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DDAL4-01 Suits of the Mists (5e)


Strange things are afoot in the Moonsea. The factions have called all those willing and able to investigate strange occurrences in the region surrounding Phlan.

Dark whispers and unseen terrors lurk in the misty shadows between this world and someplace much more sinister. Unveil the horrors before it is too late! Part one of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Five, 1Hour MiniAdventures for 1st and 2nd Level Characters

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Geogy T January 27, 2025 8:01 pm UTC
I played this one-shot five times with different DMs. Each time - a new adventure. Thanks a lot to the author!
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sasha M May 26, 2016 2:37 am UTC
Okay, so I was given this group of kids (primary school age), who already were trapped in Barovia. Since I'm running AL this kind of limits my options for what to do with them.
I want to get them out of there ASAP because the whole gothic horror thing doesn't really work with kids, especially since their mum is at the same table(!!!). Which adventures and modules could I use to get them to leave Barovia?
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Garrett V May 26, 2016 5:17 am UTC
That is quite a problem. They have not released the module that would grant the award for getting out of Barovia. I would suggest having the group roll up new characters and pick one of the previous series to run instead.
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James E May 26, 2016 2:31 pm UTC
I don't know what Garrett is talking about. A way out has been available for almost a month now plus last month at conventions. We aren't supposed to say things like what happens in what adventure but if you message me, I'll tell you which one lets characters out. Though, truth be told, it's a very creepy one.

Making new characters might be for the best.
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Alexander W June 09, 2016 10:13 pm UTC
I'd love to know. Hell, creepy or not.
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Jay E April 17, 2017 6:02 pm UTC
It's been a while since this was an issue, but for future reference: if a DM is running this (or any DDAL04 adventure) as an Adventurers League-legal adventure, there is now a downtime activity that PCs can use to escape Barovia. The minimum downtime cost is 20 days, but some events and story awards may require you to spend more downtime days to escape.
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James L December 07, 2020 6:57 pm UTC
CHEZUZ!! Little kids that age shouldn't be playing realistic role playing situations AT ALL!!
Little kids have a harder time differentiating fantasy from reality. Placing their young minds in to environments where their persona can 'experience' the bredth and depth of a fantasy world can dangerously blur the lines between what is real and what is not. Picture a second grader attacking a guard dog with a plastic sword, because last week their fantasy ninja guy beat up three guard dogs.
PARENTS should feel out their childrens maturity level, and gauge exactly when they think that their children are mature enough to differentiate between a fantasy world and a real one, and KEEP them separate!! Even sage, mature adults will occasionally say something like 'I'm going to take my +2 long sword and smite the undead skeleton!' DM: 'Yeah, excuse me Bob, you mean that Guntar the Barbarian is going to smite the skeleton.. or are you actually going to run out and find a skeleton..? The second your teens eyes glaze...See more
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Richard M April 11, 2016 6:23 am UTC
I agree that there is some confusion about whether there is or is not an Orog in chapter three. How I read it, it seems that the intent was to make one of the orcs an Orog. That is how I intend to play it for my group, if they are strong enough. The other part that I found confusing was in chapter 5. It is not clear if the boy gets back to his mother, if rescued. How I read it, the mists overtake the party after the party rescues the boy, implying he is stuck with you. How is everyone else reading it? I am concerned that the party might lose important gear left behind in the Crossing Inn and that they might be stuck with this kid. Keeping a kid alive in Barovia will be hard.
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Jia Jian T April 05, 2016 8:23 am UTC
Its a little funny that the edited version did not address the orog issue in Chapter 3. The balancing sidebar still says replace the Orog with an orc...
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Joshua R L March 31, 2016 9:53 pm UTC
Being a first time DM, most of my friends who are very new to D&D as well found these "missions" rather boring when compared to the previous missions we ran with Mines of Phandelver and the Introduction adventure of "Death House." :( And the fact that it was poorly edited seems like it was rushed, especially the information regarding the third mission with the Orcs.
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Richard M April 11, 2016 6:30 am UTC
Hey Joshua. Perhaps they just need to be spiced up so that they play more like a horror adventure and less like a common Forgotten Realms adventure. I just don't know if modifying them invalidates or affects the results and records of the characters in the Adventurers League. Thoughts anyone?
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James L March 29, 2022 9:00 am UTC
Hey, yeah.. wow. It's a few years late, but just FYI.. These are NOT the Curse of Strahd campaign. These are a string of quick and dirty Adventurer's League modules. They're written to be run as official mini-campaigns in RPG stores and such things as a free bonus to the stores.. then they eventually wind up here. The actual Curse of Strahd campaign is a COMPLETELY different animal!
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Kevin M March 30, 2016 1:47 pm UTC
I've been running D&D and other RPGs at conventions for over 30 years, though this is the first DAL adventure I've seen with the intention on running it for my group. I cannot express my disappointment enough with what I've read. I've played about 10 DAL events since inception and for the most part they've been enjoyable (much, of course, depends on the skills of the gamemaster), but if 4-1 is any indication of DAL quaility then I may rethink my participation. If this is the quality of DAL events, then my 10 DMs where SPECTACULAR. Suits in the Mist looks like it was written like a first-time author. Without question, I feel like I wasted my money here.

Has this been the norm for DAL events these past three years? In the past I'd been a HUGE supporter of the RPGA, "living" type events, and an advocate of getting new players involved in not only organized play but just playing D&D overall. Then I read 4-1 and see multiple sections of confusing text, extremely poor editing, and a vexingly...See more
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Stephen M March 30, 2016 2:45 pm UTC
"Has this been the norm for DAL events these past three years?" Yes, editing has been the absolute bane of AL mods since the campaign started. This module is right on par with the editing problems and writing style over the last three seasons... the only difference before was back then, they weren't expecting people to pay for them, so you could let some stuff slide because of 'volunteer', etc..

I was hoping that we'd see better quality as far as that goes now that the mods are starting to be something you actually pay for, but this first foray into the world of transactions does not bode well for them. Even after the 'updated' version a couple of days ago, there are still many editing errors (including some substantive ones) in the so-called 'corrected' version. Unimpressed, personally.

That said, I've had a lot of fun in AL, but it was largely despite the modules, and not because of them. As a DM for AL, you learn to just roll with the punches and try and fill in the...See more
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Joseph G March 28, 2016 10:20 pm UTC
So, I purchased this and just downloaded the update. I checked over the suit of swords section, but there's still one part that seems to be messed up. Pg 25 states two Orcs are rummaging through the cart, however, in adjusting the encounter for weak parties, it says to replace the orog with an orc. Unfortunately neither the boxed nor the unboxed text states anything about an orog. Should I assume the two orcs are actually an orc and an orog? Any thoughts on this? Other than that, the rest of the suit of swords makes more sense to me. Thanks for thoughts.
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Joseph G March 21, 2016 2:29 am UTC
Considering purchasing this, but I'm concerned about the reports of poor editing. Will I need to rewrite some of it on my own in order to make it reasonably playable? Are the errors fairly easy to fix, or will I have to pull stuff out of places best not mentioned in a public forum in order to make it work? :-) Thanks for any comments!
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Christopher F March 25, 2016 4:53 pm UTC
Hey Joe,

Honestly, in it's current state, it's reasonably playable. That's not to say there isn't contradictions in story, or typos / poor editing that you will have to contend with, because there are. But in my opinion, they're fairly easy to fix and won't / shouldn't take significant time out of your prep, though that will obviously depend on how significant the changes you decide to make, as well as how sensitive you are to these type of things. Personally, typos annoy me, but having run these Expeditions (no longer called that, but I'm using the term) since Adventurer's League began, I can say that the poor editing for Suits of the Mist is on the tame side of things.

The March 18th review written here is very accurate in what is currently ailing this adventure to help you pinpoint the current mistakes, though I think the star ratings are overly generous (What's the incentive to improve, if everyone seems fine with it?)

Hopefully, the updates will come sooner rather than...See more
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Joseph G March 25, 2016 5:30 pm UTC
Thank you for the information :) I'm sometimes retentive about grammar and spelling, but it sounds like it won't cause me too much angst.
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Gregory M March 18, 2016 2:13 pm UTC
For those asking for updates, please note that since we are not individually published, OBS uploads our updates on a specific schedule. We need to wait on that schedule. That said, edits and updates are coming but generally take a week our two (maybe longer for some).
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Travis B March 17, 2016 5:41 pm UTC
sadly i won't be buying any of these season 4 mods, unless/until i see that the proofing/editing has been fixed or improved :(
I couldn't complain when they where free, you get what you pay for, and i could accept a bit of sloppiness, but if you want me to pay you money for it, (even if it's only $3) I expect at least SOME attempt at editing. /sigh really disappointed that their quality control is still shoddy
edit: fyi a friend bought the mod so i have actually seen it, not just blowing smoke
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James E March 17, 2016 9:40 pm UTC
I run AL at a store where it's very popular so I'll wind up buying stuff pretty much no matter what. That said, I think it's worth seeing how the update process works. The author of this responded to enough angry tweets, emails, and reviews on here that they produced edits and uploaded them fairly quickly. It's possible that other authors will either learn a lesson from that or do the same. So it may be worth it to wait a week, see the reviews, and then decide to buy them.
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Garrett V March 17, 2016 11:11 pm UTC
I agree that if you are expected to pay for adventure league material it should be of better quality as far as continuity of story and detail (like Aya's hair color changes from previous episodes even though the rest of the block text is copy and paste). Proofreading is a must to ensure critical information (like the number of goblins) is included and correct. I will most likely buy the next module since the adventurers are now in Barovia and the continuity of the Moonsea area is no longer important. It will be interesting to see how consistent to the original material they stay for the village of Barovia and the surrounding area.
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Shawn M March 22, 2016 8:24 pm UTC
Quick clarification: the author did not reply. A member of the AL staff replied. The author does not submit a final version of the adventure to the DMG site and has no control over edit/changes to the adventures.
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Mick H March 16, 2016 9:58 am UTC
I agree with other reviewers about the lack of proof-reading and confusion over goblins, orcs and orogs. I'll be giving my players full xp despite there being no orog. I'm also disappointed in the story logic of pursuing 4 different people (some a day away, one a day and a half away and yet always catching up with them). It's not a show-stopper but it certainly doesn't help with immersion into the story. When I wrote a 4E adventure for organised play a few years ago the amount of attention to detail from my editors was huge (painfully so). Hopefully it will be fun to play but it doesn't bode well for the quality of the rest of the series.
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Tim B March 16, 2016 12:14 am UTC
I've never been one to read real world stuff into fantasy stuff as far letting it bother me. At some point, with as much world history we have, a written group of people will be similar to what's been seen in the real world. It's going to happen, intentional or not....not going to let it bother me if I find it does, just my personal view point of which I'm sure others might agree or disagree.

The problem of comparing the Romani to this adventure is what most people know comes from the crappy reality tv show, which no reality tv shows portrays people in a good light, most on that show don't show the best judgment to every day life issues.
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James E March 15, 2016 8:23 pm UTC
I wanted to respond to Aron B.'s review. He is absolutely spot on that the analog for the Romani people are portrayed very negatively in this adventure. I can assure you that that is almost certainly going to be the case throughout almost all of season 4, just like it is in Curse of Strahd. The Vistani are a group of wanderers very clearly inspired by the Romani. The distrust, superstition of them, their magical abilities, different cultural norms, names, and nomadic lifestyle are all based on them.

They have been a key part of Ravenloft since its inception and play a pivotal role in the plot due to their connection with Strahd. I won't go into spoilers but I will say that they intentionally use the stereotypes to establish that the Vistani are not trusted by the villagers, that the lack of trust isn't completely unwarranted, and to make the ones that are different stand out. Given how integral they are to the story of Strahd, I don't know how a Ravenloft module could be made without including them...See more
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Garrett V March 15, 2016 7:33 pm UTC
There seems to be missing information in Mission 3: Swords that breaks the entire mission. The first encounter starts by mentioning a pair of orcs, then when it comes time for combat it talks about goblins being involved in the first encounter, but does not mention the number of goblins. The writing indicates that it is more than just a pair of goblins. The courtyard encounter mentions 2 orcs, but in the adjust encounter box it mentions replacing an orog with an orc to make the encounter weaker for smaller parties. But no mention of an orog in the original encounter layout. I will probably have to make my own adjustments, but this reflects poorly on the proofreading of the adventure and should be addressed as an addendum as well as reviewing other adventures for these types of obvious errors before publishing them.
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James E March 15, 2016 8:03 pm UTC
The proofreading has always been atrocious on the DDEX stuff. I was really hoping that putting it up on something like this where people can review it and making it so that the authors only get paid if people buy it would increase the copy editing quality. Alas, that seems not to be the case.

If we are lucky, they will at least edit stuff in response to comments like yours.
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Le T March 15, 2016 8:22 pm UTC
I was hoping that as people would be paid for this content the quality of the work would increase, but apparently not... Well at the very least I don't think that we the same atrocious editing like the one in Writhing in the Dark.
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James E March 15, 2016 8:25 pm UTC
Ugh, the worst part of Writhing is that they never provided the corrected edition. It was supposed to be out on the 11th for stores so we could get it before the 15th when they took down the old adventures. But instead they just never uploaded a new version. So we're going to have to pay to get a playable version of that one.
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Cheryl P March 18, 2016 8:53 pm UTC
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