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Lost City of Mezro

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While the people of Chult suffer under the dreaded death curse, a force of darkness and corruption seeps into the jungle, defiling the once eternal spirits that gave life to the land.

Left unchecked, this vile power will eventually extend beyond these lands to pervade the entirety of the Realms. Hope lies with the return of Mezro, a holy bastion city long thought lost.

Those seeking to return the lost city to its former self are bound by destiny to either restore the balance or be consumed by their own dark fates.

Which path will you walk?

Lost City of Mezro is a D&D Adventurers League adventure series for characters of levels 1–16. It's available as both a PDF and a full-color 144 page hardbound.

This product is a compilation of DMs Guild Adepts adventures and supplements, formatted into a single book that can be played on its own or as part of the Tomb of Annihilation™storyline:

  • Lost City of Mezro series: An epic adventure trilogy set in the heart of Chult:
    • Heart of the Wild (Tier 2)
    • The Risen Mists (Tier 3)
    • Maze of Shadows (Tier 3)
  • Ruins of Mezro: an adventure supplement for 1st through 16th-level characters, providing everything you need to run freeform adventures in the ruined jungle city.
  • New monsters, unique magic items, and new character options are included.

Now available for the Roll20 VTT on its own or as a bundle!

Guild Adepts

This product is a DMs Guild Adepts adventure! The Dungeon Masters Guild Adept program brings highly talented individuals together for creative development. Guild Adept products are identified with the golden ampersand and logo.

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Sean B July 05, 2023 2:45 pm UTC
Just bought this and excited to look through the content and to incorporate it into my players' run through ToA!

One issue: looking through the PDF, a lot of the text, but not all of it, throughout the document is white and the background on the pages makes it almost unreadable. Anyone else run into this issue? Any fix for it? Happy to send screenshots if need be, as I can't attach any here.
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Rich L July 06, 2023 3:45 pm UTC
Hi, Sean! Other than the full-page title pieces that separate each section, there is no white adventure text in the book. Can you please verify this using an alternate PDF reader? I just tested the file in Acrobat Reader, Firefox and Edge browsers, and Google Docs, all with no issues.
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Sean B July 06, 2023 8:25 pm UTC
Thanks for your reply! After seeing your response, I played around a little and had no issues when I was opening the document in Chrome or Firefox, like you suggested. I poked around in Acrobat and figured it out: in the preferences, there's an option to 'Replace Document Colors' that was checked. I'm not sure why it was checked, but for whatever reason, it changed the font colors and some other colors in the document, though not throughout the whole thing. It also seemed to only be affecting this document, as others have been working just fine.

In any case, it's solved and I learned something about Acrobat. I really appreciate your response and your troubleshooting, and I'm excited to start reading through the module tonight. Cheers!
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Enrico Kiki C June 28, 2023 10:50 am UTC
I wanted to buy the hardcover version of the document, but now I see it isn't available anymore. What happened?
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Rich L June 28, 2023 1:35 pm UTC
The hardcover is being updated to the new version with content and typo fixes. It should be available again in the next few weeks.
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IURII S June 21, 2023 10:46 am UTC
I haven't started the TOA adventure yet, so I have a couple of questions about how best to use everything.
1.1) Is it possible to play all 3 adventures separately and consecutively without TOA, or is it better to play simultaneously with TOA?
1.2) If the first option, will there be a decrease in the level of characters?
2) Which of the two adventures (The Risen Mists or Maze of Shadows) is the best for continuing TOA, or are they both consistent and don't level down characters?
3) Is Mezro Ruins a separate adventure from TOA from levels 1 to 16?
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Rich L June 21, 2023 2:09 pm UTC
I'll answer these as best I can:
1.1) The first adventure occurs during ToA (Tier 1), while adventures 2 and 3 occur consecutively after ToA (Tier 3). If you're not playing ToA, you would need to level your characters between adventures 1 and 2.
1.2) Since adventures 2 and 3 are consecutive, there would not be a change in levels as long as the party is T3 when they begin.
2) Both adventures are meant to be played together as a direct sequel to ToA. The Risen Mists should be played before Maze of Shadows.
3) Ruins of Mezro is a setting expansion for character levels 1-16 that you can use as a guide to creating your own scenarios in the city ruins. There are also three short adventures (one for each level tier) that can you can run during your campaign.

I'll take it a step further - if you're interested in the overall storyline and want the full story experience from start to finish, I'd recommend the following order:
1) DDAL07-01 A City on the Edge - not entirely necessary...See more
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IURII S June 21, 2023 8:11 pm UTC
Thank you very much for the complete and fast response! Maybe you know more similar and wonderful continuations of official adventures?
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Ron C June 18, 2023 12:35 am UTC
Map 8.5 is miss-numbered and the text doesn't quite make sense. What should be the correct numbering?
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Rich L June 18, 2023 10:12 am UTC
Heh - I never noticed that. You're probably the first person since this was released to point it out. OK - map numbers are fixed.
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Barry B June 03, 2023 1:13 am UTC
Does this work as a standalone adventure? A lot of this talks about being a supplement to TOA, but I have a party that completed TOA.

If they start this with new 1st level characters befor the curse has been lifted is it going to work without replaying OMU and most of TOA? Is it a full adventure of its own?
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Rich L June 04, 2023 2:03 pm UTC
It can easily be played on its own. The only thing you need to do is level your characters after part 1 to keep the challenge consistent, since part 1 takes place during ToA and parts 2 and 3 take place afterward.
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JOHN S February 28, 2023 10:27 pm UTC
Roll20 conversion in the works?
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Rich L June 04, 2023 2:00 pm UTC
I'm working on it!
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Alexander P November 13, 2022 11:37 pm UTC
I got this alongside the Mines of Chult softcover in premium color to run in my current ToA campaign and I can immediately tell the difference. The images in my hardcover LCoM book are dark and difficult to discern detail, whereas my softcover Mines of Chult has bright, vivid images. Any plans to release this in premium color and provide replacements for the people who purchased this low-quality version?
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Jeffrey L April 04, 2022 2:34 am UTC
Do you guys have plans to make this a full fantasy grounds module? If not, I would love to recommend you to Team Twohy. We produce high quality modules. If you are interested, I would be more than happy to get you in touch with Rob.
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Christopher R September 21, 2022 12:36 am UTC
I'd love to see a Fantasy Grounds version of this adventure too. I have the pdf, thinking about the POD, and would definitely pick up an FG mod. By the way, excellent quality stuff!
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Kari M August 17, 2021 2:24 pm UTC
Does this have the most current versions of the adventures?
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Jade H May 18, 2021 4:41 pm UTC
How meny players would you say to have
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Tyson P March 12, 2021 11:20 pm UTC
I don't see the answer below so I'll ask again. Are there Player versions of maps available in this?
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Rich L March 15, 2021 12:00 am UTC
Sorry about that. There was a long period of time when I wouldn't get any notifications. The product was just updated today with high-res maps for VTT. I honestly thought we had done this already! :)
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James T October 17, 2021 3:22 pm UTC
I have purchased the modules separately and Maze of Shadows still does not have downloadable player maps. Where can I go to get these without repurchasing everything in this compilation?
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Tom C January 09, 2024 6:21 pm UTC
Based upon your comment that the "product was just updated today (2 years ago) with high-res maps for VTT," I purchased this PDF EXCLUSIVELY for some quick maps for something I am running tonight.

So the PDF comes with the full adventure, but I don't see a downloadable map anywhere nor any map files.

Please explain.

And no, I don't use roll20.
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Rich L January 12, 2024 8:47 pm UTC
Hey Tom,

The original VTT map files had some issues including various file and scaling errors, so they were removed. These were also removed from the product description above, which is where all current information should be found. I recommend you refer to that when purchasing items, since there's no way to change or modify comments here that are more than 10 minutes old, let alone 2+ years...

But, since you asked so nicely, I'll package the current VTT map files and make them available again.
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Stuart L December 28, 2020 9:41 pm UTC
Hi All, I am looking to run this on Foundry VTT, and, similar to Sean T below, am wondering if there are any maps available in Jpg or Png format rather than trying to convert from the PDF?

Also going to try and contact the author, but not sure how
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sean S November 18, 2020 12:30 pm UTC
Any plans to make a mod for Fantasy grounds as I would love to add this into my ToA game
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Thomas M August 18, 2020 1:12 am UTC
Rich: I own all four of the original adventures, but understand there were changes to certain magic items in this version. Any chance of either a discount for those who bought the originals, or an update to the magic item descriptions in the original adventures?
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Philip K May 26, 2021 1:24 pm UTC
I second this question. I bought the hardcover but not the compilation pdf because I understood that it was just the original adventures combined. I would like to be able to see errata as it seems you've updated the book since I bought the hardcopy. But you haven't updated the old 4 adventures.

Do you have any plans to update the original 4 documents or do I need to pay an additional $15 for a living digital copy of the content?
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Sean T July 06, 2020 2:00 pm UTC
Do you have player versions of the maps available? I will be running this on Encounter+ and don’t really want to have to reproduce these great maps.
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Michael C June 15, 2020 5:47 pm UTC
This is a great supplement to Tomb of Annihilation. to bad I had already finished the tomb but I will be running it again real soon and I will be using Lost City of Mezro.

I have read it and it is great it can be ran as a stand alone ( I might do that too) or as a companion piece.

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January 12, 2024
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