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Monster Manual Expanded (5E)

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“A fantastic resource for DMs that want to keep players on their toes or want stronger or weaker variants of certain monsters.”


“Monster Manual Expanded does a fantastic job of lovingly recreating monsters that were sadly missing from 5e.”
- Nerdimmersion

“The variants are more than additional stats for DMs to memorize; they are reference materials that enhance the known lore of beloved creatures, giving more clues to their ecological life histories and/or societal structures.”
- Bob World Builder

“The creativity and attention to detail that went into this already make it a must-have companion to your MM.”
- D&D Character Lab

“It gives you a wealth of options at various levels which just creates more replayability. Very well done! Well worth your money!”
- Allthingslich

Monster Manual Expanded is a 320-page source of content that supplements the Monster Manual. It aims to provide Dungeon Masters more options and flexibility in designing adventures and dressing up their dungeons with a wider variety of creatures and characters that are based on the Monster Manual.  Finally, it also adds variants that provide a nostalgic and classic feel that DMs experienced with the older editions are probably familiar with.

In total, there are over 470 creature stat blocks in this book at the Dungeon Master's disposal!  

Richdalich Review:

RogueWatson Review:

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The Fantasy Grounds version is available here.

CoverBook SidesFire Giantshill giantsLamia NobleDeath KnightAbolethAarakocrasUmber HulksChimeraSuccubusDevilsSphinxesC

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Johannes S February 06, 2025 2:51 pm UTC
Foundry VVT pls!
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William E November 22, 2024 10:47 pm UTC
I am not sure if I asked this before. I cannot seem to find it in any of my messages. If I have, I apologize in advance.
The Dragonwrought Sorcerer on p. 166.
Should the perception be +2 and not +4?
Also making the passive perception 12 instead of 14?
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Dragonix B November 23, 2024 9:49 am UTC
If you're basing it on the stats, then yes, it should only be +2. But the "dragonwrought" sorcerer is special. It has the same 'expertise' bonus as a dragon, having double the proficiency bonus when it comes to Perception.
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William E November 23, 2024 4:54 pm UTC
Ah ok. That makes sense. Thanks.
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Dragonix B November 05, 2024 6:02 pm UTC
Updated to 2.08
- updated promo pages

BONUS: Added 50-page preview of Dragonix's Deadly Denizens II!
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Dragonix B August 28, 2024 12:23 am UTC
The Kickstarter campaign for my latest bestiary, Dragonix's Deadly Denizens II, is in progress and has already been funded by 1000% as of this post!

Check it out here:
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Tarik Z August 01, 2024 11:26 pm UTC
Hi, when the D&D 2024 version comes out, will there be an update to these books? And more importantly, will the previous versions (2014) still be available? Or will they be updated according to the Monster Manual 2024?
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John R July 06, 2024 11:31 pm UTC
Any chance the MMEs will ever be available on DnD Beyond?
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Dragonix B July 07, 2024 1:14 am UTC
Thank you for your interest, John. I sure hope so.

However, I have no power to do anything as this is under the DM's Guild license. One thing you can do is to email D&D Beyond or post on their forums to request for Monster Manual Expanded to be part of D&D Beyond. A number of people have already done so. If more people would do it, then eventually they'll realize there's a demand that they can't ignore.
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Neil M June 25, 2024 12:14 am UTC
I am looking to buy hardcover versions of the Monster Manual Expanded I, II, III, but I also want the PDF as well, do you offer an Adamantine deal that puts all three books and the PDF's into one neat little package?
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Keith S January 01, 2024 12:48 am UTC
Is this extra content meant to replace the original? Or is it just a supplement with extra material to be used alongside the original?
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Dragonix B January 01, 2024 2:41 am UTC
Both. It is more of a sipplement, but it also has extra content. None of the content replaces the original. The content is meant to provide you with stronger or lesser alternatives and variants.
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Chris J November 14, 2023 5:32 am UTC
Now if you can tell me how to import this content into DNDBeyond, I will have all three of them purchased in an instant...
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Dragonix B November 14, 2023 10:37 am UTC
I wish I knew as well, Chris. Perhaps you can email D&D Beyond and ask them to include the MME series in their purchasable library? If they get a lot of requests, they just might. You never know.
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Dragonix B July 11, 2023 9:52 am UTC
A preview copy of my latest release, Dragonix's Deadly Denizens (available at DriveThruRPG), has been uploaded to this library. Enjoy!
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Simen L June 19, 2023 9:08 am UTC
I see that the Drider Warlock's multiattack references a "Necrotic Bolt" attack, but no such action is present in the statblock. Am i missing something?
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Dragonix B June 19, 2023 9:27 am UTC
No, you are not. Unfortunately, that is a typo. The multiattack should read: The drider makes one XXX attack and uses Hellfire.
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Dragonix B June 16, 2023 10:28 pm UTC
Updated to 2.07
- updated promo pages
- improved pdf viewing efficiency
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Selim T January 17, 2023 12:03 am UTC
Will there be both for this and the other two Monster Manuals, a index to look over creature types?
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Travis M January 06, 2023 3:56 pm UTC
Is it still possible to get this for Fantasy Grounds Unity?
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Travis M January 06, 2023 4:10 pm UTC
I suppose I should clarify. Is it possible to get this for Fantasy Grounds in a way that it will auto update?
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Dragonix B January 06, 2023 7:55 pm UTC
I'm sorry I am unable to answer that. You would have to reach out to Rob Twohy, the Fantasy Grounds converter.
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Travis M January 06, 2023 8:43 pm UTC
Thank you
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Dylan M December 29, 2022 6:11 pm UTC
I am wondering since I have the pdfs is there an easy way to sort out the creatures by type?
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Dragonix B January 06, 2023 7:56 pm UTC
No, I am sorry. There was one who did a kobold fight club version of the MME books but the link no longer works I'm afraid.
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File Last Updated:
November 05, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on February 25, 2019.