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Opus of Elemental Substance - 60 Elemental SpellsClick to magnify
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Opus of Elemental Substance - 60 Elemental Spells


There have always been whispers from mages and commoners alike. Tales that speak of those who harness the elemental cosmos as a weapon, as a shield. Warlocks who tear the veil between our world and the far flung plane of Tartarus to rain down blizzards of acid. Wizards who can touch a creature and freeze it solid in seconds. Sorcerers that, with a word, cause creatures to turn to ash. The elements are fierce, uncaring, and ever present. Those who can manipulate them can transform the very world - to create or to destroy. 


Original. There are thousands upon thousands of spell PDFs out there full of material from previous editions which cover a wide variety of applications and have seen years of use. Each of the spells presented here are built from the ground up completely with D&D5e in mind - balanced primarily using the Dungeon Master's Guide guidelines as well as WotC supplementary material in mind to keep the spells competitive and thematic, but not so good to be the "optimal" choice. 

Spells to Fill The Gaps. We all crave more options for spells. And swapping damage type isn't always rewarding - casting "coldball" in lieu of fireball just doesn't do it for many of us. This series of elemental spells brings a new, unique option to each level of spellcasting from Cantrip to 9th level, varying through most schools of magic, but focusing on Conjuration, Abjuration, and Evocation. 

Familiar, but Far from Ordinary. It was my intention when crafting these spells to present options that are thematic and powerful, with familiar and tested mechanics, as well as new and interesting ones. Many of theses choices rose from hours upon hours of playtesting at my own table. 

Class Focus. I tried to build a repository of spells to be appealing to several classes: Thunder options for Bards intent on having more potent weapons. Devious magical traps for prepared Wizards. Even a line of spells for Warlocks based off the horrifying landscape of Tartarus, where the famed Armor of Agathys was born. 

60 and Counting. Purchasing this PDF not only puts a roster of useful spells into your hands as a DM or Player, but also funds additional works. The more purchases, the more I can create for you all. For around the cost of a gumball for each spell, I've done everything I can to ensure each spell is well worth the cost of admission. Being so careful and deliberate cost me, as of the day of launch, 11 straight 6-8 hour days of work - a testamate to how seriously I approached this project! 

FantasyGroundsLogo.pngBe sure to check out the Fantasy Grounds version of this PDF! As hosted by the famous Rob Twohy

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Badger B October 03, 2019 12:03 pm UTC
You said the following:

Original. There are thousands upon thousands of spell PDFs out there full of material from previous editions which cover a wide variety of applications and have seen years of use. Each of the spells presented here are built from the ground up completely with D&D5e in mind - balanced primarily using the Dungeon Master's Guide guidelines as well as WotC supplementary material in mind to keep the spells competitive and thematic, but not so good to be the "optimal" choice.

I am an aspiring DM [entering my 3rd year now]. What were the supplementary WotC Materials you used. I would liek to get my hands on those.
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JB L October 10, 2019 5:26 pm UTC
Unearthed Arcana, Discussions of spells on podcasts and blog posts, DMs Guild Adept offerings, Secondary licensed material like Rick and Morty or My Little Pony - anywhere that spells were written, I took a gander.
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Badger B October 13, 2019 10:06 am UTC
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Amelia A May 22, 2019 12:04 am UTC
Great spells! One question, Freezing Armament doesn't seem to be in any of the spell lists. Which classes can use it?
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JB L May 23, 2019 5:56 am UTC
All. It's why it got skipped over accidentally, oddly enough.
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Alexander B February 26, 2019 11:35 am UTC
I love the spells you have crafted here, I'm definitely adding these to my campaign
I found an inconsistencies with the spell list, freezing armament has no classes in the spell list.
Thundercrash Echo, and another one i lost my notes ):
Thanks a ton for making this awesome thing.
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Destiny S January 05, 2019 6:19 am UTC
Just wanted to ask about the wording of a spell. in Stone Shackles of the Merciless King it says 'cant be affected or detected by spells of 4th level or higher'
Was this correct, or what it meant to say that you can only detect/affect it with spells of 4th level or higher?
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JB L January 09, 2019 9:53 pm UTC
It is correct in its wording - essentially the shackles are not meant to be impossible to remove, they are meant to be damn difficult to BREAK or remove by low level spellcasters. To prevent the spell from being completely broken, I thought it best to allow Dispel Magic (level 3) to affect them, but be difficult to pull off (DC 19). Regardless, even if the dispel WORKS, the target takes 15d10 damage, and if the dispel magic fails, they have to try again.

The 4th level or higher magic immunity, in my head, was to make it far less likely to be BROKEN by magic.

Making them immune to 6th level or lower, like a Rakshasa, was my first draft, but giving it the weird bylaw of not being affected by HIGH level magic seemed more fun.

As with all of them, please use your own judgement if customizing for your own games!
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Damian F January 03, 2025 5:46 pm UTC
How can the shackles have advantage on saves if they have no stats to use, though?
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Tyler C November 08, 2018 12:12 am UTC
Happy purchase! Quality spellcrafting, and a nice creator to boot!
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JB L November 08, 2018 6:24 am UTC
Thanks, Tyler!
It's not my default setting for sure - too much time alone - but I'm really glad I gave that impression and I'm over the moon you like the spells!
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Damian F October 28, 2018 9:02 pm UTC
Flicking through this, it's definitely a good purchase! However, I noticed there's a minor typo in the spell list - all of the Wizard's Cold spells are erroneously listed as Acid, which made me do a double-take thinking they had no Cold Spells.

I also feel like there was a slight missed opportunity to not provide any spells for the Ranger, which IS a casting class and would fit some of the environmental spells presented.
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JB L October 29, 2018 5:53 pm UTC
Awesome catch, thanks - i'll roll out an update in about 10 minutes to fix this. Be sure to redownload!
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October 09, 2019
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