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Random Trap TablesClick to magnify

Random Trap Tables


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5E Random Trap Tables

This a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.

This is a set of tables (for use with the Fantasy Grounds VTT) to generate random traps for all tiers of play.

There are 276 unique traps. 276!

There are 23 trap types and they each have different stats for both tiers and for difficulty category.

Dungeon Masters Guide guidelines were used to build the traps for 4 tiers (Levels 1-4, 5-10, 11-16, and 17-20) and for three categories (setback, dangerous, and deadly).

Traps are built as NPCs and therefore can be entered into the Combat tracker with full effects.

23 traps x 4 tiers x 3 categories = 276 NPC traps.

This took A WHILE to build...



Any errors found, please let me know, I will publish corrections immediately!

Please enjoy!

Rob Twohy | rob2e






Twitter: @rob2e

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Jerry B September 15, 2017 12:18 am UTC
Just a suggestion: a great value add would be a few tokens for FG maps. It is hard to find dungeon item tokens and even harder to find traps other than the generic pit.
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Team T September 15, 2017 12:21 am UTC
I'll put that on the "to do" list.
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Richard T March 11, 2017 11:59 am UTC
Hey Rob, I bought your magic shop generator and thought it was quite excellent. Do you have any plans adding the Unearthed Arcana traps into this module?

Also, do you have any plans for making an NPC generator?
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Team T March 11, 2017 7:55 pm UTC
ThanX Richard! The UA traps are already available in their own module which is free as of 2/27/17. It's here:

As far as an NPC generator, do you mean characters, monsters, both? Not sure what you mean. These are HUGE projects, but I would be happy to entertain your idea(s) if you could be more specific.

ThanX again!
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Richard T March 12, 2017 12:00 am UTC
AH sorry, I should have been specific. I was referring to characters, with perhaps some how to designate profession, race and possibly background. I understand the MM does provide some, but they seem rather limited.
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Team T March 12, 2017 12:50 am UTC
Have you seen this? also there is table 10.1a Generic NPCs in the DMG also see this thread on the FG forums:
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Richard T March 12, 2017 2:20 am UTC
These are really cool. Thanks for the links. I'm looking forward to your future stuff man!
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Team T March 12, 2017 4:12 am UTC
ThanX again... more stuff in the works!
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Mist F February 02, 2017 12:30 am UTC
isnt that a skyrim picture? do you have permission for it?
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Team T February 02, 2017 12:33 am UTC
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March 10, 2019
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