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CCC-GHC-07 - The River Runs RedClick to magnify
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CCC-GHC-07 - The River Runs Red


The Golden Paragon Trading Company has been working for months to secure a long-term trade deal with the Seven Suns Trading Coster, but efforts to deliver the final agreements to Calaunt have each ended with dead envoys and missing documents. The latest delegation recently departed Elmwood, traveling south down the River Lis. The Golden Paragon seeks experienced individuals to follow their representatives and ensure they reach their destination safely. Can the adventurers catch them before another tragedy occurs? 

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Reviews (3)
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October 21st, 2018
Sigh. This adventure has some potential. It starts out great with the party already having accepted a job and is then sent off into the forest. Then the adventure stalls. What follows is a series of uninspired combats with no potential t [...]
June 7th, 2018
Adventure picks up in the middle, so no need to arbitrarily "meet in a tavern at the request of your faction." - nice touch to cut down on 15 minutes of player and DM setup. Overall, basic hack-and-slash with some nice turns in the last encou [...]
February 26th, 2018
A short and fun Tier 3 adventure, Ran it with a full table of 7 and while it is combat heavy using the notes on monster actions, we were able to finish in just over 3 hours including running the optional encounter (player turns take a while at Tier 3!) [...]
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File Last Updated:
June 13, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on December 04, 2017.