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A Guide to Curse of Strahd

Suggested Price $2.00

This guide has everything you need to put together a Curse of Strahd campaign. There are DM notes chapter-by-chapter full of ideas, reminders and page number references.

Also included are two outlines. One is a short rundown to give a picture of how everything is linked together. Then there is a massive outline which shows in detail how you can connect and elaborate on the written material.

There is also a "How to run Curse of Strahd" section to help new DMs get their bearings.

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Jason J February 02, 2022 5:59 pm UTC
I just purchased this and can already see it looks immensely useful. One thing I wish was changed, is maybe a little more detail on references rather than just listing page numbers. I made the mistake of buying this book on dndbeyond which does not provide page numbers for some reason. However, I'm sure a lot of readers use dndbeyond
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James B August 18, 2018 1:04 am UTC
This has been an immensely useful guide. I've managed my way through the entirety of CoS and I found myself consulting this constantly. I recommend this to anyone running CoS even if they've done it before. Even if you don't follow the guide exactly it was great for cribbing ideas or just brainstorming between sessions. Definitely worth a few dollars.
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Russell H February 17, 2018 11:59 pm UTC
Any possibility of a print on demand option?
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Brian F February 11, 2018 7:07 pm UTC
If you are running CoS, you NEED this guide. The ideas are hilarious and extremely creative, and the outline is perfectly organized. I am DM'ing this (my first time DM'ing) and my players have all DM'd before. They were little antsy about playing Strahd; and didn't like the thought of the Ravenloft/horror setting. This guide breaks down each chapter and makes suggestions as to how to portray major NPC's. Now the group is approaching Vallaki and they are all saying this is one of the most fun campaigns they've ever played. I attribute that in large part to this guide. Thank you!!
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Konrad F September 20, 2017 3:15 pm UTC
Great Product with a lot og nice idea. If you want to Run CoS you want to get this.
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Justin P June 05, 2017 9:48 pm UTC
Thanks for spending the time to make this, it helped me out immensely; also the Gazebo reference was top notch..
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Derek P January 12, 2017 2:37 am UTC
I love this. I really like that you use examples of what you and other DMs did to run certain parts. I love how you laid out the areas by level. I like when you give examples on how to run NPCs. Thanks
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Konrad F August 26, 2016 11:07 am UTC
Thanks for this. It is a very detailed runthru of CoS.
About 60 pages with very nice ideas. ( I will use the shadow idea).
For every location there is a note what could happen there and what could go wrong. It helped me a lot.
A minor complain:
I didn't see it in the text, that this is more or less from your blog. Nor did I see on the Blog that you can purchase it. But that could be me.
I downloaded it for free, then after seeing that is your work I came back and paid. :)
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Jeremie C August 25, 2016 6:45 pm UTC
Thank you for this. I can't recall what exactly brought me to your blog, but I would be counted among the growing numbers that you mentioned seeing in a recent post.

The timing of your guides and finding your blog was incredibly fortuitous. The Deadlands game I was running came to a halt, and chose this to run over Out of the Abyss. You've saved me a tremendous amount of work. I'm no stranger to plot point style games, having run published Deadlands campaigns, but I found myself struggling with this book without taking notes. I'm not sure why.
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David H August 12, 2016 4:59 pm UTC
I found this on your blog, Sean, and was able to read through both of your Guides and How-To's for Strahd there. If this is that same content, it's EXTREMELY helpful and incredible! Thank you for all your hard work. Your additional ideas to the story, such as with the Skeletal Rider, Ezmerelda, and the vampire consort ally, are outstanding! I loved every bit of this, though I'm keeping my druids and blights ;)
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Nick M August 06, 2016 3:25 pm UTC
Excellent work! Well done friend.
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Sean M August 06, 2016 11:49 pm UTC
Thanks! It took forever! I am now mentally preparing myself for A Guide to Storm King's Thunder.
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Michael S August 04, 2016 8:41 pm UTC
Thank you for making this. The book is not laid out in chronological order (which has pros and cons) like Tyranny of Dragons, so this was incredibly helpful in wrapping my mind about how to forge the timeline of the adventure. I also absolutely love the notes you've peppered throughout the outline and will be incorporating a lot of them. There are also a few things I've been inspired to add, myself, like increasing Baba Lysaga's role and giving her more complicated motivations than straight up evil villain. From one DM to another, I'd love to compare notes sometime and soundboard ideas. This is, without a doubt, my favorite adventure to-date.
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Sean M August 06, 2016 11:53 pm UTC
You're welcome! Baba Lysaga I believe actually first appeared in a 4th edition adventure - Dungeon Magazine #207: Fair Barovia. I haven't read it in a while so I don't remember all of the details, but that adventure has a number of links to Curse of Strahd. I love Lysaga partly because I wonder if she has any connection to Baba Yaga. Is she a rival? Would we ever see the Creeping Hut vs. the Dancing Hut? You can always check out my blog for more, I endlessly blab about Curse of Strahd:
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J. Michael L July 29, 2016 5:54 am UTC
Great work, one thing I would love to see added is an outline worksheet, to help prep this.
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Sean M July 31, 2016 12:20 am UTC
A worksheet? I can do it.. what exactly do you want on it?

Thank you for purchasing the guide!
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J. Michael L August 01, 2016 8:12 am UTC
Something to help on the notes for when working on the outline. I am just abut to run my players through this adventure.
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File Last Updated:
July 28, 2016
This title was added to our catalog on July 28, 2016.