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The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox

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Want to travel in a world where the fall of the dice can make things appear randomly? Get completely lost in this book with multiple quests and worlds of your choosing, without a DM. This book could even help you worldbuild for your very own campaign.

Scott Niedjela

This product is now available on Roll20. Click here to check it out!

The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox Part Two: The Toolbox Expanded available here!

Now released: The Sci-fi / Spelljammer Toolbox

Sick of not being able to find a game? Have a burning passion for D&D and everything it represents, but no way to indulge that passion in actual gameplay?

5e Solo Gamebooks presents The Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox. This book is the result of many months’ work and contains a complete system for generating detailed, immersive solo 5e Dungeons & Dragon adventures.  And by solo, we mean true solo, without a dungeon master. There is no shortage of solo RPG tools out there, and many of them have a system-agnostic focus. The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox focuses solely on 5e / One D&D.

The Fantasy Grounds version is now available here!

Using this system, paired with 5e / One D&D mechanics, you can guide your PC or PCs solo through any adventure environment, creating meaningful adventures for them as they journey in the Forgotten Realms (or a campaign setting of your choice).

The Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox covers a variety of topics including quest generation, random encounter generation, random dungeon generation, random wilderness exploration, discovering settlements, merchants and shopping, downtime activities, random NPC generation, and systems for generating infinite monster encounters all tailored towards the solo PC.

In addition to being a go-to for solo D&D gamers, it also happens to be an excellent tool for DMs as well. The breadth of tables makes it an invaluable tool for brainstorming adventure ideas. This book, paired with your creativity, will enable you to create endless adventures for your weekly game, possibly as you guide your own PC or PCs through them. 


Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview of Chapters

Chapter 2: We examine the Question / Answer Mechanic that I have created for use with the resources in this book. This simple system allows you to gain answers to any question in the same way as a system like Mythic GM Emulator, but far more stripped down.

Chapter 3: Deals with travel, modes of travel, weather, camping, unmarked settlements and the like. A more detailed system for wilderness exploration is outlined in Chapter 9.

Chapter 4: Wilderness encounters. In this chapter, you will find a d100 table of random wilderness encounters, all with an open-ended nature so that they can be interpreted differently every time. You can use these, or you may choose to use the encounter generation tools in Chapter 14.

Chapter 5: The same as above, but for urban settings.

Chapter 6: The same as above, but for dungeon settings.

Chapter 7: Contains tools for generating quests for your solo PC or PCs.

Chapter 8: Contains tables for the random generation of dungeons and their contents.

Chapter 9: Contains tables for the random generation of wilderness terrain and its contents.

Chapter 10: Contains guidance on merchants and shopping while in settlements.

Chapter 11: Contains guidance on downtime activities for your solo PC.

Chapter 12: Contains some ideas about roleplay in the solo format.

Chapter 13: Tables for the random generation of any number of NPCs you might meet on your travels.

Chapter 14: A collection of tables designed to generate an infinite number of random encounters in any environment, and also answer detailed questions framed by the player.

Chapter 15: A slightly experimental chapter dealing with monster tactics.

Chapter 16: Contains tables to generate monster encounters, with difficulty adjusted for the solo PC. Tables are arranged by environment type and CR.

Chapter 17: Loot tables, Individual and Hoard, arranged by CR.

Chapter 18: An example of solo gameplay using this system.

The biggest plus is having all the tools you need to solo in one place. I've used a lot of system-agnostic GM-less tools and they tend to require a fair amount of additional supplementation to cover all the bases… The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox provides a complete system for playing 5e without a DM and a powerful tool for generating encounters, quests, NPC's and places of interest. Easily customisable to fit your game-world and level of desired complexity, with a consistent format that makes modifying the tables to fit your personal preference a breeze. This toolbox is an all-in-one gift to Solo Players!

Jay Davies

Essential for any DM, even if you have no interest in solo adventuring whatsoever! The breadth of tables and ideas presented in this document warrant the price of admission alone!

Aaron F.

The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox contains a plethora of resources to create adventures, worlds, and random encounters and events to fill your D&D sessions. It's a great resource for solo adventurers, but it's also a wonderful inspiration for DMs to create interesting and unique adventures for their players.

Kristina Chun

Imaginative and wide-reaching... I had problems taking breaks from solo-ing to play with friends!

John Todsen

I couldn't wait to get started on my personal campaign. I'm using a journal to keep myself honest and to keep for worldbuilding notes.

Josh Law from StrMod

Nice for a player. A must for a DM.

Patrick Higingbotham, NonZero Sum Games

What impressed me the most was seeing the question I had answered come to life. In solo play we can reach a level of detail that is very intuitive, rivalling even a group setting.

Timothy Arthur

All in all, this book is a must-have for those looking to explore the concept of solo play with D&D, within any campaign setting.

Please check out our other titles by clicking on 5e Solo Gamebooks at the top of this page.

Check out this great video of Ginny Di demonstrating some of the tools from this book, and from Part 2 as well.

Please check out our full range of solo adventure titles:

Death Knight's Squire

Tyrant of Zhentil Keep

Citadel of the Raven

The Tortured Land

Drums at Daggerford

Caught In A Wizard's Web

Solo Adventure Bundle 1 (First 4 solo adventures)

Solo Skirmish: The Cult of Mol'goroz

Solo Skirmish: Stone, Wood & Thunder

Eberron Solo Adventure: The Saviour of Sharn

Tables of Doom: 5E Solo Adventuring

Adventurers Wanted!: The Dread Vault of Tgozur

Adventurers Wanted: Labyrinth of Lies

Rage of the Rakasta 5e Solo Conversion

Menace of the Icy Spire 5e Solo Conversion

Ghost of Lion Castle 5e Solo Conversion

Toolbox Solo Adventure A1: The Dead Don't Sleep

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Reviews (31)
Discussions (77)
Customer avatar
December 30, 2024 10:44 pm UTC

from page 118 and onward, on encouter tables per level...

Is there a difference between 1 CR 0 and 1 x CR 0? Does this small x stand for anything?
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Clow R November 25, 2024 8:37 pm UTC
Are there any plans to make "Solo Toolbox" for Pathfinder 2e Remaster? Thanks!
Customer avatar
Paul B November 28, 2024 9:34 am UTC
Now that. Is an idea.
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Thomas D December 31, 2024 5:37 pm UTC
I would love to see that, insta buy.
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Dale K October 07, 2024 1:56 am UTC
I seem to have gotten paid for 1 of these sales in my affilate report even though I am not a part of this project. Any idea why?
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Floyd M September 29, 2024 11:55 pm UTC
Page 163 has a mistake. Room Contents Table Roll should be 68-71. It looks like you copied the roll from page 161.
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Doug A August 07, 2024 4:31 am UTC
I've been playing with this for several sessions and really enjoying it. My only confusion comes with random level appropriate encounters. I'm playing this with D&D 4e and not 5e. The Combat Rating of 5e is really hard to apply to 4e. I wish there was something similar to chapter 16 but for 4e
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Vatroslav M July 31, 2024 1:38 pm UTC
I've seen some previews online and have a question: why are the Yes/No/Maybe tables biased for Yes option? With the distribution 1-6, 7-12 and 13-20, that's 6 numbers for No and Maybe, and 8 for Yes. Wouldn't it be better to have Yes and No even? E.g. 1-7, 8-13, and 14-20.
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Roland S June 30, 2024 3:33 pm UTC
Hi. I bought the FGU version 10 days ago and I'm GREATLY inspired by it.

I have a proposition for the Experimental Part in Chapter 12: Roleplaying.
I think I found a way to enable Roleplaying in Solo RPGs with tables, but with a twist!

Chapter 12: RPing offers Agreeing rolls for NPCs but it sees NPCs as tools for PCs to use. Don't get me wrong, I'll still use it but NPCs can be brought to life with simple tables. I propose an interaction system that can be added in this experimental part to be used in RP as well as combat.

NPC Interaction Table.

After we determine that if an NPC is friend or foe, we can use would-be NPC Interaction Table (in conjunction with Emotions Table!) to create RP oriented "action-reaction scenes." This can be even further expanded into long lasting Rivalries, Blood Brotherhoods or Sisterhoods, Love-Hate Relationships, Blood Feuds, Friendly Competitions, and many more relationship types. Only a list of these relation types...See more
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Daniel C May 19, 2024 5:22 pm UTC
Is this at all compatible with systems that aren’t dnd. Specifically I’m wondering if you could use it to play city of mist
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Paul B May 21, 2024 12:44 am UTC
It is definitely compatible with most RPGs. There are some bits that are 5e-focused, but by and large most of the material can be used in a system-agnostic way.
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Ash H October 19, 2023 4:10 am UTC
How does this compare to Sandbox Generator?
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Paul B November 02, 2023 1:46 am UTC
From what I know of that product, it is more DM-focused. This is more about generating a world as a solo player moves through it, rather than generating the broad details and lore of a world. It is about generating what you come across, as a player.
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Luis C September 12, 2023 1:06 pm UTC
Hi, noob here. So, I've never played D&D or any tabletop RPG. Have very basic knowledge about the subject, and don't own any other material. Is this book enough for me to get started? Or do I need something else? Thanks
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Mark S September 12, 2023 2:15 pm UTC
This solo book is to be used along with the D&D 5th edition rulebooks. So I think if you are a complete beginner it may be a tough challenge to know how to play D&D solo. It’s possible but more difficult.

It is on the far end of the spectrum of solo gaming where you have more freedom vs. an adventure book on the other end of the spectrum where it’s more preplanned or easier rules. Recommend start out with “Four Against Darkness” because it’s all there and easier to learn. Also folks recommend “Lone Wolf” or “Fabled Lands” as an even more adventure book solo play.

Highly recommend watching “Introduction to Solo RPGs” from “How It’s Played” channel:
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Luis C September 12, 2023 7:37 pm UTC
Thanks for this tips! Really aprecciate it!
Customer avatar
Mark S September 12, 2023 11:12 pm UTC
You are welcome! The toolbox (both editions) are excellent books.

Also consider Baulder’s Gate 3 video game if you want to know some of how the game is played. It is almost exactly like the 5e rule set.
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Mark S September 12, 2023 11:15 pm UTC
One other thing. You can also use other role playing games along with this toolbox (not just 5e) but you would have to adjust a bit.
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Noni Kent K August 08, 2023 2:06 am UTC
Is this theater of the mind or does it provide visualization?
Customer avatar
Paul B August 09, 2023 1:01 am UTC
It's designed to be used with standard TTRPGs, so largely theater of the mind. The descriptions provided are quite detailed, however, and I've done my best to help potential players visualise (in the mind) interesting and compelling scenes.
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Lawrence J C July 09, 2023 9:52 pm UTC
How do I send an email to Trevor Salla?
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Paul B July 10, 2023 10:01 pm UTC
Hi Lawrence. Excuse my ignorance... who is Trevor Salla?
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Brent R June 12, 2023 8:50 pm UTC
I've purchased this pdf, but the link for "Part Two" takes me to the dmsguild where I don't have a login. Will you be adding that title to drivethrurpg?
Customer avatar
Paul B June 12, 2023 10:46 pm UTC
Hi Brent
Unfortunately not, it's hosted on DM's Guild as it uses WOTC IP. Does your DTRPG sign-in not work on DM's Guild? I know mine does.
Customer avatar
Brent R June 13, 2023 3:24 am UTC
Ahh hadn't tried actually. I was logged in here and wasn't logged in there when I clicked the link. I'll try that - Thanks!
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charles B February 09, 2023 4:40 am UTC
Do you have to use 5th edition rules?
Customer avatar
Jeffrey S February 09, 2023 10:03 am UTC
No. It's targeted towards 5E but compatible with most D&D like products.
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