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A Fistful of Coppers: 26 Guild Best-SellersClick to magnify
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A Fistful of Coppers (and Silvers and Electrums and…)!

A constellation of DM’s Guild stars have joined forces to bring you a collection of some of the Guild’s BEST SELLING products!

In this veritable bag of holding for best-sellers, you’ll find a huge variety of content in more than two dozen different products, ranging from powerful magic items to incredibly useful DM aids to unique player options to exciting adventures. And you’re certain to find awesome stuff, because each and every one is a highly-rated medal winner!

More than 800 pages of the most popular content on the Guild. Dozens of hours of entertainment of the highest possible quality. All for more than 66% OFF the cover price. If you bought each of these products individually, you’d pay over $60!

Check out the preview for detailed descriptions of each of the products in "A Fistful of Coppers."

Featuring the work of veteran Guild creators Phil Beckwith (of PB Publishing), Christian Eichhorn, Jeff Stevens, Andrew Cawood, Richie Root, Jean Lorber, Jeremy Forbing, Adam Hancock, Tony Petrecca, Travis Legge, Janek Sielicki, Kerry Jordan, Chris Bissette (of Loot The Room), Alan Tucker, and R P Davis, grab your Fistful of Coppers NOW!

Here’s what you get:

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CHRIS BISSETTE - Breaker of Chains, Trinkets Too
ADAM HANCOCK - The Boneyard
KERRY JORDAN - The Dread Tailor
JANEK SIELICKI - Finders Keepers, Homeward Bound
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jordy W March 23, 2018 4:39 pm UTC
Any chance of a POD in the future for this?
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R P D March 24, 2018 10:46 am UTC
Hello, Jordy! On behalf of the "Fistful" team, thank you for your question.

Unfortunately, there are two things standing in the way of this being POD. First, as of this writing the Guild doesn't really "do" POD except in the rarest of circumstances. Second, this isn't One Big Book; it's more of a shelf of books, a collection of many products, each of which is laid out differently. Preparing each product for print would be a nightmare.

I hope that makes sense, and thanks again!


R P Davis
Customer avatar
jordy W March 24, 2018 4:34 pm UTC
Ah, I guess that makes sense. Bummer, but sensical. Thanks for putting this thing together, it's on my wishlist and waiting for me to get some extra scratch together :-)
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File Last Updated:
February 24, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on February 23, 2018.