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Curse of Strahd: Castle Ravenloft Map FlowchartClick to magnify
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Curse of Strahd: Castle Ravenloft Map Flowchart


Let's face it: Castle Ravenloft is a labrynthine nightmare to navigate—even for the Dungeon Master. Take out all the vampires and wights, and you've still got an isometric map that's confusing at best, and unnavigable at worst.

The Castle Ravenloft Map Flowchart reduces the map into a single page with arrows and lines showing all connections to the various areas of the castle. It's organized by floor and color-coded, and includes page numbers to nearly each room.

Hopefully this aids in presenting the shadows of Castle Ravenloft for your players.

Note: Not all outdoor areas on the main floor are represented. An example is K5, the Chapel Garden. Its nearest connection is K3, the Servants' Entrance.

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Joseph B June 18, 2021 8:07 pm UTC
I had thought this was something I didn't need...I ran Ravenloft for the first time last night...Escher wanted to take the party from the dining hall to the guest rooms. Simple enough and yet I was befuddled. This flowchart would have really helped me then, it will help me next time.

On a side note, any clue as to how to add a review on DMsGuild?
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Daniel N July 15, 2018 4:26 pm UTC
Is there a way you could provide this as a PDF or perhaps a vector image as an alternate file download? I don't have access to Word, and Google Drive's conversion of docx is pretty broken. I'd love to use this in my campaign!
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Wyatt T July 15, 2018 6:04 pm UTC
Gotcha covered. There's a PDF now.
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July 03, 2018 1:45 pm UTC
I will say this... wow, the effort involved with sorting this out... good on you!
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Wyatt T July 11, 2018 12:42 am UTC
Thanks! I'm certainly a masochist!
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File Last Updated:
July 15, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on July 02, 2018.