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Curse of Strahd: Death House ScriptClick to magnify
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Curse of Strahd: Death House Script

Suggested Price $1.00

Anyone that's ran or peeked at Curse of Strahd's prologue, Death House, will know that there are hardly any area descriptions, and that the information provided is as dry as the [spoiler].This often leads to the DM dryly reading aloud the information provided: "This room contains a bed, a wardrobe, and a mirror behind which a secret—uhh, oops!"

The Death House Script solves that issue for you; an area description is provided for every room in the house, and written as gothic storytelling. Simply print this out, keep at your side, and you're good to go. No ad-libbing, no possible spoilers, no drab information about how many candlesticks are on the table.

Disclaimer: This does not replace the Death House module. You will still have to refer to the module.

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Reviews (38)
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November 1st, 2024
Very, very good. Love how you can take what you want from these descriptions and ideas and leave the rest. Copy-pasted many for my game. I liked how the script in some places added some comments, like a video game, although i did not use it. Some of yo [...]
September 12th, 2024
This is such a great resource. I was really having a hard time setting the spooky tone for CoS, but this really did it. I like that i gave a description for every room, even those that are "unimportant". [...]
March 31st, 2024
I am so late in writing a review for this, but this was a great product, it was my first time DMIng for more than 2 people, and it enabled me to keep a 6 player party engaged, I was so happy, and I have fond memories of my first session, and it wouldn& [...]
July 30th, 2023
This is really freaking awesome! I wish I had this when I ran Death House. [...]
June 1st, 2023
This suppliment is good. It is a big volume of information that was missing from the CoS book, and it gives it a spooky/fun spin. However, I ran it without proof reading it first, and I regret that (I did skim it and omit things that didn't appl [...]
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File Last Updated:
September 19, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on July 19, 2018.