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Compact 4"x6" NPC Character SheetClick to magnify
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Compact 4"x6" NPC Character Sheet


     His breath ragged, Ceaser places his fingers onto the deck of cards that led to his companion's untimely death. 
     "Bahamut, please. I can't do this alone."
He pulls one card from the top of the deck, his hands shaking all the while. The Knight
     "What does this one even mean?" he asks the empty room. "Bahamut, how will this help me?!" 
     A woman appears, tall and lean, muscular, and wearing heavy steel armor. Her short cropped black hair hangs to one side, exposing a thin scar along her jaw. 
She kneels, her sword thrust into the dirt before her, and says, "My lord, How may I aid you?" 

Six Colors For Your NPC Needs


It's Very Helpful: Sometimes players recieve the attention of helpful NPCs to aid them in their journey. Since most players have difficulties keeping all the info on their own character in an easy to find place, adding in another character sheet just compounds the paper shuffling. Giving them a familiar but decidedly unique NPC Character sheet will help them navigate their beloved NPC's statistics much more quickly and easily. 

Minimalist Layout:  A lot of sheets (mine included) have tons of room for players to write in notes, reminders, and quirks they may need to remember. Since NPCs are governed by the DM, and an NPC sheet isn't very useful to them - these compact NPC Character sheets keep only enough room for the basics of the character. 

Form Fillable: Each version/color is form fillable with Adobe Acrobat or other PDF editor. Each section has been tweaked to display as clearly as possible, but to allow you to put in as much information as you possibly can. 

Updated Monthly: Every month I put out a survey with over 30 people who use these sheets to get feedback. I make changes (sometimes subtle) and re-upload every time a change is made! 

It Comes In SoManyColors(TM): I'm uploading a half-dozen versions of this sheet just so you can find the color that works best for your NPC, including a printer friendly white version. 

Note On Printing! 
The image size and PDF size are made to "print as actual size." If you stretch, fit, or maximize this thing - it will print the full size of the sheet of paper you're using and waste tons and tons of ink. You've been warned


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Customer avatar
Brian J August 14, 2022 7:00 pm UTC
This is a great NPC sheet! Thanks! The space for hit points and hit dice is huge and a waste of space to me. Can you shrink these and put a Character Portrait box there to allow a quick picture or sketch?
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Brian J August 14, 2022 7:53 pm UTC
Or better yet, a page 2 thats just a portrait. That way one side is the portrait the player can see, and the other is this sheet.
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Doryen C September 15, 2020 3:10 am UTC
Seems to be rather blurry for PDFs. Is there a vector version?
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Gavin M January 27, 2020 10:28 pm UTC
I am the "Target Audience" :) I use 4"x6" index cards for my NPCs, and some of them need more detailed combat stats than others - so I was delighted to find this! I just need a way to print these 2-per-page so I can get them on cardstock - still searching for how to do that :)
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Alucard H May 10, 2021 4:41 pm UTC
Hey man its not hard, just save the edited pdfs and merge them into 1 pdf.
Then just print that pdf as "2 per page" :)
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Alicia G July 17, 2019 9:25 pm UTC
The sheet is very nice but could you make it in A4 size?
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File Last Updated:
October 11, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on January 10, 2018.