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CCC-GHC-BK1-02 The Tithes That BindClick to magnify
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CCC-GHC-BK1-02 The Tithes That Bind


The Border Kingdoms are a haven of adventure, warring neighbors, and marauding monsters. But something or someone has set its sights on disrupting that casual chaos. Are you one of the brave adventurers who can help the Gilmann merchant house uncover the mystery?

Part One of the Shadows on the Border Trilogy
A Four-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters

Author's Note: When this adventure earns the "Gold" metal badge, I will add digital player & DM maps to the downloads.

About the Border Kingdoms
According to the sage Meriadas of Westgate: “The Border Kingdoms are the most favored destination for adventurers who want to proudly and boldly conquer a realm or establish their own new kingdom. Lords, counts, dukes, kings and emperors rise, proclaim themselves, and are swept away with the speed and regularity of waves crashing upon a shore.”

The Border Kingdoms is a tumultuous land between the Lake of Steam and the Shaar in the Forgotten Realms. Gamehole Con has been granted exclusive rights to develop Adventurers League content in this region, and our offerings include adventures, source material, and short stories.

Want more Border Kingdoms?
Check out the following products to learn more about the Border Kingdoms.

Border Kingdoms Adventures
Adventure awaits in the Border Kingdoms! Click the link above to see all of the adventures available.

The Border Kingdoms: A Forgotten Realms Campaign Supplement
This campaign supplement includes over 100 pages of lore about the Border Kingdoms and was written by Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms! It includes:

  • Over 100 pages of lore about the Border Kingdoms in PDF format
  • A high resolution map of the Border Kingdoms in PDF format

Umbrous Unpleasantness at Undreth’s Unicorn: A Border Kingdom’s Tale
Enjoy the tale of Mirt the Moneylender's first brush with the locals from this corner of the Forgotten Realms! This product includes:

  • A short story written by Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms, in PDF format.
  • Game mechanics for a new poison called addersleep.

About Gamehole Con
Gamehole Con is the largest tabletop gaming convention in the upper Midwest. Tabletop gamers from around the country gather each November in Madison, WI for this carnival of gaming. Gamehole Con is all about tabletop gaming and all the fun that goes with it. The convention features role-playing games, board games, fantasy and historical miniature gaming, and collectible card games.

Gamehole Con is for the fantasy and adventure tabletop gaming enthusiast. The show features the best guests in the industry, an unbelievable Dealer Hall and of course, lots and lots of gaming! If you are a tabletop gaming fan, do not miss Gamehole Con! Visit to learn more!

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Reviews (4)
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September 16th, 2019
The party is hired by a mercantile matriarch (and generally Cool Old Lady) to catch those responsible for despoiling her granaries. As they capture the raiders and bring their bodies in for investigation, they discover the manipulations of darker power [...]
April 29th, 2019
I recently ran CCC-GHC-BK1-02 at a tabletop convention and my players and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's basic structure is simple: You are hired and or implored to aid a House in defence of their lands and provided with some conte [...]
January 16th, 2019
I had to skip some encounters or render some of them easier due to time constraints to be able to fit in 4 hours. It had the drawback to yield an easier module than estimated, so if you need to fit in 4 hours as well you might rather raise the difficul [...]
December 13th, 2018
While the flowchart on this module is a beeline for the finish, this one's enjoyment is a bit of "Ohh! Ohh! I know what's gonna happen!" paid off a short while later with a "I knew it! I told you!" and that's a totally enjoyable thi [...]
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File Last Updated:
December 07, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on December 07, 2018.