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Castle Ravenloft hires colour jpg mapsClick to magnify

Castle Ravenloft hires colour jpg maps


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High detail jpg colour maps for Castle Ravenloft, the pinacle adventure of the famed Ravenloft realm, ideal for virtual tabletop.


This fileset contains each floor as two seperate files, in each case gridded and ungridded. all saved as highly compressed jpg files,  there are 18 files in total, two of each floorset. the largest file is 3.3meg, and  the smallest is 240k.

The maps have been created for use in virtual tabletop, the gridded and ungridded versions are both 70 pixels per 5 feet,  which at online resolution is 70 pix per cm. a guide surmounts the compass rose for aligning and scaling map grids.

please be clear on this issue: the original module isometrics are scaled to 10' per square.  my gridded maps are 5' squares, because tokens generally scale to one per 5'. therefore the main floor for example is 88*70 squares, or 440*350 feet.


Rooms have been fleshed out with whatever might reasonably be expected in a castle, subject to the module description, and common sense.

Where possible exterior detail such as courtyards and rooftops are added to accomodate flying characters and epic exterior battle.

Treasure specific to each room has been left out intentionally, as have secret doors, and virtually all traps, as these are the province of the DM to add, move or remove as they see fit :D

Finally, there is the .MOD file. This mod works in FANTASYGROUNDS with the UNGRIDDED maps, and contains LINE OF SIGHT, doors, windows, visual effects, and a little lighting, as well as as many pinned rooms as i could possibly mannage.

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Customer avatar
Dave R October 27, 2022 7:19 pm UTC
Love this! Question about the tile material you have depicted. What are they? Foam board? Glossy paper?
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Gareth J October 30, 2022 5:41 pm UTC
no sir, they are entirely digital. people have apparently printed them, but they were created entirely for fantasygrounds and online playing.
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Nolan G July 16, 2022 3:10 pm UTC
Is there a DM map with room numbers pertaining to the module and what not?
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Gareth J July 21, 2022 2:05 am UTC
I find that most people, (including me) just use the original orange isometric map, and copy the pins over. However, i DID pin the line of sight .modfile with all the relevant rooms. (and a bunch of the stairwell links)
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Jenny O May 15, 2022 4:56 pm UTC
Can anyone tell me if this come with vtt files?

I adore these maps, (I’ve used them multiple times).
I hear talk that there might be vtt files now. I’ll gladly buy them again if that’s the case.
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Gareth J May 26, 2022 1:38 pm UTC
im trying to make them for fantasygrounds right now. if i can successfully complete this task, you wont need to buy them, because anyone with the native maps, will get the FG VTT update for free.
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Gareth J June 08, 2022 6:02 pm UTC
it does now :D for fantasygrounds that is.
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Andrea M October 14, 2021 8:11 pm UTC
By buying this, do we have permission to go get this printed? We still tabletop RPG and were looking for something to put on out table and laminate. Hoping to get it professionally printed but wanted to be sure we were allowed before purchasing.
Thanks! Ann
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Gareth J October 25, 2021 10:58 am UTC
as previously stated: I encourage you to use these in whatever way you wish, as long as you do not share them. However they were never created with the intention of being used as large scale print, and i suspect that the dmsguild would not be to happy with me forwarding a release for print, on a digital resource site. They have been printed before by others, and if youve purchased them then i want you to enjoy them to the fullest, but i am unwilling to risk my relationship with my publisher.
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James L October 26, 2021 7:57 am UTC
DMsGuild only locks down the specific product you post. I've seen dozens of authors re-release products for other platforms and in other formats. I can't even COUNT how many people have converted their Printable PDF style maps in to JPG images for VTT use. I can't even conceive DMsGuild being upset that you went the other direction and made a Print PDF after the JPG maps were released.

Ask them though, but I'm 120% certain that it's allowed.
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Ryan H September 10, 2021 12:25 pm UTC
Hi Gareth, I'm nearly finished with an Isometric version for Foundry VTT. I can show you what I've put together some time if you are interested.
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Gareth J September 13, 2021 4:38 pm UTC
sure why not :) did you find the 3 errors in the original isometric maps? or did you use mine as a base?
Customer avatar
Ryan H September 15, 2021 6:58 pm UTC
I used yours as a base although I had to adjust a few things here and there to match up with the module a bit.
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Gareth J September 19, 2021 9:47 pm UTC
i layered mine to confirm a rational match. any changes i made were to make them fit together correctly. the original isometrics cheated in a few places.
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Ryan H September 28, 2021 1:06 pm UTC
Trying to get in contact, a guy on reddit that had posted your maps said he was a friend of yours and would pass along my email.
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Dottor M May 14, 2021 10:06 am UTC
After the Realease of Version 4.1 for FGU, there is any chance that you will improve maps with walls and light source?
Customer avatar
Gareth J July 13, 2021 4:15 am UTC
im looking into it sir.
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Jay F August 29, 2021 1:43 am UTC
Any update on Fantasy Grounds Unity line of sight? Since these are a purchase I don't really want to spend the extra time to add walls and lighting.
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Dottor M September 01, 2021 6:47 am UTC
Hi Mr. Gareth J, i will start a new CoS campaing in 2 weeks, news about LoS on maps, for FGU
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Gareth J September 01, 2021 4:41 pm UTC
im having a world of trouble getting information from FG on how their alphas are constructed, so i can implement this feature.
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Dottor M September 03, 2021 6:55 am UTC
i don't know if can be helpful but exist other programs that work on same alphas like Arkenforge, i hope u can set that easily :) good work, and thanks for answer
Customer avatar
Gareth J September 06, 2021 10:28 pm UTC
i will investigate, but THANK YOU for your support, i mean this. im trying to get .ai
files into the appropriate software without much help. i DO want to stay ahead of the curve believe me.
thanks again
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Gareth J September 13, 2021 4:36 pm UTC
looks like this might actually be a possibility, i will know very very soon.
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Jay F September 27, 2021 12:03 am UTC
Any update Gareth?
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Gareth J September 29, 2021 7:35 am UTC
my coding guy dropped the ball. but i am stubborn, and will find another.
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James L October 26, 2021 8:04 am UTC
Um.. there's no sense in sending the .ai file to the mapbuilding utility. I suggest you export to an appropriate lossless format, or you could just export to JPG using a terribly high quality, like 93-95%. As always, double check for visual artifacts in key areas. Your next step is getting DungeonDraft and using it to import your maps. DungeonDraft is the first utility that lets you add visual (wall) layers and light sources to the map. It's the only one I know of that lets you export in a format that nearly ALL VTT platforms can import. Reply here if you need more help, but honestly, I think you'd be better off learnng to use DungeonDraft yourself. ;)
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Dustin D September 04, 2020 10:27 pm UTC
Can anyone share/explain how you are supposed to use the ALPHA maps included in the bundle to help set up LOS?
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Gareth J September 05, 2020 1:31 pm UTC
im not running FGU yet man, so im not super clued up on advice in that regard, but im sure the FG discord will have a plethora of people who might help. my IMPRESSION is that its an extra image, you load in and apply.
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Dustin D June 23, 2021 5:27 pm UTC
Hi Gareth,

I am working on doing the full LOS/Lighting per the CoS module using the great map images you have created within FGU. Would you be interested in working with me for adding the completed FGU map module to your map pack?
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Gareth J June 24, 2021 10:17 pm UTC
please go on...
Customer avatar
Dustin D June 25, 2021 12:46 am UTC
Yeah. I would say I am about 70% done adding in all the LOS and Lighting (as close to the module I can get) on top of your map images. I am adding FXs and various terrains in different places to simulate some of the limited vision certain areas of the module give too. We can talk more over Discord (if you have it) about it: Dud-in#1547
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Jay F October 02, 2021 10:37 pm UTC
Did you finish all of the maps Dustin? I just purchased the set today while waiting for Gareth to add in LOS for FGU. A friend of mine is a game developer who uses Unity and I am asking him some questions about making these PNG Alphas work with FGU. I am a technical person but with infrastructure. I know nothing of this except how to manually add the walls and such as it sounds like you are doing.
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Gareth J October 07, 2021 7:40 pm UTC
id be thrilled to bits if you kept me posted on this. ive been trying to find a work method for AGES
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Dustin D November 03, 2021 5:06 pm UTC
I did finish the maps. I added all the walls, doors, windows, etc. in FGU as accurate as I could to the original module. I even added appropriate lighting/effects in areas to simulate the module as well (as close as I could get it of course). So I didn't use any outside program, I just did it all in FGU. The maps as is with all the LOS, lighting, and effects can be exported together in one ready to use .mod file for FGU.
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Jay F November 03, 2021 5:11 pm UTC
@Dustin Could I get a copy of the module? I started LOS as well but only completed the main floor.

@Gareth I like Dustin's suggestion of including this module he created as a download.
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Leah D August 03, 2020 2:18 am UTC
Any plans on releasing a version without spider webs? One of my players hates spiders, and I love these maps.
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Gareth J August 03, 2020 4:25 pm UTC
HAHAHAHA im affraid not, its as close to the module as written as possible. and i have other maps inspired by other insects to make :D
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Mark B July 08, 2020 11:01 pm UTC
These are great maps. More detail than the roll20 2d maps. But they are not to scale. Opening in Photoshop with a 1 inch grid shows the grids on these maps to be small. But they're not .5 inches either. They don't quite line up. They are also 70 dpi instead of the standard 72, however, adjusting that does not line up the grids. The roll20 maps have a 1 inch grid where 1 inch is 10 feet, so not ideal but they use an overlay grid that has .5 inch squares to get you the proper 5 foot units. These maps will take a lot of tweaking to line up, and will get blurry since you have to blow them up.
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Mark B July 09, 2020 8:30 am UTC
While they take some work in Roll20 these maps work perfectly in FoundryVTT.
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Gareth J July 10, 2020 3:33 pm UTC
the gridded versions are designed with a 5 ft square for the characters to fit into........ at 70 dps, as you must have seen in the product description. so i assume you got them workin to your satisfaction and we are all good then?
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Jared S June 13, 2020 4:09 pm UTC
Is there a reason that the Gridded and Non-Gridded versions of the "Dungeons and Catacombs" maps are so different? The gridded version is more correct based on the portcullis/gate placement for the tombs and quite a bit more detailed. The gridded version is definitely the better version, but I the grid is a bit dark for me so I like using the non-gridded versions.
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Gareth J June 24, 2020 12:20 am UTC
theyre the same, its up to the dm as to whether to impose a grid or use the one supplied. i think i did a colour tint to make the grid a bit more legable, but otherwise, the same.
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Christopher R February 21, 2021 8:43 am UTC
Just purchased these maps, and I love the detail, but I am noticing a difference between the gridded and non-gridded versions of the "Dungeon and Catacombs" map. The gridded version has extra assets (like bodies, coins, etc. in the dungeon cells for example), while the non-gridded version does not. I prefer the non-gridded map with no assets, so it isn't an issue for me, but I could see someone wanting the reversed variants (non gridded with assets, or gridded without).
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Noel F May 16, 2020 1:25 pm UTC
Hi. Due to lockdown fever I've spent the last few days updating your maps with LOS defintions for FGU. Would you like me to send you copies?
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Gareth J May 17, 2020 12:31 am UTC
HAHA sure. i dont actually HAVE FG unity yet. so you got my alphas to work correctly?
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John M September 22, 2020 5:03 am UTC
Not going to lie, my players are about to hit the castle up and I'm about to program in all the walls. If you already have it done, do you mind sharing?
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Gareth J September 22, 2020 10:22 pm UTC
the alphas in the set should do this heavy lifting for you sir. i never anticipated this conversation when i created the product, and i still dont have FGU. but i made the alphaset in anticipation of this scenario. so im not sure exactly what you mean by program in the walls.
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Noel F May 12, 2020 11:40 pm UTC
Also, have you managed to release the other maps you mentioned a while back? I'd be interested as these are absolutely beautiful
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Gareth J May 13, 2020 9:20 pm UTC
ahm. not yet sir. those various mapsets are slowing filling up and have not been abandoned. but life has gotten in the way somewhat :P it will happen i promise.
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Noel F May 12, 2020 11:32 pm UTC
Sorry if this seems a daft question but could you lead me through the steps required to utilise the alphas to set up LOS in FGU. I've been doing it all manually and just noticed this.
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Gareth J May 13, 2020 9:19 pm UTC
i dont actually HAVE FGU yet sir. i created the alphas as a precaution for future players and people who use the new tech. i havnt explored it myself just yet, but it IS on my list.
Customer avatar
Gareth J April 22, 2020 5:32 pm UTC
I have updated the Ravenloft Castle maps with png alphas for line of sight masking, and as a bonus, thrown in a token for Strahd himself :D

happy hunting.
Customer avatar
Gareth J April 22, 2020 12:55 pm UTC
i will be updating these maps inside the next month, with alphas, to support the new fantasygrounds unity engine.
good hunting everyone.
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Dottor M March 27, 2020 8:02 am UTC
hi, is it possible update the image with LoS for Fantasy Ground Unity?
Customer avatar
Gareth J April 22, 2020 11:23 am UTC
im not sure that theres a release date for the unity version, but it IS my intention to update these with alphas when the functionality is available.
Customer avatar
Gareth J April 22, 2020 5:32 pm UTC
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