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Class Character Sheets - The MonkClick to magnify
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Class Character Sheets - The Monk

Suggested Price $0.50

2024 Class Character Sheets Now Available! Click Here! 

This sheet keeps all of your essential character crunch on one sheet and all your character's backstory, traits, allies, and enemies on another. Also includes alternative versions of the front sheet with a different skill layout, a back sheet for tracking your Sidekick or Companion, a sheet for additional features, and magic items!

This download includes both US Letter and A4 size sheets, and both a form fillable version and a fully editable version — perfect for using the new options from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything!

Also by Emmet Byrne

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About the Author: Emmet Byrne has been role-playing and Games Mastering for almost 20 years. He got his start reverse engineering the second edition AD&D rules from the Baldur's Gate PC RPG and hasn't looked back since. He's played every edition of D&D between then and now as well as a multitude of other weird and wonderful tabletop RPG systems, and was involved in the AGE system content for Kobold Press's Midgard Campaign Setting.
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Rangi C November 28, 2021 1:44 am UTC
I got the bundle since I've been looking for character sheets with more space and these look to have enough of it; I was also glad to see the class features already added to the sheet until I realised it doesn't contain all of them. Not having all of them and only some isn't great in my opinion because having to put them somewhere else is just gonna be confusing later; it also would've been great if there had been a dedicated space for optional class features where the regular class features are.
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Rangi C November 28, 2021 2:58 am UTC
Ok, disregard the first portion of what I said because my brain decided to just gloss over a whole section. The only thing from I said earlier that still holds true is that I wish the sheet would have is a dedicated space for optional class features where they were already written so I wouldn't have to write them in the additional features and traits section. Having things separate is can end up being confusing at times.
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Isaac W October 06, 2021 1:45 am UTC
Hey I'm coming from the full bundle but the Monk sheet is missing stunning strike at level 5
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Hannah B May 15, 2021 2:15 am UTC
I still love these sheets and keep recommending them to people. My only question is- How can I import character art into the sheet? I can't seem to figure it out. Or does that need to be done separately?
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Daniel B November 19, 2019 1:55 am UTC
Any way to edit the fillable areas for monastatic traditions for monk? When I view on pdf I can’t get all information for skills to fit in allotted space. Font will not shrink as far as other pre-filled areas.
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Hannah B May 15, 2021 2:13 am UTC
I've found if you save it as a PDF when you re-load it later it shrinks it down for you.
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Daniel K November 06, 2019 11:59 pm UTC
These are by far the best sheets I have come across. Well done sir.

What is the fist for in the upper right?
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Kevin J June 02, 2018 1:50 pm UTC
Nice one, though the Deflect Missile lacks the Errata, which gives it a range of 20/60 feet.
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April 10, 2018 9:33 am UTC
These sheets almost perfect, this because in these Monk sheets (even in the bundle), the monk has a "Spell Attack Modifier" box (the monk doesn't possess this bonus and he doesn't use it in any discipline) and has a "Spell save DC" box instead of a "Ki save DC".
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Adderson H February 03, 2018 4:10 pm UTC
Hey, me again, this is great and this is my favourite class but I think you have forgotten the Unarmoured Defense at level 1.
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Emmet B February 04, 2018 4:42 pm UTC

Due to the sheer amount of abilities a monk has, I was struggling to get everything on one page. I decided to not put Unarmoured Defence in as this has a place it can be tracked on the sheet (the AC box). It was annoying to have to leave it out but I really couldn't figure out any other way to get everything on one sheet!
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Adderson H February 04, 2018 9:31 pm UTC
Oh that makes sense, sure thing!
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Cody C February 01, 2018 10:06 am UTC
This sheet is awesome, not having to look at several sheets for all the ki abilities is awesome. The only issue I had with it is that deflect missiles is a level 3 ability. Was able to fix with a quick edit though :D Thank you for making these!
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Emmet B February 01, 2018 10:34 am UTC
Thanks for the heads up Cody. I'll sort that out!
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Cullen Y February 01, 2018 3:42 am UTC
These are awesome, thx! I love to make random characters using Xanather's guide and these help a lot.
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Jason G January 31, 2018 8:07 pm UTC
This is fantastic! Thank you so much for making all of these, I'll be sure to be using this for my next character.
One thing to mention though, for the level 10 feature 'Purity of Body,' you accidentally put "You aare..." instead of "You are..."
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Emmet B January 31, 2018 8:42 pm UTC
Dang it! Thanks for the heads up.
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John B January 31, 2018 5:14 pm UTC
For the purposes of potentially making something like this for a homebrew class, what font did you use? I haven't found anything that looks this good.
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Emmet B January 31, 2018 8:42 pm UTC
Thanks! The font for the majority of the text is Calibri Regular. The font for the class name and the numbers in the level box is Book Antiqua.

If you're looking to use your own classes I've added a few blank customisable sheets to the full class bundle here:

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Erik F January 31, 2018 11:46 am UTC
I have now purchased all of these sheets, and I have to say, you did a magnificent job on these. One-stop-shopping for info on abilities, well organized, and a nice, graphic feel.
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Emmet B January 31, 2018 12:44 pm UTC
Thanks! The Monk almost broke me with the sheer amount of abilities they get but I got there in the end.

Must have been a pain to download one at a time. I'll have a bundle up shortly but that's too late for you!
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File Last Updated:
July 16, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on January 31, 2018.