll in the academy, they are placed in the derelict and disgraced House Kestellharp.
  • The High Wizard Tournament. If any adventurers are admitted to Dweomercore as students, their involvement in the insidious High Wizard Tournament is engineered by Halaster. The tournament—almost criminal homage to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire—sends the adventurers across Toril and the multiverse at large to compete in three challenges against the academy's upperclassmen.
  • Special Events. Several events have been added to the academy such as Troll in the Dungeons! and Arcturia's Lecture.
  • Areas of Note. Notes, room descriptions, scenes, and scripts for the various areas of the dungeon.
  • Magic Item Descriptions. Save yourself the time of digging through the Dungeon Master's Guide to determine how the few magic items on this floor work. The appendix also lists the area the item is found.
  • Monster Stats. Statistics are provided for all unique NPCs used on this level.

    The Companion








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    Customer avatar
    Nicholas B May 14, 2019 3:58 pm UTC
    Has this project been abandoned? It's been over a month since the last Undermountain companion release and 3 weeks since the creator said the next level "should be [out] in a week or two." I check back nearly every day and would like to know if I should stop holding my breath.
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    Wyatt T May 14, 2019 11:06 pm UTC
    Have faith, my friend!

    The project isn't abandoned; a tangle of life, work, sickness, and another product (for Ghosts of the Saltmarsh) has consumed me as of late. I'm almost finished with that project and I'll be back on the DOTMM horse soon.

    I apologize for the inconvenience.
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    Nicholas B May 15, 2019 3:13 pm UTC
    Praised be Pelor! No inconvenience at all, just a little stress. My party just finally made it into Undermountain last session, so they have quiiiite a while before they even get to level 10 (in a 3 hour session they only managed to "clear" the first 5 rooms of level 1). I was just getting stressed about getting past level 10 and running out of you truly invaluable companion guides and being left to my own devices. The quality in the adventure would have dipped DRASTICALLY!

    Thanks for the update/response. Your work is truly appreciated by this DM at the very least.
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    Rebecca W May 17, 2019 12:58 am UTC
    Woo! I'm a completionist / collector and I wanna buy them ALLLLLLLLLLLL
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    Nicholas B May 17, 2019 4:21 am UTC
    Same. I'm going to absolutely buy every single one.
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    Zachary N May 24, 2019 8:41 pm UTC
    Yaaaaaay! I love these supplements!
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    Francisco S May 28, 2019 3:19 am UTC
    It was an ambitious project...
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    David R April 23, 2019 10:38 am UTC
    Any news on when level 10 will be up, Wyatt? :)
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    Wyatt T April 23, 2019 11:29 am UTC
    Should be in a week or two; I got struck with the flu
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    Catherine V April 08, 2019 1:13 am UTC
    Thank you!! I love everything about these, your efforts are truly appreciated!
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    Nicholas B April 05, 2019 4:49 am UTC
    After almost 3 weeks between level 8 and level 9 I was about to start having a panic attack thinking that you had abandoned this project and I was going to be left to run DotMM without these AMAZING companions. Incredibly happy to see you're back at it!
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