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Encounters in the Savage Cities (Fantasy Grounds)Click to magnify

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This is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module. 

Now with Unity NgZ6Rud.jpg

Ever needed to spice up a stay in a city?  Or, ever needed something to fill the gap between sessions when you are missing a player?  Add a little flavor to the adventurers’ city visits with a rampaging mummy, a circus gone wild, a haunted inn, and much, much, more.

This 80-page supplement contains 26 encounters written by best-selling Dungeon Masters Guild writers and new writers!

Encounters in the Savage Cities includes:

  • 26 unique encounters / mini-adventures

    • A mix of combat, roleplay, and investigation

  • Scaling Suggestions for CR 1-10 for most of the encounters

  • New creatures

  • Custom Art

  • Custom Maps

These encounters are location generic and are designed to be easily added to any campaign.  Use them to introduce new players, as inspiration for a new campaign, as a one-shot, or whatever else you can think of.

Looking for the PDF?  Here it is.

Want even more encounters?  Pick up Encounters in the Savage Frontier!

24 encounters/mini-adventures to be used while the adventurers travel from one location to the next.

Check out these other Fantasy Grounds MODs...

The Mines of Chult (Fantasy Grounds) Encounters in the Savage Jungles (Fantasy Grounds)  Encounters in the Savage Frontier (Fantasy Grounds)  Encounters in the Savage Cities (Fantasy Grounds)  Adventure: Unknown Whom Fantasy Grounds 5E Coding Package Fantasy Grounds 5E Coding Package (ITEMS)

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Customer avatar
David C May 17, 2021 6:05 am UTC
Hello I have purchased all of your Savage series and I like them, but this one won't load it gives error every time I try to load it.
[ERROR] Graphic: Unable to load file (Asad al#Sarif.jpg) (modules/878507-Ecounters_in_the_Savage_Cities.mod)

In place of the # sign in line above is a symbol that looks like a square, don't know how to type that in.

I have redownloaded the module and installed it again, only have 1 copy in the modules directory.
Customer avatar
Rob T May 17, 2021 1:46 pm UTC
UNITY is not as forgiving with image names as CLASSIC was. I fixed that. If you have further problems with this or any other products, please come to my support Discord server -
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These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality.
File Last Updated:
May 17, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on September 06, 2017.