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Waterdeep: City EncountersClick to magnify
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Presenting over ONE-HUNDRED short encounters that bring the City of Splendors to life in YOUR game. This supplement includes a plethora of highly replayable random street encounters that draw on the story of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist™, with emphasis on the central themes of intrigue, espionage, and peril. One-shot encounters are presented for almost every location mentioned in "Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion" (Chapter 9), meaning you'll never get caught short for a dramatic scene as your players explore the city.

Waterdeep: City Encounters is brought to you by the Guild Adepts: Alan Patrick, Cindy Moore, Greg Marks, James Introcaso, M.T. Black, Rich Lescouflair, Robert Adducci, Shawn Merwin, Travis Woodall, and Will Doyle.

This product is a DMs Guild Adepts adventure supplement! The Dungeon Masters Guild Adept program brings highly talented individuals together for creative development. Guild Adept products are identified with the golden ampersand and logo.

V1.2: Fixed errors on city map and seasonal weather chart. 

Waterdeep: City Encounters now includes a mod file for play on Fantasy Ground VTT! This file was kindly provided by Michael Potter.

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Customer avatar
Jason B May 20, 2024 9:31 pm UTC
This is the perfect little guide to have in my back pocket for a random encounter. Thanks for writing this one!!
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JOHN S February 19, 2023 9:57 pm UTC
You are consistently at the top for content creation with this title. It's amazing. Can we expect a Roll20 conversion soon?!
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Chris H February 07, 2023 2:26 pm UTC
I wish this had a printer friendly version.
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Adam V December 26, 2022 8:01 pm UTC
An amazing resource for DMs! I'm currently running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and this has been a gold mine for creating random encounters (and even building out a few side quests). Definitely worth picking up!
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Darren C August 05, 2022 6:10 pm UTC
I don't know about you I am always leery where NONE of the authors reply to any of the questions no matter how great people say the product is.
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Jayme A August 05, 2022 8:57 pm UTC
Well, this was published almost four years ago. And none of the authors would get notifications that people are leaving comments here, only whoever runs the publisher's DriveThruRPG account. I'm not exactly surprised none of the authors are fielding questions. But if you had anything in specific you wanted to know, I'm sure someone who's purchased the product would be happy to help. For what it's worth, I love this book and would use it for any urban campaign.
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Darren C August 06, 2022 4:18 pm UTC
Which is cool, that people who bought the product would answer and the D&D community is great for that type of stuff. Still, the questions go back to what, 2019 and not one single reply? If someone can't take the time to answer questions, they don't need my money is the point.
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Noro S May 05, 2022 11:40 am UTC
After buying the item I get a pdf and a .mod ... what is that .mod for and how do I use it?
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Melissa B June 21, 2022 7:40 am UTC
Just reading the description it looks like it's a file for VTT:

" City Encounters now includes a mod file for play on Fantasy Ground VTT! "
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Luis Ernesto B March 06, 2022 9:15 pm UTC
A really must-have if you are running WDH.
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David W January 29, 2022 6:15 am UTC
Amazing book! These can be used in any urban environment. Also, I am going to use the weather tables in my Barrowmaze campaign!.

Errors in the Enchanter block with includes chain lightning and wall of ice as enchantment spells, and lists the Sculpt Spells feature from the Evoker. Also, the Enchanter is a 9th level spell caster and +0 Con mod but has more HP than the 12th level Evoker even though that wizard has a +1 Con mod too boot!
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Matthew A November 25, 2021 9:26 pm UTC
I've only just downloaded this for the first time, but even after 10 minutes of skimming through this guide, I can say with certainty this was 1,000% worth the purchase. So many great ideas so far, and it'll be invaluable in expanding the scope of Waterdeep for my players.
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Steven S March 22, 2021 4:55 am UTC
i have question about the 2 versions, if you purchase the soft cover standard color book will an actual book be sent you to have physically ?
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Tony M August 10, 2021 3:40 am UTC
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Lis N July 10, 2020 1:21 am UTC
I seriously don't understand why this gem doesn't have a printer friendly version...
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Quentin M June 10, 2021 9:34 pm UTC
I'm guessing it's because there's an option to buy a print book...

Which is unfortunate, because I want to add it to my binder (about to start a new group on Dragon Heist) and need to keep the books I carry with me to a minimum.
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Hayden R July 08, 2020 6:36 pm UTC
Hey there! I'm considering picking this up to spice up the city in my homebrew campaign. I noticed in the sample it says encounters are designed for levels 1-4. My party is currently level 12 -- can anyone offer some insight as to whether the content is really all that level-specific? Or are they mainly social encounters where balance is less of a concern? Thanks!
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July 08, 2020 6:42 pm UTC
This is a companion book for the official campaign, which is designed for tier 1. The straight combat encounters in the book are going to be complete pushovers for your players. There will still be value in the non-combat encounters and you can always just adjust the combat encounters on the fly to rebalance. I've run this campaign at the intended level twice, both times using this book. My players' feedback has been that these events are great fun and really give a sense of the hustle and bustle of Waterdeep.
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Gleb K June 15, 2020 10:53 am UTC
Hello, is there any way to contact you? I would like to offer to translate your product into Russian.
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Michael G June 03, 2020 1:50 am UTC
Excellent product! I love the attention to detail - with the random encounters not just being text but leading to other tables and encounters I can load into the Combat Tracker. Well done!

One minor issue (FG Unity) is that when it generates the random encounter tables, it sometimes leaves one entry blank. Not all the time, but about 25-33% of the time.

The Random Factions table also sometimes shows empty entries for me. There is a duplicate blank entry for 15-16 as well.

Random Goods also sometimes has a blank entry.

I didn't go through and check all the shorter Tables.

Also, sometimes apostrophes show up as squares (noticed in the Iluskan Ship entry about Bravos from Luskan)
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Michael P July 02, 2020 8:17 pm UTC
This was done well before unity was released and I have not installed my copy of FG Unity yet. Not sure why tables would have this issue. Whenever I get around to installing FG Unity I will take a look.
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James V April 05, 2022 10:27 pm UTC
I can't seem to find the FGU version of this. Has it been removed?
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Joe C April 02, 2020 10:34 pm UTC
Is this easy to adapt to any city (EG; Greyhawk)?
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Joe C April 02, 2020 11:38 pm UTC
The larger question may be; does this only work with Dragon Heist?
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Gregory M April 19, 2020 5:22 pm UTC
Most of the encounters easily could be adapted to other cities though those that mention specific wards or locations would likely need to have their location description slightly altered to reflect the city you are using.
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Orannis - December 03, 2019 12:55 am UTC
Really cool aid, though I'm unclear on what the .mod file is for?
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Cesar V December 18, 2019 6:03 pm UTC
The .mod file is if you have Fantasy Grounds.
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