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DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions (5e)Click to magnify
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DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions (5e)


The origin of runes has long been lost to the majority of sages and wizards, save those with giant blood.

However, with the shattering of the Ordning, the magic of runes has once again emerged into the Realms. Adventurers must delve into a ruined complex beneath the Spine of the World, suspected by SEER to be the birthplace of that arcane tradition.

A Four-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters

Also included in the purchase of this adventure is a version specially converted for use with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop software. The converted adventure features all the text and maps from the original adventure along with cross-linking of monsters, spells, magic items, equipment, and story elements, plus the powerful rules automation for which Fantasy Grounds is known.

We (Wizards) recognize that some of the legacy content available on this website does not reflect the values of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise today. Some older content may reflect ethnic, racial, and gender prejudice that were commonplace in American society at that time. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. This content is presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed. Dungeons & Dragons teaches that diversity is a strength, and we strive to make our D&D products as welcoming and inclusive as possible. This part of our work will never end.

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Reviews (56)
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Stephen S October 26, 2024 10:33 pm UTC
This is by far one of my favorite adventures to run and play. I love the variable encounters which makes it easy to change it up every time you run it, keeping players on their toes. The wild magic and anti magic mechanic is a blast to play with if your in the mood for a little unpredictability, I didn't see it the first time I ran it and it completely changes the threat level.
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Cory T September 22, 2022 7:43 pm UTC
DDAL05-11_Forgotten_Traditions.mod is corrupt and cannot open file.
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David M March 28, 2021 6:04 pm UTC
I know this is a late entry: but we ran into the same problem... If you ran this season in order (which we did), we got to the BBEG without having ever been rewarded a weapon that can damage it ...

This may be less of a problem under the new (Historic) AL rules where you get to reward yourself a +1 weapon in Tier 2, but now we have the problem that no-one under the new rules will have enough DT days to get the *Student of Stone* story award ...
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Maia E October 31, 2020 2:19 pm UTC
I've played it once and DM'd it once. Both times it was a blast for everyone involved. It's a straightforward, but fun and evocative dungeon crawl, with challenging encounters and creative traps. Since in the module as written there's no time pressure, I added the Angry GM's tension pool mechanic to really play on the players' dread as more dice were added to the pool the longer they lingered searching every room for traps.
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Dirk B December 20, 2019 6:52 am UTC
Most of the module was fun and interesting even though the challenge was very high. But the end boss was simply impossible for a party of 4 lvl 5's and 1 lvl 7. More than half the party was unable to damage it at all,and pc HPs were so low the lvl 5 one healer mechanically could not keep up with the incoming damage, even if they didn't go down halfway through.The DM eventually called it as it was clear that a party wipe was 100% inevitable unless he nerfed the encounter significantly more than the weak party adjustments suggested. As written this module is not appropriate for a group averaging on the low side of tier 2.
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daniel R December 04, 2018 8:05 pm UTC
I've played through this several times as well as ran it twice. And both times I cannot express how interesting the module itself is. I'm not completely up to speed on all the lore but there was a lot of content here and most of my group spent their time roleplaying or (as players) giving more lore on the background of this adventure. It was ran during Season 6 for me, so the dungeon-crawl feeling was something that the players really enjoyed.
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Christopher M October 08, 2018 4:29 am UTC
Am running Storm King's Thunder and have got this module to run after chapter 2. I keep seeing references to the SEER, is this an adventurer's league thing? I'll work out my own hook but curious as the SEER keeps coming up but I cant find an actual explanation.
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Patrick B October 07, 2018 6:18 pm UTC


Forgotten Traditions

Part 1. The adventure begins with the characters having arrived (whether sent by SEER, their factions, or on their own individual search for adventure and wealth) at the Seven Stones, a stone giant enclave.

Part 2. From the circle, the adventurers venture into Hotun-Shûl, and traverse its halls and chambers in search of the secrets of rune magic and the history of Ryndölg himself.

Part 3. The characters’s incursion into the temple activates a long-dormant rune-engraved guardian which the characters must face if they wish to escape the complex.

Part 1 is a brief but informative beginning to the module and provides opportunity for interaction and roleplay with a stone giant. He can be used to provide additional background for two faction secret missions. The description of the other standing stones roots the module and setting in mythology.

Characters that express interest...See more
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mark J August 30, 2018 3:47 am UTC
Love the design of the dungeon, and the theme of the friezes, depicting giant lore and history, is great.
I have a few problems with the way that the text is written:
-- first is that there are items listed under Treasure headings, which should be in the area descriptions, which are not; I had to amend my room descriptions, for the players, after their characters had already been poking around, or fighting monsters, for a while.
-- even though the swappable encounters are a cool idea, some of the areas, which are designed to accomodate different encounters, have confusing descriptions, and it's not clear if the read-aloud text is supposed to belong to a particular encounter, or the room, in general. ...I felt forced to use an alternate encounter, simply because I couldn't tell how one of the read-aloud texts was connected to the rest of the room; so, I ignored it, and used an alternate scenario....
-- the adventure hooks are a bit vague, and they assume that DMs and players have gone...See more
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Tyler K June 24, 2018 5:36 pm UTC
This module was great, interesting puzzles and lore and whatnot everywhere. The final boss was a joy to run and the players enjoyed it a lot.
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Matthew W January 14, 2018 7:30 pm UTC
Travis: I loved running this adventure because it sprinkles in the right amount of cunning challenges, puzzles, combat, and story together into a cohesive package. Your party may end up sapped of their resources and spell slots.

I loved that success requires one to survive challenges and/or combats to be rewarded with a non-standard treasure - knowledge.

The final encounter was quite challenging to the small party I DMed. I'm glad DMs are provided with a combat toolkit. Solid use of tactics will make this combat difficult. I was able to cause a low AC monk a great deal of pain as the foe adjusted his tactics and survived longer than they expected.

One of the characters who played this adventure, a dim goliath fighter with the acolyte background, had a humorous and storied history surviving Barovia. The main story award was a natural fit for this character, trying to understand his place in the ordining as a goliath giantkin. He's enjoyed throwing DM rewards to fulfill the...See more
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Jude F November 25, 2017 7:38 pm UTC
This was a great adventure for murder-hobos and lore seekers alike. Great encounters all around. I highly recommend this to all players and DMs. 5/5
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Travis W September 19, 2017 10:00 pm UTC
Woot, woot! Platinum! Thanks everyone!
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Angelo P August 26, 2017 1:23 pm UTC
guys, the "Haug, the Hill Rune" is not displaying anything (just empty New Drawing) in the Fantasy Grounds module. It's bugged, can you please fix it?
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Lawrence C May 14, 2017 11:16 am UTC
Do wild magic zones affect magic items?? I see that in 5e dead magic negates all magic entering the area (a change from previous editions) but has wild magic changed to affect activated items like dust, rings or potions??
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Jasmine L May 14, 2017 11:20 am UTC
Wild magic triggers when you cast a spell. Casting a spell from an item counts (e.g. Ring of Jumping, Staff of Fire, spell scrolls), but activating an item that doesn't cast a spell does not (e.g. Wings of Flying, Bag of Tricks, potions).
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Jasmine L April 24, 2017 8:24 am UTC
Me getting the Deja Vu quest with this mod:

Runthrough #1: "Oh wait! There were suppose to be areas of unstable weave in this dungeon, weren't there? Whoops!"
Runthrough #2: "Okay, let's put a few little wild magic zones here, a couple dead magic zones here, that might introduce some interesting tactical implications."
Runthrough #3: "Let me just circle a few small areas that will NOT be unstable weave."
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