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Khyber's Cursed: Case Studies of Eberron's Aberrant DragonmarksClick to magnify
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Khyber's Cursed: Case Studies of Eberron's Aberrant Dragonmarks


A set of Aberrant Dragonmarked options for Eberron!

In the crumbling ruins of the Cogs deep below Sharn, four figures meet in secret to discuss the business of House Tarkanan.

Khyber’s Cursed: Case Studies of Eberron’s Aberrant Dragonmarks picks up right where Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron leaves off for aberrant dragonmarks. Are you curious about the terrifying powers of these feared dragonmarks? Inside you’ll find a wealth of options to bring aberrant dragonmarks to your table, including:

  • 17 new aberrant dragonmark feats.

  • Six terrifying artifacts from the War of the Mark to challenge your players… or lead them to ruin.

  • New aberrant dragonmark appearance tables to customize player characters and NPCs.

  • New organization that tracks aberrant dragonmarks.

  • A House Agent background to bring House Tarkanan to life.

Khyber’s Cursed brings those holding these destructive marks out of the shadows.

About the Authors:

J. Ryan Conklin is a gamer and hobby writer. There’s nothing he loves more than player driven storytelling. He’s currently working on adventures designed to be replayable by having the adventure adapt to players choices and story. The first adventure in this experiment is Night of the Malignant Dead.

Richard Malena–Webber is an academic, game editor and developer, presenter, and podcaster. He is the creator and host of Atomic Game Theory, a blog and YouTube series devoted to games and game analysis. He previously wrote The Monologue Mechanic and the Champions of Crown City on the Dungeon Masters’ Guild.

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Adam M November 01, 2018 2:34 am UTC
Which edition of DND was this intended to be used for? Are these feats intended to be potentially used in place of the original Aberrant dragonmark feat, or in addition? I ask these questions because a lot of the feats detailed remove hit dice from their target, which in 5e doesn't really do much of anything. For instance the "bloodsucker" feat takes a hit die from a creature and then can be used immediately, does this harm the creature?
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J. Ryan C November 02, 2018 5:14 pm UTC
Hi! It covers 5th edition and is meant as an expansion to work covered in Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron. The feats can be used in place of and in addition to the feat covered in WGtE.

Bloodkeeper doesn't really do much on its own - absorbing a HD from an enemy isn't the valuable unless you're playing a very gritty game where tracking adversary HD matters. The thought behind it was to have a feat that supplements other feats by granting the ability to replenish HD outside of a long rest. Effectively giving players an ability to use their Aberrant skills more often.
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September 12, 2019
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