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Perfect for a Halloween one-shot!

"My players were afraid to enter a room, but were also excited!"

"Solid story!"

"My players had a blast and it was a fun adventure to run."..."they all enjoyed the atmosphere of the adventure and commented that the creepy stuff definitely felt creepy."

"This is truly awesome. Well Done!"

The Haunt

Unlock the secrets and drive back the evil from Montarthas Manor

A one shot, 6-8 hour Horror themed adventure, designed for characters of 4th or 5th level.

In ages past, an ancient town was lost and destroyed to a seige of orcs. Only one building survived and to this day, the manor is the only still standing building to be seen for miles around. Some say it is haunted, a few whisper of great treasures within, whilst others whisper that it is the manor itself that lives! 

No one knows for sure, only that a great evil haunts its halls.

Do you dare enter Montarthas Manor?!

DISCLAIMER! This will be a challenging adventure for 4th level player groups of 3 to 5 players with some deadly encounters. However, ideally The Haunt is tailored as a medium difficulty adventure with plenty of excitement, horror, suspense and danger for a 5th level party of 4 to 5 players.

Contact me via the following:
Twitter: @pbpublishing1

Also available in the following formats

The Haunt Trilogy Special Edition

The Haunt for Roll20 VTT

Get the entire trilogy NOW in a Special Edition hardcover





Also Available for Roll20 Virtual Tabletop






The Haunt 3 - Available now!

CLICK HERE to get your copy today.

"Perfect for a Halloween one-shot!"

The terrifying SEQUEL to the bestselling, and Dragon+ Magazine featured horror adventure: The Haunt.

The Haunt 3 is both a one-shot, and a sequel/finale that can be run as either. It is an 6-8 hour Horror themed adventure, designed for characters of 7th -8th level.


And The Haunt 2: Click Here to download today


Richard A. Knaak's Rex Draconis for D&D5E

A new D&D 5E setting from the mind of legendary Dragonlance author, Richard A. Knaak.

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Dino-Wars - Adventure Series


Vol 1    Vol 2

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Reviews (64)
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Customer avatar
Elise F July 11, 2024 9:28 am UTC
Hi! Can this be modified to fit a one-player adventure (one player and one DM), with a sidekick to help the player? Or would it be too tricky?
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Rory C October 28, 2023 6:24 pm UTC
I have had this a while and never got to run it until now. Had fun was supposed to be 5 level 4's but ended up with just 4 and it was kinda tough.the kitchen beside the ballroom is not numbered which when asked about i had no clue exactly what it was but guessed it was a small kitchen.

Entering the pool area it states or if they come within 5ft of the poolside, then the guardian come up well as soon as they enter they are right beside the pool and within 5 ft. i know it was asked and answered here but updating where the door is in area 6 with something like its not actually shown but you will find it there will be helpful as i didnt get it at first.

Only other issue was if they fail the sewing in the basement they wake up in the boss fight room, that kind of kills off the entire adventure, i had them wake up[ in the hallway upstairs to then give them stuff to do.

Overall though a solid adventure i set the scene and even have a creepy doll that i put on the table for the...See more
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Brian S September 30, 2023 7:12 pm UTC
Question; on page 9, it indicates that the doll will be seen to be "repaired" after the first encounter, which explains the doll regenerating. however, I'm not seeing any information about how much it regenerates? Does it fully heal every time it escapes?
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Rory C October 28, 2023 7:35 pm UTC
Yes I figured it would fully heal and did so just to mess with the players and give a tougher opponent.
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Timothy L May 31, 2023 8:39 pm UTC
Hey There!!! I am a TTRPG creator putting together content for a variety TTRPG Twitch stream this fall. I'd love to do an adaptation of The Haunt on stream. Do I have your permission to play the adventure on stream, and if so, how would you like me to credit you and are there any stipulations?
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Philip B May 31, 2023 11:10 pm UTC
Hi Timothy,

You absolutely have my permission to use The Haunt on stream.

Buzz me at to talk further :)


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James L November 01, 2021 7:33 am UTC
Would LOVE to see some FoundryVTT love! I just want to verify that if I bought the trilogy, I'm not missing any assets from the single editions?
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Philip B May 12, 2023 7:20 am UTC
Hey James,

Unfortunately, there is no Foundry VTT support here on DMsGuild, but we just released The Haunt for Roll20 (see the above-updated product page for details).

Everything in this book is also found in the trilogy... and with the Special Edition trilogy, you get even more including refined encounters (thanks to feedback over the years), character sheets, and paper minis.


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James L May 16, 2023 6:31 am UTC
So publish on DriveThruRPG. I had my Roll20 account deleted at the same time I had my WotC and DnDBeyond accounts deleted back in January. I'm a bit surprised to see that content creators I respect are still publishing to any of them.

If DMsGuild is going to lock out competing VTT platforms, I might just delete my account here as well!
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Aaron A October 26, 2021 3:34 am UTC
Hi Phil,

I just bought the Fantasy Grounds version of this adventure, and I'm excited to run this as a one-shot for my home group this coming Halloween weekend. Quick question on areas 02.06 The Ball Room and 02.07 Alfresco Area: the module says these areas are connected by a glass folding door, but on the map I don't see any door connecting the two. Am I missing something? Thanks for your help!
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Philip B May 12, 2023 7:22 am UTC
Hey Aaron,

Apologies for the late laaaate reply (it's been a year for sure)... but you're right, the map has a missing door on the right (east) side of the ballroom that leads out to the pool area. This has been fixed in the Roll20 version, but also will be fixed in the PDF version soon.
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Aaron A October 01, 2023 8:39 pm UTC
Late reply from me too haha, but thanks for letting me know. Glad to know I wasn't confusing myself when I ran this. I ended up just modifying the map locally in Fantasy Grounds, and it worked like a charm.
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Alyssa G October 13, 2021 7:35 pm UTC
I am a first time dm running Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, and I thought this module would make an excellent Halloween one shot to work into the campaign. However, my players are currently at 3rd level, although they have a decently large party size of six. They have been doing very well so far in terms of dealing damage, but I am worried about a TPK happening during the final fight of this module. Does anyone have any recommendations on how I could appropriately level this for a 3rd level party? (I was thinking of dropping monster health, damage slightly, Gertrude summons 2 ghouls instead of 3, etc)
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Corbin M September 30, 2021 9:26 pm UTC
Do you think its possible to run this with a 10th level party?
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Albert R September 27, 2021 1:34 am UTC

Where is the map for the basement, room 15?

I am running this adventure on Roll20 for Halloween.
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Phil B September 27, 2021 1:56 am UTC
Hi Albert, Due to the encounter not intended to be a combat encounter, no map was ever created for it (it's literally a puzzle disguised as a room).

However, if you want something visual for your players, a quick google search gave me this which should be perfectly compatible for your needs :)



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Eivind L July 06, 2021 10:50 pm UTC
Hey! I'm about to run this adventure for my friends (in Norwegian, so I'm pretty much translating the majority of it). I suddenly realized: there is NO door into area 7! How do they get in there? I was going to say there were some glass doors or something, but there is no indication there is anything but a wall there.
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Eivind L July 14, 2021 4:33 pm UTC
Disregard this. I figured it out...
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Aaron A October 26, 2021 3:40 am UTC
Hi! Can you elaborate on what the solution was? I just purchased this adventure and literally have the same question about the glass folding door between the ball room and the alfresco area haha.
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David J June 26, 2021 12:39 am UTC
Overall I loved it and so did my players but a few minor issues

1 technicaly someone could magehand the switch for the secret door thing and get stuck on the other side

2 im not sure it said anywhere what happens to the golem after it opens the door?
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Philip B June 26, 2021 1:57 am UTC
Hi David, firstly thanks for the kind words, I am glad you and your group enjoyed it :)

Just to address your minor issues:

1. The secret door is really a trap designed to split the party... horror works best when players are alone in the dark ;) ... there is also another way out from that side too, so mechanically the adventure still rolls on.

2. You're absolutely right. I have a Special Edition hardcover on the way this October. It holds the entire trilogy, has over 100 removable paper minis, custom Haunt character sheets, combat tracker initiative sheets for every combat in the book, and fixes some minor issues that have come to light over the years of folk playing them... one of those issues deals with the Golem and how to handle it once the door is opened :)

If you're interested in this Special Edition Hardcover, be sure to drop your name down on the notification list to also get a special launch day discount, check it here: more
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Matt R January 18, 2022 10:02 pm UTC
Hello, I just purchased the Haunt trilogy and am preparing it to run for my group. It is right up my alley and I know they're going to love it! I noticed that you mentioned above that the golem problem was updated in the special hardcover (which I did not purchase). I was wondering if you would be able to share the solution to the golem issue for those who have not purchased the special edition? This seems like an oversight I'd love to fix if possible. My group plays exclusively online so getting the hardcover is not practical for me.


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Carl S May 20, 2021 4:12 pm UTC
Over the last couple years, I have been on a one-shot kick and my group is loving it. The last year has been largely horror-themed. This adventure is one that has caused my players to get other groups together to play through this because they loved it so much. I've run this adventure 5 times now, and it is just the pinnacle of what a one-shot can be. Well-written and thought out, Montarthas Manor is a place of pure horror and immersion.

The prep for this is very easy, from a story and background perspective. It can be inserted into existing campaigns. I recommend building a soundboard for this adventure using something like tabletop's SoundPad. Their House on the Hill soundboard is nearly perfect for this. Well done! 5+/5 stars!
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Philip B June 28, 2021 7:59 am UTC
Thanks Carl!

Appreciate the kind words and super glad you and your group loved it!


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Robert N April 09, 2021 6:43 pm UTC
I just bought your adventure The Haunt from DM's Guild and I was wondering if you have a copy of the map with no grid? I plan on importing it into Fantasy Grounds and it's usually easier when there is no grid.
I know that you have a version already formatted for Fantasy Grounds, but I usually take pre-made adventures and add stuff to them so they are tailored to my players and I find that easier to do when doing the work myself in bringing over the adventure to FG. Thanks!
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Carl S May 20, 2021 4:12 pm UTC
Robert, I have some alternate maps made with Inkarnate that you can use, if you'd like them. Let me know.
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Robert N March 27, 2022 12:07 am UTC
That would be awesome. I would love that, thank you.
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Andrew T January 30, 2021 2:59 am UTC
Hello PB, Loved the first book. I will definitely get the other two. Are you going to have those also softcovers as well? Would be really cool to have them all in one hardcover. I'd love to have a physical copy of the three.
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Philip B January 30, 2021 8:12 am UTC
Hey Andrew, funny you should mention that... something is brewing for October 2021, watch this space ;)

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Andrew T January 30, 2021 7:26 pm UTC
Oh? Super Excited to hear that! Can't wait to see what it may be!
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Carl S May 20, 2021 4:13 pm UTC
Take my money!
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Philip B May 21, 2021 12:09 am UTC
Hey Carl, thanks for the kind words on your comments and the above review. If you're interested in the Haunt Trilogy Special Edition hardcover (with a bunch of extras) feel free to pop your name down on the notification list for a 15% discount on launch this October, by following this link:

Cheers again

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Peter V December 22, 2020 10:24 pm UTC
I ran this module as a one-off session/side quest while my players were galivanting around Phandalin. They LOVED it. I'm definitely going to consider this publisher/author my #1 go to for modules in the future.
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Philip B December 23, 2020 12:06 am UTC
Hi Peter,

Thank you so much for the kind words, I am super glad you and your group enjoyed it :)


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Ira B December 13, 2020 5:35 am UTC
On page 9 under the Evil Doll heading it says 'roll a d%, there is a 40% chance that the evil doll makes an appearance.'

I'm not sure what roll a d% means? If anyone can clear this up I'd appreciate it!
Customer avatar
Philip B December 13, 2020 5:51 am UTC
Heya Ira,

Firstly, thanks for the purchase!

By d% we mean a d100. (2x d10s). If the roll is 40 or under, the doll makes an appearance.

You can always adjust this number or get rid of it completely if you want less randomness for her appearances.

Hope this helps


Customer avatar
Ira B December 13, 2020 11:41 am UTC
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm looking forward to running it :)
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