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The Ancient Relic of NetherilClick to magnify
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The Ancient Relic of Netheril


The heroes meet an unusual scholar from Evereska. She seeks an artifact from the Netherese Empire of old that she claims may have survived the Spellplague.

This adventure takes the party to the small town of Rasilith in the Anauroch Desert where they will search for a mythal rumored to be buried in the sands within an ancient temple.

Designed for a party of 4 or 5 between levels 5 and 10, this adventure should last 1 to 3 sessions depending on your style of play.

If you enjoy this title, please leave a positive review and check out my other DMs Guild items including the follow up to this adventure, The Scimitar Spires, found here on DMs Guild: 

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Quinn H March 27, 2019 8:39 pm UTC
Love your work! My players are heading to Evereska for a multitude of Netherese-related reasons, and by sheer luck here you are! My own lazyness would be the death of me if my Luck weren't so on-point.
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Benjamin H March 30, 2019 2:04 pm UTC
Thanks, Quinn! I appreciate the feedback an am very glad you like the adventure. If you haven't looked at The Scimitar Spires yet you might take a look as it is a continuation of this story. The overall plan is a three adventure arc, and I'm hoping to have the third installment posted in the next month or so depending on how much time I can devote to it. Have fun!
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George K November 25, 2018 1:52 am UTC
Don't mean to nitpick, but Netheril didn't have mythals, they had mythallars - a very different thing.
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Benjamin H November 25, 2018 2:14 pm UTC
Thanks for the input, George. I appreciate it. I'll take a look at changing the relic to something that would've been available to them or explaining in the story how/why they would've had one.
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Benjamin H November 27, 2018 2:11 am UTC
Thanks again, George. I've updated the background and NPC dialog to hopefully make more historical sense. The file should be available shortly.
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Lynn M November 21, 2018 10:09 pm UTC
The maps on pages 28 & 29 are strangely flipped in a mirror image.
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Benjamin H November 21, 2018 10:43 pm UTC
If you rotate them counterclockwise 90 degrees they should match the smaller numbered versions earlier in the document. I did that so those would take up the whole page in case you want to print them to use with the players. Let me know if that doesn't answer the concern. Thanks for taking the time to comment, and I hope you enjoy the content!
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Lynn M November 22, 2018 4:34 am UTC
OK, yeah, I see it. It just looks awkward from looking at the DM's copy on pages 11 and 13. May I suggest rotating it 180? Also, what's the scale for the map? 10' or 5' squares?

I do like the scenario and am looking forward to future ones.
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Benjamin H November 22, 2018 4:10 pm UTC
Thanks, Lynn! I've flipped the maps (including the regional handout map so perspective is the same on all of them). Sorry I didn't include a scale. I'd call it 10'/square. The updated file should be available shortly.

I'm glad you like the scenario!
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File Last Updated:
December 09, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on November 20, 2018.