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15,000 NPCs


A great adventure needs great NPCs!

Over 15,000 randomly generated NPCs, each nicely detailed and ready to step right off the page and into your game. The information is taken from a pool of -

  • Over 700 first names, hand-picked to be consistent with the Forgotten Realms (especially the Sword Coast)
  • Nearly 2000 surnames
  • Over 150 occupations
  • Over 3000 personality types
  • Nearly 100 million physical description combinations!

With over 600 pages of information, this supplement represents incredible value. A must-have product for anyone designing a campaign or game.

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Reviews (7)
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Drew Z January 11, 2022 4:40 pm UTC
Too streamlined. There's almost nothing there.
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Jose U May 19, 2020 11:14 am UTC
By my count there are over 200 unique occupations, you might want to update the product description?

Any chance you could add simple one sentence explanations of what all of these occupations do? It would really help to have something to rely on/work off of in the inevitable situation where my players ask what exactly a "cellarman" does. Having links to the page in the table of contents would also be helpful with a 600+ page resource like this. Finally, the lack of a period after the note on the number of children mildly displeases me when the format of the description is otherwise well defined.

Another great improvement would be to provide the gender of the person being described but understandably that could be a difficult task if your source material does not come with the information. With knowledge of western culture it is easy enough to figure out "Jonas" and "Daisy" but "Kol" and "Ivellios" are a guessing game.
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Kelly T August 05, 2019 1:02 am UTC
Totally not what i expected..... It was a million times better!!!!!! Coming up with npc names on the fly has always been an issue for me. But not anymore! Thank you soooooo much for putting this out there! I can't wait to take it for a spin in my campaign tomorrow night! I didn't realize the scope of this product until i purchased it and took my first look. Amazing.
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M.T. B May 21, 2016 6:42 am UTC
You are, of course, free to use any of these characters in other DMs Guild products.
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File Last Updated:
May 21, 2016
This title was added to our catalog on May 21, 2016.