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Psyborg: Fighter SubclassClick to magnify
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Psyborg: Fighter Subclass


Your gaming table is about to change forever as you experience the Psyborg, a new fighter subclass by Anthony Joyce, along with 40 new psionic spells made for the Psyborg by Jeremy Forbing. Each purchase includes a beautiful 21 page PDF and a Fantasy Grounds version of the product!


The Psyborg is a fighter subclass with inherent psionic energy coursing through their bodies. They replace their body parts with psionically powered mechanical devices called psybernetic implants, which harness psionic energy. Without these implants, psyborgs are unable to manifest their psionic energy. Psybernetic implants grant psyborgs the ability to replicate spell-like effects from one of the eight schools of magic: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation. The mortal body can only sustain a limited number of psybernetic implants before it withers from the amplification of raw psionic energy. 

This new subclass brings psionics to the gaming table like never before, and attempts to create a simple, easy to use, and diverse subclass. We drew upon the lore found in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes to breathe life into the descriptions of Duergar lore and technology contained within those pages. This is our first attempt to share a vision we call, “Psyberpunk” with the gaming world. A theme rooted in high fantasy, which draws upon the alien technology of Illithids, tradecraft of the Duergar, and the mysterious psionic powers of the material planes. This theme will be further developed in the upcoming products, “The Heir of Orcus: Duerradin” and “The Heir of Orcus: Verse III.”

Follow Anthony Joyce on Twitter at: @Thrawn589

Follow Jeremy Forbing on Twitter at: @JeremyForbing

Artwork by Dsurion (Twitter: @Dsurion). All artwork commercially licensed.

Implant Chart

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April 4th, 2019
I have been a FAN of Anthony Joyce since Orcus Verse I and Verse II. This carefully developed subclass for homebrew, with its developed new 40 spells, brings a new level of fun with his carefully researched use of psconics into the fighter bracket of [...]
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File Last Updated:
March 14, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on March 15, 2019.