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D&D Solo Adventure: Tables Of Doom - 5E Solo Adventuring


5e Solo Gamebooks presents Tables Of Doom, a new kind of solo adventuring system, containing 2 exciting solo quests! Unlike our previously published gamebooks (Death Knight’s Squire and Tyrant of Zhentil Keep), this system relies on dice rolls and tables (hence the name) to randomly generate monsters, traps, clues, encounters, secret doors, loot… all the good stuff. The final BBEG encounters (and some of the other encounters) are managed through gamebook style entries, but everything else (rooms, monsters, traps, secret doors, loot etc etc) is randomly generated, meaning that even if you play the same quest multiple times, every attempt will result in a different quest. Tables Of Doom is the first in a planned series of adventures using this system.  

Tables Of Doom contains two short solo quests: “Shadows Gather”, and “Brain Dead.” The quests are designed to be relatively short, 2 hours max for each, and both take place on the Dragon Coast of Faerun. They could be played after “Death Knight’s Squire” or before “Tyrant of Zhentil Keep,” or as stand-alones. DMs could use these quests to give their players something to do between sessions, or to level up prior to a session. We've been told that our solo adventures have also been used to playtest homebrew classes.


"This was hands down the best no-DM adventure I have seen." Arch G.

"Very unique module and well worth the price for me." Allen D.

The adventures in "Tables Of Doom" are designed for Level 2 characters, with the next volume aimed at Level 4 (our gamebooks “Tyrant of Zhentil Keep” and “Citadel of the Raven” [due April 2018] have level 3 covered). We’ve received a lot of requests for higher-level adventures, but the eventual plan is to work our way up to them, providing a linear progression from level 2 to level 20.

Just like our gamebooks “The Death Knight’s Squire” and “Tyrant of Zhentil Keep,” this pdf contains active links to navigate you between entries. 

So if you are ready for a new type of solo adventure where nothing is certain and death is just around the corner, pick up “Tables Of Doom” right now!

Please check out our full range of solo adventure titles:

Death Knight's Squire

Tyrant of Zhentil Keep

Citadel of the Raven

The Tortured Land

Drums at Daggerford

The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox

Solo Adventure Bundle 1 (First 4 solo adventures)

Eberron Solo Adventure: The Saviour of Sharn

Adventurers Wanted!: The Dread Vault of Tgozur

Adventurers Wanted: Labyrinth of Lies

Menace of the Icy Spire - 5e Solo Conversion

Rage of the Rakasta 5e Solo Conversion

Ghost of Lion Castle 5e Conversion

Toolbox Solo Adventure A1: The Dead Don't Sleep

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Alessandro F July 10, 2024 5:19 pm UTC
I've noticed in comments that the book is without maps. Does them be generated by dice or there's another volume to buy...?
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Harold O July 30, 2023 3:17 pm UTC
After playing (and dying) Tyrant of Zhentil Keep, we circled back and played "Shadows Gather" with two PCs. My daughter and I really enjoyed playing this. Getting to the end, we were awarded 300 XP, which we figure is split evenly between the two PCs, for 150 XP each. Though it doesn't say to do this explicitly, we figured it made sense because we were also splitting all the loot in the adventure, rather than doubling it.

I think the "Questability" countdown and 6d12 methods together are very elegant, even though the randomness of the 6d12 means that you get a completely empty room with some frequency. But the encounters are pretty dangerous at low level, so having an occasional respite is a welcome relief!
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Paul B August 03, 2023 3:39 am UTC
Thanks for the kind words Harold! Your XP solution sounds good. If you enjoyed this you may enjoy my Solo Skirmish series (2 books, 5 quests in each) which is specifically designed for 2 PCs. It's kinda the sequel to this product, at least game-wise (if not story-wise).
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Lawrence J C June 20, 2023 1:13 am UTC
How do you download this that I already bought?!
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Paul B June 20, 2023 3:41 am UTC
If you are signed into your DM's Guild account, have a look up the top of the DM's Guild page, on the right. Click on "My Library." It should be right at the top if it was the last thing you bought. Failing that, do a search by title and it should come up. Hope that helps.
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Jane M April 03, 2023 2:06 am UTC
I was interested in trying some solo adventures to get more familiar with a character I'm playing in a discord server. And I acquired this one within a bundle pack. The concept if fun, I've only been through it once so far, my only problem so far is that the poison dart trap only had information on if you succeeded the trap finding. nothing on what type of poison or anything. I ended up just going with the standard one out of the 5e source materials.
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Mark L August 14, 2022 1:15 am UTC
So I just purchased tables of doom 5e solo adventure but can't find the maps, are they included with the 78-pg. book?
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Zachary N August 01, 2022 7:52 pm UTC
These are neat and can be a lot of fun, HOWEVER, the Story Entry parts are very confusing. They come before anything that indicates when they are supposed to be read. For Example, I kept trying to figure out when to read "Entry 2" because the game starts with reading "Entry 1" but guess what? you only read "Entry 2" if you fight a specific monster and in its stat block it then tells you to read "Entry 2". This leads to a lot of confusion the first few times playing if you do not get the specific pieces to fall into place for entries to happen and make sense.
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Bruno V March 29, 2021 4:26 pm UTC
Merci beaucoup pour votre créativité ! :) Ce type de jeu en solo est excellent. Ce serait bien de voir vos jeux traduits dans d'autres langues, comme le Français.
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Marcelo R March 29, 2021 4:10 pm UTC
Greetings dear author, I really enjoy this title. I must say that it took me a bit to start it up but once I learned the concept you propose it was a lot of fun. I would like more of this game system and what's more, it would be great if I had the fortune to have some help to create my own games with these characteristics. I say goodbye grateful.
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Stefano C April 23, 2020 9:45 pm UTC
hi, I have seen the various single player options. I understood the typology of the first 4 books, but I can't understand the difference between this book of two adventures, Solo adventure Toolbox and Solo adventure Toolbox A1: the dead don't sleep. Can you tell me if there is a difference?
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Paul B April 23, 2020 10:26 pm UTC
They all use slightly different solo systems. The books you mentioned above use a more free-form style of adventuring which requires your imagination to flesh out the adventure. If you're unfamiliar with solo adventures, I'd say start with the bundle of four adventures, then see how you go from there!
Thanks for the support Stefano!
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Kevin A March 19, 2020 12:46 am UTC
My wife and I just tried to play this, but it is unplayable. The concept is great, but the PDF is missing any instructions on how to proceed to the next room after you roll it, so you can only get two rooms in on both stories (because the second room follows directly from the opening). Do not buy this product.
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Paul B March 19, 2020 3:07 am UTC
Hi Kevin. If you check out "Sequence of Play" on page 3, and have a look at step 2 (Roll for next location from the location table. Turn to the appropriate map), that gives you instructions about how to proceed to the next room. So basically, after the Entry, decide what route you are leaving by, roll a d10 and consult the location table. You do this every time you leave a location. Does that help? Let me know if you're still having problems - I really want to help you get the most out of this adventure (and also pinpoint any errors that might need fixing!).
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Konstantin A March 19, 2020 3:34 pm UTC
Hey - How to pick the form of the next room is clear, but there are no instructions on which story box to go to next.
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Paul B March 19, 2020 9:22 pm UTC
OK. I think I see where the problem is. I'm going to work on a new version over the weekend which I hope will clear up the rules.
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Logan G March 13, 2020 10:06 pm UTC
Are these books designed for one player and one DM?
I have a player I would love to run side adventures, one-on-one.
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Paul B March 14, 2020 9:01 pm UTC
They are designed to be played by one or more players without a GM, but I've heard of DMs running them before. You just have a limited amount of choices, that's all.
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Richard R August 07, 2019 3:43 pm UTC
Can this be ran with one player and a DM?
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Paul B March 14, 2020 9:01 pm UTC
It's not designed for it, but it can.
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Patrik L February 03, 2019 6:34 pm UTC
Hi, im still unsure if i read entries starting from 1 and then proceed just further, as long as there are no jump according to text, or if i read entries based on map number. A bit confusing
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Paul B February 06, 2019 7:55 am UTC
Hi Patrik
Did you read through the introduction, which contains detailed instructions for how to play through the module?
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Patrik L February 06, 2019 8:56 am UTC
Well yes. Im just confused. I read entry 1, rolled for a room. Happened to be empty. Do i then proceed to entry 2 and read and roll a room or do i just roll a room?
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Paul B February 07, 2019 6:30 am UTC
Wow, completely empty? Well then, the next phase is choose your exit from that location and roll on the location table, following the play sequence to progress you through the game.
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Gerald W July 20, 2019 2:10 am UTC
Hi. I'm confused too. Do the room numbers match the text entries, or should I move to the next entry that reads something such as, "as you descend...?" For example I resolved some stuff about an orb in entry 5. Should I go to entry 6 next? Thanks, G
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Les J August 15, 2018 10:43 pm UTC
*mild spoiler*

What does the tiny anvil on a golden chain from Brain Dead adventure turn out to be?
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Paul B April 06, 2018 4:42 am UTC
A new version just uploaded, with several errors (thanks Steel B!) fixed.
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František K May 13, 2019 7:20 pm UTC
Im missing poison dart (T1) dmg if not avoided. Thx
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Robert H March 01, 2018 11:33 pm UTC
how do I preload the maps onto roll20? I'm having trouble figuring it out. with the death knight's squire there was a separate map file that I could upload, but this one only has it in pdf form
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Paul B March 02, 2018 1:31 am UTC
Good point Robert. I will upload the jpgs now.
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Paul B March 02, 2018 2:23 am UTC
Maps are uploaded now Robert. Sorry for the oversight.
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