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Planar Bestiary


Are you taking your players to the Planes? Or maybe you’re bringing the Planes to them? Looking for some extra demons to spice up your Out of the Abyss campaign or more nasty devils to serve Zariel? With over 150 monsters updated from earlier editions, complete with full descriptions, the Planar Bestiary has something for everyone. Fiends, celestials, and elementals abound. Plus some regular folks you might find on the planes, like 15 NPCs that are right at home in Sigil (but can be used in any campaign). And did someone say Modrons? I thought someone said Modrons. Well, have I got some Modrons for you!

The creatures contained herein are faithfully updated to preserve their place in the Planes, as well as their iconic abilities, while expertly fitting them into the more streamlined design patterns of 5th edition.

All this and more in the 152 pages of the Planar Bestiary. Take a look at the table of contents in the preview for a full list of the creatures you’ll find within.

If you feel any particularly cool planar monster is missing from this document, feel free to recommend it in the comments; it might get added!

Update 01:
 - Added 7 new Yugoloths: Dergholoths, Gacholoths, Guardian Yugoloths (least, lesser, and greater), Piscoloths, and Skeroloths.
 - Updated Baernaloth description to better fit the 5e Yugoloth lore. 
 - Planar Bestiary Excerpts #1: Gehenna is now available! Check it out if all you're looking for is some new Yugoloths.

Update 02:
 - Added 2 new Inevitables: Quaruts and Varakhuts.
 - Cover updated to reflect the new monster count.
 - Planar Bestiary Excerpts #2: Mechanus is now available! Take a look if you just want some lawful constructs for your campaign, or if you just fancy a Modron March.

Update 03:
 - Added references to monsters from Volo's Guide to Monsters to Appendix II: Creatures By Outer Plane.
 - Reduced Jovoc and Juvenille Nabassu hit points for balance.
 - Added 3 new Demons: Eyewing, Maurezhi, and Wastrilith.
 - Planar Bestiary Excerpts #3: The Abyss is now available! Great for just adding a taste of new demons yo your campaign.

Update 04:
 - Added 3 new Devils: Amnizu, Hellcat, and Kocrachon.
 - Cover updated to reflect the new monster count.
 - Planar Bestiary Excerpts #4: The Nine Hells is now available! If you just have a hankering for more devils.

Update 05:
 - Added 5 new Risen Fiends: Risen Arcanaloth, Risen Jovoc, Risen Kelubar, Risen Pit Fiend, and Risen Succubus.
- Cover updated to reflect the new monster count.
Planar Bestiary Excerpts #5: Risen and Fallen is now available! For those looking for some morality-spanning outsiders.

Update 06:
 - Added 8 new monsters: Gautieres (Scavenger and Elder), Howlers, Murska, and Howling Dragons (Wyrmling, Young, Adult, and Ancient).
Planar Bestiary Excerpts #6: Desolate Realms is now available! For those that want some native life for Carceri, Hades, and Pandemonium.

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jeremiah H June 05, 2022 8:42 am UTC
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Michael R September 16, 2021 9:22 pm UTC
Any chance anyone ever built these in Roll20? I am doing them 1 at a time from the purchased product, and I'd love to save time by collaborating.
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James L November 10, 2019 6:38 pm UTC
Any way to get a printer friendly variant without the background?
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Christopher R November 11, 2019 1:21 am UTC
I can add that, sure. =)
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Mike V April 18, 2019 11:05 pm UTC

I know this is a long shot, but is the XML file for these creatures available as well? Would love to buy them both so I can use the creatures in Kobold Fight Club & Improved Initiative.

Thanks! :)
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Christopher R April 19, 2019 5:22 am UTC
Unfortunately I haven't made anything but the PDF.
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Tomas R November 27, 2018 4:34 am UTC
Any chance you're going to include creatures from the Feywild, can I ask?
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Christopher R November 27, 2018 5:22 am UTC
The feywild is probably out of scope for this one. It's more about the outer and inner planes, and the transitory planes to some extent.

But maybe in a different project. =)
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Stephen L June 17, 2018 4:42 am UTC
Great work on these stat blocks! Are the tables in the back going to be updated soon to include monsters from Tome of Foes?
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Christopher R June 18, 2018 8:38 pm UTC
I'll put those in next update, yeah!
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Joe M March 12, 2018 11:08 pm UTC
Not a big deal, but just noticed that the Actions in the Bulezau stat block refer to it as a babau. Otherwise, I'm impressed with the content so far. Nice work.
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Matthew S September 12, 2016 7:51 pm UTC
This is good content, you definitely did your homework. Would you be taking into consideration creatures that live on the Astral Plane itself? Such as the Astral Render, Malediction, Nullifier, Voracia, Astral Dreadnought, Neh-Thalggu, and Astral Phane.
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Kelly J September 13, 2016 9:57 pm UTC
How are the Abishai? I've been looking for good Abishai conversions and considering dropping the $ on this...
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Jason C September 15, 2016 12:18 am UTC
What are you looking for in your abishai?

The 5 varieties (in 3e order of power) are represented. Their tail stings do related elemental damage rather than all doing poison damage.

They follow 5e conventions, meaning that they get the same core features common to devils, rather than a ton of spell-like abilities, and they look in line with the devils in the Monster Manual.
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Christopher R January 10, 2017 5:21 am UTC
Maybe a bit late, but Planar Bestiary Excerpts #4: The Nine Hells is now out, and has the Abishai in it.

As for astral monster, they're on the list of future additions. =)
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File Last Updated:
November 10, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on September 11, 2016.