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Dragon Heist: Forgotten Tales


Play a new game in the new year! As part of our New Year, New Game sale this digital title has been discounted by up to 40%.

Welcome back to Waterdeep! Dragon Heist: Forgotten Tales is a supplement that expands the replayability of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist by providing new content for the adventure. The multiple villains and seasons in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist make it an adventure that must be played multiple times to experience all the content. Dragon Heist: Forgotten Tales provides new challenges and story to go along with the variable elements of the original adventure to allow players and Dungeon Masters who have experienced Waterdeep: Dragon Heist to enjoy a fresh tale on a second play-through.

This supplement is divided into four chapters. You can use every chapter to create an entirely new experience with Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, or simply use the chapters or sections of the supplement that interest you.

  • Chapter 1, “The Hand of Nessus.” This chapter provides an alternate beginning to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist that focuses on the cult of Asmodeus and Bregan D’aerthe rather than the war between the Xanathar Guild and the Zhentarim.
  • Chapter 2, “New Fireball.” This chapter provides a new perpetrator of the explosion in Trollskull Alley and gives the characters a fresh mystery to solve.
  • Chapter 3, “New Vault.” This chapter provides a new Vault of Dragons beneath the streets of Waterdeep for the characters to plunder.
  • Chapter 4, “Above Ground Vault.” This chapter provides another new Vault of Dragons, an above ground bank. Use this vault to end your adventure with a classic bank heist.

Written by Waterdeep: Dragon Heist designers James Haeck and James Introcaso and Tomb of Annihilation designer Will Doyle.

This supplement requires Waterdeep: Dragon Heist to use.

This is a DMs Guild Adepts product. The DMs Guild Adept Program was started and is managed by Wizards of the Coast. It brings together some of the best talents creating for the DMs Guild for creative development. DMs Guild Adepts products are identified by the gold ampersand logo.

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Sebastian M March 16, 2022 1:28 pm UTC
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Jonathan H November 10, 2021 6:15 am UTC
So I've read through chapter one. I'm planning some modifications to still incorporate Volo and Floon, but I really like this alternative start! The one thing that's bugging me however is the map of the God Catcher's Right Hand. I'm like 99% positive that it's backwards (both the illustration and the map); if you look at the palms of your hands and then look at the map, it's clearly a map of a left hand. Easy enough to fix by mirroring the image, but I thought I'd point it out.
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Alexander W October 16, 2019 12:05 pm UTC
Love it but I wish I coudl get osem full color maps for oti for Roll20 or other VTT-Platforms
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Shaun P September 28, 2019 12:48 am UTC
is this going to be coming out in print?
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Bryan C September 01, 2019 9:22 pm UTC
I started the Dragon Heist campaign this weekend. Unfortunately I came across this supplement a bit late. Since I wanted a little darker tone to the adventure, I chose the Cassalanters as the villains with the cult of Asmodeus storyline. I altered the Troll encounter to a Merregon that had been sent by Asmodeus to guard the Cassalanters and ensure they lived to uphold their end of the bargain with him. One of my PCs is a tiefling and was able to decipher Asmodeus on the symbols of the Merregon's metal mask. When it arrived out of the pit it had the dead body of one of the adventurers that had entered earlier impaled upon the large spike on its back, which I was able to use to explain the stirges.

Since my characters have already met Volo and agreed to start his quest for Floon, the alt chapter one has some ideas I'd like to try even though it states to be used INSTEAD of the existing chapter one.

1) After freeing Renaer from the Zhentarim, start the alternate chapter one almost as written...See more
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Samantha M April 19, 2019 12:58 pm UTC
I noticed that the option to physically buy it has been taken away. Is it going to be offered that way again later? I baught the pdf version, but seeing as I go back and forth a lot between different things the physical would be easier for me.
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Corey L April 16, 2019 10:52 pm UTC
In Chapter 2 it says a Bregan D'aerthe assassination squad but doesn't reference what that consists of.
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RICHARD H March 17, 2019 9:16 am UTC
Just a note about the map on page 29, the map and diagram orientation is actually reversed if you compare the left/right handedness in the adventure description. The module description fits the lore about the location. So I just reversed or mirror imaged the rooms in this section of the map. It's no problem, and it didn't detract from the adventure at all.
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Jeremy C March 03, 2019 6:58 am UTC
Is there maps somewhere so that I can use this on roll20?
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James H March 08, 2019 11:09 pm UTC
Several of the maps in this product were created by Dyson Logos! They're available on his website.
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Paul B February 13, 2019 9:24 pm UTC
Having purchased and read through this more thoroughly now, I have a few questions and comments.

1) It seems like if the characters don't intervene in the alley, they have a brief skirmish with cultists, and that's the end of the story. Is that right? If you skip ahead to the meeting with JB,that section assumes the characters have met Fel'rekt, which would have to be entirely improvised for some other reason if they didn't go into the alley.

2) The PDF says Neverember's house is W1 on map $$. Not sure if the "$$" is intentional.

3) Are the +x's on the map supposed to be added to the perception check roll? It looks like they correspond with vantage points that make easier to see in some cases, but this isn't explicitly stated.

4) In the above ground vault, it's stated that Aurinax has a key to the treasure vault around his neck, but it's also stated the doors are sealed by a combination lock with 4 dials. What's the key for?
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RICHARD H March 17, 2019 9:22 am UTC
1) Then its a matter for the City Watch, both they and Fel'rekt might contact the party as possible witnesses to a murder.
2) Replace "map $$" with "page 28".
3) +x refers to the height of the rooftops (x = # levels in the building), which in particular determine line of sight, but could also be relevant in the case of a rooftop chase.
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Paul B February 11, 2019 5:12 pm UTC
Reading just the preview makes me think the designers of Dragonheist don't like Renaer lol
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Fabian P February 08, 2019 8:33 pm UTC
First I was skeptical because of the price point of nearly 8$ for 33 pages, but after having read over chapter 1 and scanned over the other chapters I have to say that this product is worth every penny. I'm in love with the alternate beginning and the above grounds vault. So much awesome ideas, which are as good if not better than the original book. Definitely using the new beginning in my next campaign!
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enevald V February 07, 2019 1:16 pm UTC
This looks pretty great for what i have read so far!
Any chance for a printer friendly version?
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James I February 10, 2019 3:13 pm UTC
Good call. Let me see what I can do in the coming weeks.
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Benjamin E February 14, 2019 7:42 pm UTC
I'd like to second the request for a POD copy - even if it's softcover.
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Jon K March 31, 2019 7:08 pm UTC
ooh, a graphics-lite version to print out and stick in WDH would be great - I'm just running Fireball and it replaces *some* of the original, but not all of it, so being able to have it all in one place would be ideal.
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Ethan A February 07, 2019 3:31 am UTC
Can this be used with D&D AL content? Or is this not AL legal for a DM to use?
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James I February 10, 2019 3:05 pm UTC
This is not AL legal. It may become so in the future, but nothing is certain at this point! We will update the description if the product becomes AL legal!
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February 03, 2019 3:37 pm UTC
Are there plans for a fantasy grounds module? If so, will both be available with this purchase, like with Waterdeep City Encounters, or would the mod be another sku?
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James I February 03, 2019 7:08 pm UTC
There are no plans for an FG module at this time.
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Andrew C February 05, 2019 9:01 pm UTC
Do you supply maps with and without number to allow the maps to be used effectively on a virtual tabletop?

I note that you didn't do this with the Unseen module.
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Jason L February 07, 2019 10:12 am UTC
Is this because a lack of knowledge setting it up in FG, or something else?
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david W February 08, 2019 12:33 pm UTC
Why? A significant number of DMs have this as a FG module. If it was a FG module it would now be mine. Now I'm torn as to whether I need to spend the money and then dedicate the time to convert it. Not to be obtuse, but you should consider making plans to convert it.
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Andrew C February 09, 2019 12:52 am UTC
Why spend time deleting room numbers on the map when numbers are usually just a layer in photoshop that can be turned off.
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February 20, 2019 8:35 pm UTC
I'm still going to wait to buy this. I had asked the same question re: city encounters and I believe that the response was the same "No plans at this time". So I bought city encounters as a pdf and converted it myself. It took me about 2 weeks. Then, about a week after I finished my work, the FG mod was available as part of the original PDF purchase. I don't want to do that again, so I'll just wait to see if a module emerges.
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lawren N February 01, 2019 4:46 pm UTC
Just Wow !

As an active DM running 4 separate Dragon heist Campaigns there is a ton of useful information in here. This book brings some fantastic new options to my tables. I would recommend this for any one that has other DM's at there table to add some shock value and I am in love with the alternative Cassalanter/Dalakhar option.
great work folks ! keep it coming !
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File Last Updated:
January 31, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on January 31, 2019.