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Aurora's Whole Realms Autumn CatalogueClick to magnify
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Aurora's Whole Realms Autumn Catalogue


"Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue was one of my favorite 2e titles. I'm pleased to see this talented team reviving the line!" — M.T. Black

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Other Beings,
Welcome to the greatest shop in the multiverse. Our Summer Catalogue seems to have taken the world by storm, and it is now time for us to follow-up on that, as we launch our Autumn collection.

This particular piece came to me while I was traveling across the Moonshae islands, as I was sat at a local inn. One of the ladies of the area was wearing a particularly striking dress that day, and when I asked her what it was for, she told me it was to celebrate the Earthmother, more specifically their festival celebrating the successful harvest.
The riot of color at the festival drew me in, and it struck me that these types of festivals are prevalent all across the face of Faerûn, all there for us to enjoy.
And so, we come to this very catalog, where we celebrate the diversity and the opportunities of our beloved world. from the northern reaches of the great glaciers, the Hordelands to the east, from Maztica in the west, to the south in the realms of Chult and beyond. In all of these places, we find a celebration of life and plentiful opportunities for those of an adventurous bend. Therefore, we encourage you to open the pages of this book, peruse it at your leisure and head to your local store and pick up your favorite items, delights, and fancies.
We welcome you to Aurora’s Autumn Catalogue!
See you this winter,

Be sure to check out our other Aurora’s Seasonal Catalogues, we've got something for everyone!

Aurora’s Seasonal Catalogues

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January 25th, 2019
Much like the summer book from the same author, this book is exactly what one would want from a book with "Aurora's Whole Realms" in the title. A book full of "useless" items (in actually, all items excellent for role-play), [...]
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File Last Updated:
November 12, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on January 24, 2019.