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College of the Opera


As a College of the Opera bard, you can use your voice as a spellcasting focus, empower your allies with brilliant performances, debilitate your enemies with scathing verbal ripostes, and even capture the souls of your audience. Only the most splendid and dramatic of bards dare follow this path...will you be among them?

¡También disponible en español! Como un bardo del Colegio de la Ópera puedes usar tu voz como un foco de lanzamiento de conjuros, conferir poder a tus aliados mediante obras brillantes, debilitar a tus enemigos con réplicas mordaces, así como cautivar las almas de tu audiencia. Solo los más magníficos y dramáticos de los bardos se atreverían a elegir este camino.... ¿Serás tú uno de ellos?

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Hannah R March 09, 2019 8:23 pm UTC
The Fantasy Grounds module has been updated with a new version by John W. Let me know if there are any further issues!
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Dan W March 08, 2019 12:27 pm UTC
Hey all, Not sure where it got lost in the translation, as I tested the mod on a separate PC and it loaded and displayed just fine. I'll repack it this weekend and send it to Hannah for inclusion. Hannah, if you want to take John up on his generous offer, and get a repaired version out before then, I think that's also a great idea.
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Valerie W March 05, 2019 11:24 pm UTC
Hi, I have been trying to get the Fantasy Ground mod working on my end. I place the file in the right folder, but it doesn't appear in my library. Is there anyway I can fix this?
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Hannah R March 07, 2019 4:45 am UTC
Hi Val! I'm not a FG expert, so let me ask the person who made the mod and get back to you!
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Hannah R March 07, 2019 5:56 pm UTC
Hello! Dan, who made the mod, says that after you put the .mod into the Modules folder (which it sounds like you did) you have to load it. So within FG, in the campaign you want to use it, click the Library button, then from the Library window, click the Modules button in the lower left, then in THAT pop-up, find the College of the Opera module and click the Load button, and make sure you also select the toggle next to the load button to allow players to load it. Once it is loaded, you and the players should see it in the Classes button area.

Let us know if that doesn't work and we can continue to troubleshoot!
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Chris E March 07, 2019 10:53 pm UTC
Hello, I have the issue as well, and there are a couple other people in the FGC I've spoken to that also have the issue.

The issue is even though the module is placed in the correct modules location, when going to the library and modules to load it, it doesn't show in the list to try and load it (either scrolling through or searching) even though other modules are there as normal including other dmsguild ones.
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Mattekure L March 07, 2019 11:11 pm UTC
I found the issue with the Fantasy Grounds module. When it was packaged into a .mod, they left out the db.xml file. This is the file that actually has all of the content. They only included the definition.xml file and the thumbnail. The definition file just contains the name of the module, the author and the ruleset it belongs to.
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Mattekure L March 07, 2019 11:21 pm UTC
the thumbnail used was also really huge. it was a 3000x2000 thumbnail image (normally its around 100px for the thumbnail). and no graphics were included either.
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Hannah R March 08, 2019 4:38 am UTC
Hi all! Thanks for the information. I'll see if the creator of the FG module is able to fix it.
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Mattekure L March 08, 2019 11:31 am UTC
If they are not, please reach out to me, I've already recreated the material as a working FG mod.
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Hannah R March 08, 2019 11:12 pm UTC
Hi John! Dan has kindly agreed that it's best to get a working version up ASAP, so I'd be happy to take you up on your offer. DM me on Twitter and I'll give you my email.
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Hannah R February 11, 2019 1:36 am UTC
This title has been updated with a virtual tabletop option for Fantasy Grounds by Tom Weiss!
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Hannah R March 08, 2019 11:10 pm UTC
By which I mean Dan Weiss! Many apologies!
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Hannah R December 27, 2018 11:03 pm UTC
Just a quick note: Aria di Bravura requires a reaction. This will be updated in the next version, once we've finished gathering feedback and comments!
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Kelli B December 27, 2018 11:41 pm UTC
One may say given the bravura style and how quickly you have to sing, reaction is appropriate. MWahahah
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Symantha R February 23, 2020 11:11 pm UTC
Has the PDF been updated to reflect this yet?
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Hannah R February 24, 2020 3:13 am UTC
Yes! It was updated shortly after it was released. If you download it now you will have the latest version.
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Ed R December 26, 2018 2:17 am UTC
I can't reply to a reply on a review, so I'll reply here.

Creator Response:

> if you compare to the College of Swords 3rd level features, I think
> you'll find that bards get quite a lot at 3rd level and buffing this one
> spell is no more powerful than the blade flourish options.

I follow the Mike Mearls rule to compare all subclasses to the core subclasses, not to those in Xanathar's or other sourcebooks, because those are often deliberately "better" in some ways. And I have to agree with John B., 'stunned' is a devastating condition, and way too powerful for a 2nd level cone or area of effect spell that also deals damage. But to break Mike's rule and compare it to the Blade, the flourishes add -- at best -- one bardic inspiration die to the damage against one creature. Stunning, say, three creatures guarantees critical hits against them from all attacks until the stun is broken. That is WAY more powerful than a Blade's flourish... and the...See more
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Kelli B December 26, 2018 3:17 pm UTC
Hi Ed!

There will be a balance/tweak after more playtesting (as well as clarification of things like Aria di Bravura being a reaction). I'm glad you enjoy the subclass, and I trust you'll give it a second look after the tweaks!

Also, I mean....*I* would totally try Piercing Resonance on Strahd......heehee
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John B December 27, 2018 1:25 am UTC
So here is my suggested fix (at least how I would try it) for Piercing Resonance: After saves are rolled, may expend one Bardic Inspiration die to stun one affected target that failed it save. I find this similar to stunning strike and Ki points, while limiting it too. The idea is that the one who failed the save is the one the voice was focused on.
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December 24, 2019
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