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The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss - Adventure

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The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss

An adventure by Remley Farr and Jeff C. Stevens

This is the PDF version of the module.

If you are looking for the Roll20 VTT - click here.

If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds VTT - click here.

Product Overview

Can you survive the Madhouse of Tasha’s Kiss? Or will you go mad trying?

3 to 5 hours for four to six characters.

Scalable for 3rd-10th level.

High-resolution maps of the madhouse.

7 new monsters, including Red Tiles and the Winnower of Souls!

A fantastic adventure to place in your Domain of Dread, Ravenloft, Curse of Strahd, or home campaign!

Madness tracker handouts, memory enchange mechanics, encounter variants to suit any playstyle, and more!
A great adventure for your Halloween or horror session.

Checkered jester with black eyes and horns
Tasha's WagonGiant head with a portal in its gaping mouthFaceless woman

"I dare not look in a mirror… What will stare back?"

A small village, empty of villagers except for one boy found sitting and weeping next to a jester’s pageant wagon. The boy explains that the villagers, including his family, followed a jester into the wagon and never came out.

A portal to a pocket dimension is found inside the wagon, leading to a brass door with the word Madhouse etched into it. What lays beyond the door? What madness could the adventurers face? Can they save the villagers, or will they go mad trying?

Content Warning: Grim horror, horrific details, animal humanoids.

Laughing man getting his soul sucked out
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If you are interested in the complete Freak Show Trilogy of adventures, you might enjoy the compiled product Freak Show Collection - available as PDF and in PRINT!

Freak Show Collection PDF and PRINT

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Reviews (41)
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Customer avatar
Emily S October 31, 2023 12:34 am UTC
Is there a plan (or can there be) to add a Foundry VTT version of this module? :)
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Rachel R October 30, 2023 7:49 pm UTC
are there printable PDFs of this (and the others in this series)?

edit: printable as in b & w whithout the backgrounds on every page
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Rachel R October 30, 2023 9:33 pm UTC
oh my god, please ignore this. i thought that the NO_BACK file was the adventure without the backmatter, not without a background.
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Jeff S October 31, 2023 1:17 am UTC
I hope those work for you :)
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Jason F March 19, 2023 5:42 pm UTC
This isn't the fault of the book, but please do not run this without a content warning and pre-discussion with players. In terms of themes, this is closer to call of cthulu than d&d.

We had a player drop the campaign, and ultimately had to abandon the story early. If this had been pre-discussed with the group we likely would not of run this. Don't assume your players will be OK with the content.
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Jeff S March 19, 2023 5:49 pm UTC

I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for posting this for other customers to read. That's one reason why we placed a content warning on this product page.
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Matthieu Q January 10, 2023 8:23 pm UTC
Hi Jeff, Thank you for the book. I've purchased both PDF and Hardcover. One thing i'd like to point out, i usually just keep the best version when i buy PDF but it seems that the Color version is of a lesser quality than the no-background version.
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Jeff S January 10, 2023 9:54 pm UTC
Some people do prefer PDFs without a background. I chose the background we used for the color PDF and print version because it fit the overall theme of the adventure.
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Matthieu Q January 10, 2023 10:03 pm UTC
Yes, what i meant is the version without a background is 17 megs and the version with a background is 7 megs which could suggest a lost of quality during conversion....either that or an useless upscale while removing the background...
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Jeff S January 10, 2023 10:07 pm UTC
Ah! Okay! We may have reduced the file size of the color PDF so it would download and load quicker.
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Elijah S October 25, 2022 3:12 pm UTC
Jeff. This is a masterpiece. I'm running this tonight as a one-shot unrelated to our ongoing campaign. I let my players draw up lvl 10 characters. Then I read about the Chimaera Chron, and I had the most fantastically sadistic idea.

"You know what, it's a one-shot with no consequences in our campaign. Your characters have been adventuring for a while, would you like to take, I don't know, three magic items each, of any rarity?"

My face when one of them chose a Nine Lives Stealer Rapier.

I'm phenomenally excited to run this adventure. Well done to you and your collaborators.
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Shaun R October 02, 2022 11:04 am UTC
Absolutely loved this. In the picture room I had the old lady see a younger version of herself. She stepped inside turning into a Vampire Spawn. It was OP for the players but I hinted at some other pictures that only featured a dead body and they took the clue, pushing the spawn in to it.
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Danara S October 03, 2021 7:57 pm UTC
Sadly I can't see the answer to Peter O's question from last year, but since he described my problem pretty well I will just copy the question again:

"The villagers that have had their souls removed by Deggmir are physically dead, right? The ones who make it past him are still alive with souls intact up till the point where they get to Area 9 (Pigs Pies and Puddings) when I am assuming that so they die when they fall into the machine and have their souls put into the pies etc...
So - is Tasha's kiss eating souls (and regurgitating these when she takes damage)? If so then who is actually saved when Tasha's Kiss is destroyed? Is it just the Villagers who have survived physically who can return to the village? Are the souls from the jars and the bed just released?

I might have missed something as the text refers to Tasha's kiss regurgitating souls which can fight as NPCs and regurgitating bodies once defeated.... I'm just a bit confused as to how these villagers have survived...See more
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Jeff S October 07, 2021 1:36 am UTC
Hello Danara! If Tasha's dies, she basically coughs up the souls and bodies, some of which may be alive or very weak depending on how you want to handle them. Think of bodies as being restored once she's defeated.

I think it would be fantastic if one of your friends is turned into a pie! That would be something they'd remember. If Tasha is defeated, they could be restored when she dies.
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Victor G August 24, 2021 3:35 am UTC
We've played Happy Jack already. Would this go before or after? Are they connected?
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Jeff S August 24, 2021 9:44 am UTC
Hello Victor! We wrote these to be loosely connected. Tasha's was written first, but can certainly be played after. You don't even have to mention the connection to Happy Jack's if you don't want to do so.
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Stephen L April 23, 2021 3:30 pm UTC
Are there any artwork examples of Tasha's Kiss to illustrate her transformed form? I'm kind of picturing a drider but then again, not quite.
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Jeff S April 24, 2021 1:50 pm UTC
Good day! We don't have any artwork for the transformed Tasha. I think your picture of a drider-like Tasha is perfect.
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Jeff S August 24, 2021 9:45 am UTC
Stephen, we've added a picture of Tasha in the latest update. You should see an updated version in your library.
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Daniel K February 20, 2021 9:33 pm UTC
I'm starting up my own CoS campaign soon and I would LOVE to roll this and the following 2 adventures into it somehow. Do you have a recommended space to 'insert' them or is it more just as they reach a certain level I can drop a random encounter along the road and have it branch out into this and likewise with the following 3 adventures you have (including the Blinksy shop).
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David H February 01, 2021 6:14 am UTC
Definitely give a body horror etc. content warning if you plan to run this as is—may be too much for some folks. I read through it and it sounds very fun and dark... gave me chills and made my skin crawl. My kind of twisted. But I’ll have to save it for another group, or alter it, as a couple parts would be too disturbing/ grotesque for mine.
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Pat D December 03, 2020 8:17 pm UTC
Just finished running this with my group for a Halloween side story. We absolutely loved it. I love the design of each encounter but a word of advice to DM's, The mirror room comes up quick and you *NEED TO PREPARE FOR THIS*. Not combat heavy but character tailored and fantastic opportunity to mess with them using their past. Thankfully I only had one player in that room but it resulted in some phenomenal roleplay and that player giving me the finger for bringing up a campaign defining mistake.

They loved every NPC and even took Deggmir home with them. Tasha's Kiss barely made it out and the big boss...well, lets just say there was a horde of zombie chefs and TK doesnt exactly deal with hordes of undead well >.>

Every encounter here is packed with horror and flavor. There are multiple solutions and some very clever observations from the author on letting players explore certain locale in ways I didnt expect.

I love this authors work and I will wholeheartedly...See more
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CHRIS F February 07, 2021 5:20 pm UTC
House of the Midnight Violet was fantastic. I used it as a one shot, but it morphed into a campaign. Such a great author.
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Peter O November 17, 2020 10:58 pm UTC
Hi Jeff, I love the sound of this adventure and am due to run it with some friends but I'm very new to DM-ing (this'll be 2nd time)
I read through the story and just had a general question about the fate of the villagers- please excuse me if I've missed something obvious -

The villagers that have had their souls removed by Deggmir are physically dead, right? The ones who make it past him are still alive with souls intact up till the point where they get to Area 9 (Pigs Pies and Puddings) when I am assuming that so they die when they fall into the machine and have their souls put into the pies etc...
So - is Tasha's kiss eating souls (and regurgitating these when she takes damage)? If so then who is actually saved when Tasha's Kiss is destroyed? Is it just the Villagers who have survived physically who can return to the village? Are the souls from the jars and the bed just released?

I might have missed something as the text refers to Tasha's kiss regurgitating souls which...See more
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Peter O November 17, 2020 11:00 pm UTC
oooh - I forgot - do you think the pile of villagers' bodies could be resuscitated in any way after Deggmir had removed the souls - I take it this would need a high-level transmutation wizard to somehow have found their way into the pocket dimension? cheers
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Peter O November 20, 2020 11:57 pm UTC
Great - thanks very much for that Jeff
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Remley F November 21, 2020 3:48 pm UTC
She can also regurgitate Annalyse's soul, which gives your players a hook for Annalyse's Revenge!
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MORRIE B October 28, 2020 3:20 pm UTC
I have a naive question about the scaling of skill checks and saving throws. The table provides checks/save DCs by APL, but shouldn't it be presented as an offset like +1, +2. -1 to what is given in the adventure? For example if a save DC in the adventure is 12 or 14 or 16 and my APL is 8, what do I do? Move them all up, down, don't move them at all? By how much? It doesn't mention what "default" APL the checks/save DCs in the adventure pertain to. I don't want the DCs too high so as to frustrate my players, but at the same time a certain level of non-triviality is fun.

P.S. A couple of minor variants anyone might want to consider to reduce drama in their play through.
(1) Allow PCs to choose which saving throw ability (STR, DEX, etc.) they want to use as their "will of protection" against madness rolls (usually their best and profficient save). Otherwise, PCs with Wisdom as a dump stat can feel singled out, or a crutch, for the whole adventure. Consider up'ing the...See more
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Cody W December 14, 2019 5:03 pm UTC
Hi! Question for the publisher. Do you mind if I convert this to the Cypher System?
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Vincente G October 16, 2019 8:33 pm UTC
Not sure but I think your area 8 section has a minor spelling error unless they are saying their own race :)
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File Last Updated:
December 16, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on October 15, 2018.